Book 15: Chapter 56

Name:Martial King's Retired Life Author:
Book 15: Chapter 56

Clang! The big mans broadsword soared into the ether, while his arm swelled up. Though he screamed out pain and anger, he didnt dare to advance again.

The three assailants cast their gazes to the spot on the ground where they heard something drop softly. They were all cognisant that the object was what disarmed their ally and saved Li Zizis life. It bounced twice on the ground before lying flat against the ground. They all shifted their gaze from the copper coin to Ming Feizhen in synchrony, only to receive an angry glare. They quickly noticed that Ming Feizhen had a stone in his hand that he was about to throw but was beaten to the punch.

Everyone who knew Duke Ming knew that he saw food as important as alcohol, alcohol as important as money, and money as important food. Asking him to throw a copper coin to stop an attack was tantamount to demanding him to dig out a bone of his to throw. Besides, he was Duke Ming. Who were they? Why would he use money to resolve something he couldve resolved with a stone?

There was only one person left who couldve disarmed the big man Li Zizi. When he was about to perish, the first thing that came to mind wasnt whether or not his shifu would assist him. Instead, he recalled the lesson on having to remain calm whilst using Pure Yang One Qi from the manual. He promptly calmed himself and tried to circulate qi through his body. After he discovered he was only able to mobilise his right hand and wrist, he decided to place his faith in a coin he had in his hand as a backup plan before he engaged them. Pinpointing his assailant by their qi, he flicked the coin at the spot where he sensed the densest qi, which happened to be the broadsword.

The disarmed man only had his brute strength going for him as a combatant, but his arm strength was enough to match, even win, martial artists who had undertaken training in an internal discipline. His most dangerous trait, though, was his reckless and fearless style of fighting; he was willing to sacrifice a limb to catch his target. All that being said, he wasnt all brawn and no brains. The fact that his weapon weighing over a dozen kilograms was sent sky high and that his arm was numb when his opponent was just a lanky kid was alarming, and he knew what that alarm meant.

Li Zizis body felt supple again once he expelled the rampaging yang qi in him with the flick, allowing him to vanish from their sight before they knew it. He was light and nimble, so as soon as he reduced his height and moved with the support of pure yang qi, he was akin to a high-velocity arrow out of an encirclement. Li Zizi looked relaxed once he escaped; it was as though he was never in danger.

Crafty little brat! brayed Peng Caiji, advancing on Li Zizi.

Peng Caiji knew Li Zizi didnt just pull some voodoo trick, but Tong Chuans demise left the chain of command broken, so Peng Caiji jumped into the leaders boots before their group fell apart. Moreover, he noticed that Li Zizi didnt seem able to use the dangerous skills at will, so he assumed it was safe to attack and possibly seize victory as long as he measured their distance appropriately.

The first time Li Zizi failed was due to his recovery speed being too fast. The second time he failed was due to his recovery being slower than he anticipated. Under those circumstances, he was far off from being able to apply it to real combat. Nevertheless, he understood why his shifu brought him here.

From the last two exchanges, Li Zizi learnt that his actions influenced the rate of pure yang true qi collection and dispersion. He wouldnt have learnt that if he just practiced behind closed doors.

The pure yang true qi accumulated rapidly. It had to be used, but it couldnt be fully used up. Once it was used up in one sitting, the new pure yang qi required qi recalibration, or he wouldve lost control faster than normal. It was advantageous to be able to put everything into one blow at will, but it was a suicidal strategy when going up against multiple opponents. Therefore, leaving about 10% to 20% in reserve became a golden rule for himself.

As Li Zizi celebrated his new progress inwardly, he felt a cold breeze close in on his shoulder. He rotated his body to dodge, but he felt sluggish compared to before. In the spur of the moment, he drove his foot into the whip users chest, using the impact to rebound away, but his right sleeve was left with a hole from Peng Caijis sneak attack.

Li Zizi was sure he obliged with all the teachings in the manual, yet he felt that his pure yang true qi was recovering painfully slowly. He launched himself away the same time just then as before, yet he nearly lost his arm. In other words, keeping energy in reserve gave him a backup option, but the trade-off was slower recovery of pure yang true qi. If there was a perfect analogy, it wouldve been that Pure Yang One Qi was a blade that Li Zizi could hold, but it wasnt one he could control well enough to aim yet.

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