Chapter 1933

The Kirin emperor followed Han Yu to the demon God villa to see the Phoenix. At Han Yu's request, he made a low-key trip without attracting any attention.

Han Yu communicated with the avatar in advance and informed phoenix of his plan, so that she could be mentally prepared. After that, several avatars left quietly to avoid the Kirin emperor.

Everything seems normal. It's like an ordinary son-in-law who follows his daughter to see his mother-in-law. The Kirin emperor has no airs at all and is very "clever". At first, Fenghuang was very suspicious, but under the "explanation" of Han Fengwu and Han Yu, he believed that Han Fengwu was really willing to marry the Kirin emperor.

Phoenix and Han Feng dance meet in the inner room. Han Yu and Qilin emperor come to the living room.

Han Yu said: "Kirin emperor, my daughter is the apple of my eye. Her marriage should not be shabby."

Emperor Qilin said with a smile: "father in law, don't worry. This wedding will be unprecedented."

Han Yu nodded with satisfaction and said, "as the leader of the demon alliance, do you want to trap the white wolf with empty hands and take my daughter into the house for nothing?"

"The son-in-law has never had this idea. If you ask your father-in-law what kind of dowry gift you need, you will be satisfied with it."

"Good!" said Han Yu

Han Yu took out the paper and waved his pen and ink. After a while, a list of betrothal gifts was written on the paper.

"Take a look." Han Yu threw it to the Kirin emperor.

The Kirin Emperor didn't care, but when he saw the names above, he gasped.

"Is there a problem?" Han Yu glanced at the Kirin emperor, and he looked as if the Kirin emperor would explode if he dared.

"Er..." The Kirin Emperor didn't know what to say.

"My daughter is our husband and wife's palm treasure, pure Phoenix blood. You say you like her. If you don't want to give her a bride price, I'll take her away today!" Han Yu's unhappy way.

"This dowry is nothing." The Kirin emperor said with a quick smile.

The heart is in the flesh pain.

Apart from other things, it is only a holy medicine, ten inferior imperial pith and a high-level divine power. Each of these three things is invaluable. Each of them is the treasure of Qilin palace. Han Yu asked for three kinds of things as soon as he opened his mouth.

But in order to hold the beauty home, in order to the future beauty can obediently follow him, he can only bear the pain to cut the flesh.

"That's good. Go back and prepare. Send me the betrothal gift tomorrow, and I promise to marry my daughter to you." Han Yu waved. He didn't want to talk to the emperor anymore.

"Well Father in law, I'll wait for the Feng dance. " Kirin emperor road.

Now he doesn't understand whether Han Yu is really deceived or not. However, whether it is true or not, Han Feng dance must not stay here.

"She's going to stay here with her mother tonight. What do you think?" Han Yu glanced at the kylin emperor, discontented.

"How about asking Feng dance?" Kirin emperor road.

"Let's go!"

Han Yu takes the Kirin emperor into the inner room. The Phoenix is shaking hands with Han Fengwu and has a long talk.

"Feng dance, I'm ready to go back. Will you follow me back?" The Kirin emperor asked gently on his face, but secretly he threatened: "you must follow me!"

Han Fengwu naturally didn't want to go, but for the safety of Han Yu and Phoenix, the play had to go on and said, "I'd better go back."

"Well, it's really a woman who can't be left behind." Han Yu sighed, "Qilin, you wait outside. I have something to say to Feng dance."

Kirin nods and retreats. He is here, but not afraid of Han Yu. What tricks can they play.

Han Yu directly propped up the array pattern shield to protect all three members of the family. He took out the demon gourd and said, "your mother and daughter go inside and do it."

Han Fengwu worried: "father, this is too dangerous, I can't let my parents take risks for me."

Han Yu said: "it's OK. Be obedient."

Phoenix took Han Feng dance's hand and said, "don't worry, mother will be OK."

Han Yu put the mother and daughter into the devil's cage, and the mother and daughter changed their appearance in it.

Han Feng dance changed into Phoenix and Phoenix changed into Han Feng dance. Mother and daughter exchange clothes, should change the headdress, and then was released by Han Yu.

The Phoenix and Han Feng dances are very similar in appearance and temperament, and the pure Phoenix blood is flowing in their bodies. Now the mother and daughter stand in front of Han Yu. If Han Yu didn't know the truth, it would be hard for him to see it.

The biggest difference between mother and daughter is their cultivation. Phoenix calls himself cultivation. If you don't observe carefully, you can't see the clue.

Han Yu believes that the Kirin emperor can never tell the truth.

Han Yu took out emperor Tongtian's shuttle and handed it to Phoenix. He said, "Tianfeng palace is not only guarded by experts, but also has empty barriers. It's very difficult for masters in the later period of wusheng to cross, but this shuttle can."

The Kirin emperor tried his best to imprison Han Fengwu.

At the beginning, he just sent an expert to protect him, but after being broken in by Han Yu's Invisible Dragon, he directly set up a space barrier. Even if the Invisible Dragon went again, he could not enter Tianfeng palace.Han Fengwu didn't know about all these things, but Han Yu and he qiminrui explored the Qilin Palace this time.

The Phoenix put the shuttle away, and Han Yu took away the array pattern shield and said, "Kirin, come in."

The first thing that Kirin emperor came in was to explore "Han Feng dance" carefully. He was also afraid that Han Yu would switch. After careful observation, there is nothing wrong with it, so I put my heart down.

"Father in law, mother-in-law, we'll leave first." The Kirin emperor wants to pull the hand of "Han Feng dance", but she easily avoids it. The Kirin emperor doesn't care. After all, it's acting now. He knows how much Han Fengwu hates him in his heart.

"Han, come out for me!"

Just then, an angry roar came from the yard.

"It's a good time." Han Yu's eyes brightened and he said, "Kirin, don't go out here first. I'll go and have a look."

The Kirin emperor nodded. He was not suitable to appear.

Han Yu went out and saw an angry man standing in the yard. It was long yuan, the young man of the dragon clan.

Han Yu just came out, Long Yuan pointed to Han Yu and said, "Han, you son of a bitch, what do you do to longluan?"

Han Yu's face was cold, and he said: "boy, are you looking for death? Do you know who Laozi is?"

Long Yuan hums a way: "a mole ant from the lower bound, what big background does not become?"

"Get out of here and talk nonsense. I'll let the Kirin emperor destroy you all over the house!" Han Yu was furious.

"What?" Long yuan was stunned. Then he burst out laughing and said, "Han, you don't even know who you are. Can you direct the Qilin emperor? You're dreaming! Even if you can direct the Kirin emperor, what? Does it dare to move our dragon family, can it move us? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!