C101 reservoir shock

"This place is pretty rundown."

I took a look and felt that it was a little strange. Wasn't Wei Xiaoqiang's house in water conservancy company famous in the city?

Wei Xiaoqiang explained to me: All the reservoirs in the world are the same, only the internal staff of the company can come to this place, so there is no need to create such a flashy scene, as long as the water source can be stored here.

I felt that what he said made sense, and that the fence beside the iron gate had fallen down. I walked in directly, but found that Wei Xiaoqiang was still by the side of the carriage.

Looking at his attitude, it seemed that he didn't intend to go in. I glanced at him and said, "What's up? Everyone has come. Let's go in together."

Wei Xiaoqiang quickly waved his hands, shook his head like a rattle drum, and said:

"Don't... "Uncle, I'm scared. I'll wait for you here. After you've finished checking the situation, I'll drive you back."

I was speechless. I said that we would come together, and actually let myself go up along the way … but seeing Wei Xiaoqiang's scared to death look at me, I couldn't do anything about it either.

If he gets scared to death when he gets up there, I'll have to comfort him.

I thought about it and decided to leave him here and go up alone.

This area before the reservoir seemed to be the source of groundwater or the main river of some other river, and it was artificially divided into seven or eight oversized ponds.

The position on the shore was consolidated with cement, but there were still places where weeds as tall as a man could be found. In addition, the sound of water flowing at night was so loud that the sound of the phone was even a bit scary.

I turned on the flash and looked ahead. I heard a splash in the water.

The sound made me shudder, and I quickly took a flash and shone it into the water.

It turned out that the fish in the reservoir had come out at night to catch their breath.

I took a moment to collect myself and looked into the reservoir again at the bubbling fish.

At first I thought there was only one fish, but when I looked closer, I saw that it was a large group of fish lying dormant in the water.

Each fish was about half a meter long, not much thinner than a person's calves, and they were piled up in a swarm of bees. The outermost fish were the largest, with a diameter of half a meter and a length of one meter.

Together, the fishes were like a whirlwind as they continuously swirled in the water, causing the water in the reservoir to form a black whirlpool.

I exclaimed in my heart. This could be considered a miracle.

This reservoir could actually raise such a big fish. No wonder those night fishermen liked to fish in the reservoir.

I glanced at it and continued to walk forward. Suddenly, I heard a howling sound coming from behind me.

"Help me!"

"Come and save me."

When I heard this sound, I felt my whole body tremble. Could it be that someone else fell into the water in the middle of the night?

But another answer came to me.

Could it be that the water ghost was trying to lure them out? As soon as they ran into the water to save them, they would be dragged down the river by the water ghost.

However, the sound was still wailing like ghosts and howling like wolves:

"Eldest Brother above, I see you. Quickly come and save me, I beg you."

From the sound of it, it was a woman, and the sound was extremely miserable.

If he really fell into the water and didn't go to save him, then it would be too late.

I made up my mind. I decided to go over and take a look first. I climbed to the edge of the pond and shone the light into it using my cell phone.

About two to three meters from the shore, a girl was flopping in the water with all her might. From time to time, she would sink a little, but soon, she would come back up again.

I took a deep breath and shouted into the water, "Just you wait, I'll come down and save you."

I quickly took off my shoes, and at that moment, my phone suddenly rang again. Looking at the caller ID, it was Sun Yangjun.

As I took off my shoes, I picked up the call. Sun Yangjun merely said one sentence coldly on the other end of the phone:

"Don't go into the water, there will be trouble."

With that said, Sun Yangjun hung up.

How did Sun Yangjun know I was going to go into the water? Could it be that he was in the vicinity? I looked around, but other than the trees and grasses swaying in the wind, the outline of the trees and grasses were illuminated by the moonlight.

His call made goosebumps rise all over my body. I stared blankly at the girl in the pool.

The girl seemed to be worried and shouted:

"Hurry down and save me."

With that, the girl sank back into the pool and more than ten big bubbles appeared on the surface of the water.

Suddenly, a sound came from the pond. It was an extremely deep sound …

"Save me …"

"It's so cold in the water …"

"So cold... Why don't you come down and accompany me? "

My entire body was covered in wood. At this moment, a one meter long bubble appeared on the surface of the water. Then, with a bang, the bubble exploded, splashing water everywhere.

The girl gradually floated out from under the water. It was as if her whole body was standing in the water, exposing half of her body.

Under the illumination of the flashing lights, the girl's face was extremely pale. All that was left in her eyes were the whites as she swam towards the shore bit by bit.

"Why didn't you save me? Why didn't you save me …"

Seeing that the girl was about to swim over, he took a few steps back, tripped over a rock and sat on the ground.

The girl had already swam to the shore. However, she was lingering on the shore and did not reach the shore. Instead, a fishy stench drifted in the air.

"Hurry up and save me, I'm begging you." The girl wailed in a low voice.

When I saw this, I howled and lifted up the stone that tripped me and threw it into the water.

However, that stone did not hit the water ghost. Instead, it hit the black vortex formed by the group of big fish.

In the blink of an eye, the stone transformed into a huge splash in the middle of the black vortex.

Some of the fish rushed towards the girl, but that girl was actually like a stream of air. With a 'sou' sound, several large fish passed through the girl's body.

The girl looked at me unwillingly before sinking to the bottom bit by bit.

In the middle of the night, I really met a ghost. Cold sweat broke out all over my body and I sat on the ground for a long time.

At this time, Wei Xiaoqiang sent me a message:

"Brother Qin, this place is really strange, I will go back first. See you tomorrow."

"Holy shit, you left me here in the middle of the night."

When I saw this piece of news, I flew into a rage. I called Wei Xiaoqiang and told him to come pick me up quickly.

But Wei Xiaoqiang's phone could not be reached.

I helplessly looked at the surface of the water. The fish that were fleeing in all directions had now formed a black whirlpool, and it was a little bigger than before.