Chapter 2312

Jian Xian hesitated and decided to return to his family first. Now, the swordsman can't live without him.

Jian Xian stood up and went to Yin Han and Tao Huayun. Almost at the same time, they opened their eyes and looked at Xiang Jianxian. Jian Xian was somewhat ashamed and said, "brother Yin, brother Tao, I have a heartless request. I hope the two brothers can help me!"

Both of them frowned, thinking that Jianxian would not be tired of waiting here. Would you like to take the initiative to kill the mainland of Jiuyang? Don't they dare not act arbitrarily without the order of Xiao Taiyi. Even if there is no order from Xiao Taiyi, they are not willing to rush to Jiuyang land.

It is not to say that the famous Tongtian may sit on the other side and die in the past. Even if there is no Tongtian, they are not willing to risk crossing the void barrier. After all, it is not yet time to suppress Jiuyang mainland regardless of the consequences.

Tao Hua said, "what's up, brother Jian, but it's OK to say so!"

Jian Xian arched his hand at Tao Huayun and said, "the death of jianlingzi is a great blow to me and our swordsmen. I want to avenge the murderer all the time. But now we are sitting here, we don't know when the other party will come. It's a troubled time for the sword family. I want to ask you two for help to continue to guard the border. I'll leave to deal with some common affairs. When I'm finished, I'll come back immediately. "

Before Tao Hua Yun could reply, Yin Han on one side said coldly: "brother Jian, that's not right. It's the Lord's order to sit on the border. If brother Jian leaves rashly, how can he give an account to him? Besides, we are only here to assist brother Jian. How can we shoulder the heavy responsibility of brother Jian? If you let the adults know, you will blame me and brother Tao together. "

On hearing this, Tao Huayun's look became serious and said: "brother Yin is right. It's your order to sit on the border. Brother Jian should not leave here rashly. If you really have something urgent, you can ask your majesty first. "

Jian Xian's heart is very greasy and crooked. How big is this? It involves disobeying orders?

In this case, Jian Xian can't go.

As for asking Xiao Taiyi, he didn't think about it. Nine times out of ten, Xiao Taiyi will agree, but in the future, how can he get a foothold in Dongyang star region?

Jian Xian can only stay depressed.

After a few months of blinking, bad news came from the swordsmen. Several forces with a gap with the swordsmen had already begun to suppress the swordsmen, which made the sword virtuous feel on pins and needles. Yin Han and Tao Huayun turned a blind eye.

Just when Jianxian was about to lose his seat, something finally came out of the empty border barrier.

"At last?" Jian Xian rushes to the void barrier for the first time. He shoots terror light in his eyes, and his murderous spirit soars into the sky.

The hatred in the heart and the depression and anger of this period of time broke out completely in an instant.

At this time, not to mention ordinary people, even if the emperor Tongtian killed him, I'm afraid Jianxian would rush up to fight.

Yin Han and Tao Huayun looked at each other, stood up slowly, and went with Jian Xian.


The empty barrier exploded, and a huge black hole appeared. A black figure rushed out in a panic. The clothes were ragged, the hair was smoking, and there was lightning on the body.

"A punishment from heaven?"

Jian Xian, Yin Han and Tao Huayun are all surprised. I didn't expect that when the comer crossed the empty barrier, he was punished by heaven, which shows that his strength is not simple.

When you see the person's appearance, you are surprised.

Isn't this the man who destroyed the city of the divine boundary? A man who had just broken through the early period of Emperor Wu was punished by heaven when he crossed the empty barrier?

Naturally, this man is Han Yu.

This time he crossed the void barrier, and the punishment from heaven was even more terrible than the one he met when he returned to the mainland of Jiuyang, making him almost unable to get out.

Jian Xian was surprised and overjoyed. At present, many people in Dongyang star region hate Han Yu to the point of itching teeth. If you kill Han Yu today, his reputation and status in Dongyang star region will rise rapidly. Who else dares to play swordsman?

"Humble man, just in time, die!"

Sword virtuous heart read a move, a sword appeared in the hand, a sword toward Han Yu stab.

Jian Xian was still tens of miles away from Han Yu a moment ago. In a blink of an eye, he came to Han Yu and stabbed Han Yu in the chest.

The breath of terror swept the sky, and the sword moved the stars.

Han Yu was shocked by such a terrible attack.

"The middle of the true God?"

Han Yu quickly changed his form and shadow to dodge the other side's sword.


In a twinkling of an eye, Jian Xian stabbed out several swords, and the sword passed Han Yu. Han Yu's ragged clothes also added some sword holes.

Jian Xian didn't expect Han Yu to react so quickly. He snorted coldly. His sword was so strong that he blocked heaven and earth directly and made Han Yu avoid it.

After several dodges, Han Yu is also ready, facing this must kill a sword, directly one punch bombards out.

Seeing this, Jian Xian couldn't help sneering at him. A man who was just a scholar in the early days of Emperor Wu wanted to kill his sword with his fist. It was just a dream."When!"

Han Yu's fist hit Jianxian's sword hard, sending out a terrible sound like a big LU Hong.

Jian Xian's sword was bent and played straight. Jianxian was shocked to snort. He staggered back a few steps, and his face turned red.

Yin Han and Tao Huayun in the rear were not able to change their color slightly.

What terrible fighting power is this?

The cold light twinkled in the eyes of the sword virtuous. He raised his sword and chopped it. Suddenly, the sword's awn soared into the sky, and the sword's intention swept over the sky.

The hand is a low-level Jidao magic power.

For a while, the wind and the wind changed color, and the sword idea turned into a tide. Han Yu felt as if he had been stabbed by countless steel.

Jian Xian's strength is far stronger than Zhou Tianshu, which makes Han Yu feel the pressure.

However, Han Yu was not afraid. With a cold hum, he hit out again. His hand was Tiandao baquan.


Tiandao baquan and Jingtian Jianqi collide and explode. Jianxian snorts and flies backward. The tiger's mouth is torn and his face turns ugly. But Han Yu, the body shakes and then stops, does not move in place, only slightly pale face.

Jian Xian is incredible. Han Yu is not only powerful in fighting, but also astonishing in defense.

In this encounter, the attack and killing power of the two sides were almost equal, but the shock of Jian Xian was far more serious than that of Han Yu. This shows that Han Yu's physical strength is above Jian Xian's and his fighting ability is above Jian Xian's.

It's just counter intuitive. Even the sword spirit son, which is the fusion of the body and the magic weapon, does not have such a strong defense.

The most important thing is that Han Yu seems to have suffered a lot of trauma when he crossed the void barrier. The injury is still so strong. If it was in its heyday, it would be ok?

"Is it not Tongtian who kills jianlingzi, but the person in front of him?" Jian Xian is shocked.

In the past, they agreed that no one in Jiuyang could kill jianlingzi except the emperor Tongtian. But now it seems that jianlingzi has no chance of winning even if he meets the person in front of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!