Chapter 2111

Dizhou, one of the 90 states in the Chinese mainland, is the base of the imperial League.

Han Yu came here and handed in the invitation. Soon Jiang Ling came out to meet him. After they exchanged greetings, Jiang Ling led Han Yu into the palace of the imperial League and sat down. After waiting for tea, he asked, "Han Xiaoyou has come a long way. What can I do for you?"

Jiang Ling once invited Han Yu to the imperial League more than once, but Han Yu refused.

This time, she was surprised to come uninvited.

Han Yu took a sip of tea and said, "there are two things you need to ask Master Jiang for help."

Jiang Ling said with a smile, "Han Xiaoyou, please say so."

Jiang Ling always wanted to repay Han Yu's kindness for helping him in the God's basin on that day, but he had no chance. Now it is rare for Han Yu to open his mouth. He can't help but feel refreshed and attaches great importance to it.

Han Yu said: "the first thing I want to do is to go back to the eight sides of the world. I want to take the road of connecting the imperial league with the underground."

Jiang Ling readily agreed and said, "this is no problem. Between the imperial League and the local government, it is a space wormhole connection, from which you can save a lot of time."

Han Yu then said, "the second thing is about the palace of gods. I don't know if you know the existence of the gods' palaces. "

Jiang Ling's look suddenly became serious and said, "is the palace of gods mentioned by Han Xiaoyou a huge palace hidden in a star storm?"

Han Yu nodded.

Jiang Ling said, "what does Han Xiaoyou want to know?"

Han Yu said: "what is the relationship between the gods palace and the protoss, and what is the relationship with the imperial alliance?"

Jiang Ling stopped for a moment, as if he was sorting out his thoughts. After a while, he said, "according to the ancient books of our imperial League, the gods' palace was the shrine of the gods in ancient times. It was broken by the huangquan ancestor, the demon ancestor and the tuntian demon ancestor (the ancient tuntian demon body) and lost it in the universe and the sky. In the early ancient times, it was found by the masters of our imperial League. "

Han Yu was greatly moved. In the palace of gods, there was a magic tower, which was suspected to be the master of suppressing the black sword, the master of the rebellious Dafa, and another place of swallowing the body of the demon. In this way, the corpse of the God swallowing demon that was encountered in the palaces of the gods has been preserved since ancient times.

Even the body of a saint could not have been destroyed for such a long time. Is that not to say that it is a corpse of an emperor?

Han Yu couldn't help but take a breath. He even saw the body of Emperor Wu's strong man.

"Is that the body of swallowing the heaven is the ancestor of swallowing the heaven?" Han Yu's heart was full of waves.

The ancestor of swallowing the heaven is the great ancient Tun Tian Mo body, which exists at the level of Emperor Wu; the one Han Yu met with is also a figure from ancient times, which is suspected to exist at the level of Emperor Wu.

The two men are of the same period.

This had to make Han Yu suspect that the ancestor and the body were the same person.

Only by swallowing the heaven and the earth, can we create and cultivate the skill of the anti life Dafa.

The more he thought about it, the more sure he was.

"If you swallow the heaven, can you reproduce the world?"

"Han Xiaoyou, what's the matter with you?" Ling asked in surprise. At this time, Han Yu's face was very strange.

Han Yu came back to his mind and suppressed the shock in his heart and said: "nothing. I just thought of many possibilities all at once. Since the master of the imperial League has found the palace of gods, why not bring it back? "

The palaces of the gods, once the shrine of the Protoss. If it can be recovered by the imperial alliance, it will be a great blow to the Protoss. And for the Terran, it has great research value.

Jiang Ling said: "the palace of gods is very magical. Although it has been broken, if there is life, it will move in the universe according to a specific track. Unless the strong man of Emperor Wu hands, it can change its moving track."

Jiang Ling didn't say much. Obviously, the imperial alliance didn't want to bring back the gods' palaces, but the cost was too high.

Han Yu asked, "is that big array in the palace of gods, which imprisons countless bodies of Qi Tianshi, written by the gods or by the imperial League?"

Han Yu looks at Jiang Ling directly, and his eyes become extremely sharp.

Jiang Ling didn't avoid Han Yu's eyes, and said calmly: "there are both gods' handwriting and imperial league's handwriting."

Han Yu frowned and asked, "how do you say that?"

Jiang Ling said: "there was a big array arranged by the protoss, which created the ominous old age of Qi Tianshi to suppress the human Qi Tianshi. The ancestors of the imperial League discovered it and reformed it. What you see is what it looks like after transformation. "

Han Yu said: "why didn't the imperial League destroy it?"

Now, Qi Tianshi still has an ominous old age. Obviously, the transformation of the imperial League has not had much effect.

Jiang Ling said with a wry smile, "it's not easy to destroy it because it's done by Xie Tianshi."

Han Yu sighed with a faint sigh. The way to remove the Heavenly Master was to penetrate the whole world. The array arranged by him was very difficult for the powerful emperor of Wu to destroy.

Jiang Ling turned his voice and said, "however, after continuous transformation by our imperial League masters, although the place has not been able to decipher the ominous old age of Qi Tianshi, we can use that place to become an ex Celestial Master.""Use that place to become a master of heaven?" Han Yu looks at Jiang Ling in amazement.

Jiang Ling nodded seriously and said, "if there is a cause, then there will be a result. That place can't become an exorcist for suppressing the human race. For more than 100000 years, it has accumulated countless causes and effects of Qi Tianshi. Those forces of cause and effect can not only suppress Qi Tianshi, but also be used by Qi Tianshi. "

Han Yu agrees with Jiang Ling that many things in this world have two sides.

Jiang Ling then said: "once the time is right, our imperial League will go to the gods' palace and use its power to become a Buddhist monk. Han Xiaoyou is a ten circle earth discharging division, which is only one step away from the Heavenly Master. If Han Xiaoyou joins our imperial League, Han Xiaoyou will have a good chance to gain that strength. "

Han Yu laughs bitterly, Jiang Ling really does not forget to draw him in every moment.

Han Yu naturally wants to be the omnipotent master of heaven and earth. Especially after talking to master Yi, he learns that only the master can crack the heaven and earth array. Han Yu is extremely urgent.

However, it does not matter to Han Yu whether Canada will join the imperial league or not.

Both Hanyu and the imperial league are based on the interests of the Terrans and have already stood on the United Front.

"I'll talk about it later." Han Yu stopped for a moment and said, "how much do you know about heaven and earth array, master Jiang?"

Jiang Ling's face suddenly became ugly, and his eyes showed a look of hatred. He said, "the heaven and earth array is a cage arranged by the protoss to imprison and suppress our Terrans. From the powerful Xie Tianshi's hand, we imperial alliance of past generations of sages, I do not know how much effort, so far still did not study the heaven and earth array thoroughly, now it is only a little knowledge. For the heaven and earth array, vice leader Li knows more than I do. If Han Xiaoyou is interested, I can take you to see deputy leader Li. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!