However, things are really more and more crazy development.

Su Yan found that when she went to a bathroom and exposed some areas, as long as those colleagues were there, she would look at Su Yan with very strange eyes, including scorn, ridicule, disgust, and even jealousy.

Su Yan looked at their eyes and thought it was funny.

Although poncho designated her to be in charge of the project in order to pursue her. However, she never had a project and promised something to poncho. What's more, she has been working hard to make this project the best, and also very hard.

But these people, just because of such hearsay, sentenced her to death.

Thinking of these, Su Yan is sad and angry, and even wants to shout to tell those people that she has never done anything to climb into someone else's bed.

But she knows, she can't say.

If she doesn't explain, others think she is guilty.

After explaining this, others will think that she is trying to wash herself away, but in the end, she will be regarded as more true.

Therefore, Su Yan knows that she can only choose to stay still. In fact, she didn't know what to do. I only know that at present, only the Ponzi jewelry project can be successfully completed.

Su Yan analyzed the pros and cons from the beginning. Although she cared about the words of those people, she could only pretend that she did not care.

In particular, I also heard those people say that they all went to bed and pretended to be pure, or what Su Yan was usually so dissolute.

Su Yan is sad in the bottom of her heart, but she still chooses to be silent. As long as she doesn't pay attention to it, she will eventually be in the past.

After listening to these rumors, Su Yan also made a decision to tell pangxiao that she was married.

She had been refusing poncho, but she had never told him she was married.

In the past, it was su Yan who didn't think it was necessary to publicize her marriage. She married shen you and kept a low profile. And the relationship with Shen you was not so close before, and I didn't want others to know her relationship with Shen you.

After all, she thought that she and Shen you would end soon.

But now it's different.

She and Shen you have already expressed their feelings to each other, and have had a relationship. She is thinking about pregnancy. Now that we have come to this stage, what are we afraid of others to know?

The reason why she chose to tell shen you at this time was that she thought that she might tell her marriage in order to solve the scandal.

Instead of letting pangxiao learn about her marriage from others at that time, she might as well tell him first.

Whether pangxiao really likes it or not, at least the other party has been chasing after himself, and he has helped in his work. For pangxiao's respect, we should first tell pangxiao about this matter.

So, Su Yan called pangxiao.

Pang Xiao saw that Su Yan called him on his own initiative, and his expression was a little fart. If President Pang was seen to be so happy because of a phone call, it would be a red rain.

"Su Yan." When pangxiao called Su Yan's name, she was smiling. However, Su Yan, who was in a bad mood, was not in the mood to think about those things.

"Mr. Pang, do you have time in the evening?" Su Yan asked.

Pang Xiao heard that Su Yan was offering himself to go out. In this case, is there time or no time?

However, Pang Xiao was not complacent. He thought that if he refused Su Yan and had no next chance, wouldn't it be too uneconomical?

After a pause, ponshaw replied, "yes."

"Since Pang always has time, why don't you have a meal with me?" Su Yan asked.

In fact, Su Yan's question is very formulaic. However, what he said made pangxiao very useful.

Su Yan takes the initiative to invite himself to dinner. This feeling is really good.

"OK, no problem." Ponshaw responded quickly.

"The address is..." Su Yan reported the time and address.

"Do you want me to pick you up?" Asked poncho, very gentlemanly.

Before the rumor broke out, Su Yan would definitely refuse pangxiao, after all, she did not want to contact pangxiao too much.

However, now the rumors are spreading more and more widely, she can't let Pang Xiao pick her up, otherwise, she can't really defend herself.

"No, I'll go by myself." Su Yan Road.

"Good." Pang Xiao heard that Su Yan really refused, rather than what was called "to refuse to return to welcome.".

Pang Xiaoyue knew Su Yan, the more he knew that Shen you and the women he had known before were quite different.

Su Yan said no, generally speaking, it's really unnecessary, and it's a refusal. But his former woman, said not, is to refuse to welcome, hoping to get more.

Different from Su Yan, pangxiao is more and more interested in Su Yan.Although the mood is very bad, but when working, Su Yan is still very hard, also try to concentrate. But she was in a bad mood and had a hard time working. At the end of the day, Su Yan looked at the progress and found that it was a third worse than usual.

When it was more than an hour before she left work, Su Yan called shen you first and said that she had some work matters to deal with in the evening. She would go back later and do not have to pick her up. Shen you didn't think much.

After work, Su Yan didn't move immediately. She didn't want to squeeze into the elevator with her colleagues or watch them talking and laughing, so she sat in the office without moving.

Ren Rongrong saw that Su Yan did not make any movement and knocked on the door of Su Yan's office.

"Come in." Su Yan Road.

"Rongrong, why haven't you left yet?" Su Yan asked after seeing that the visitor was Ren Rongrong.

Seeing Su Yan's poor face, Ren Rongrong said, "sister Su Yan, don't you go back now? I'll take you back

As soon as Ren Rongrong's words were exported, Su Yan heard it. Ren Rongrong was afraid that he was looking for a life and death. He was not at ease about himself.

No way, she is in a bad mood. The whole person seems to have no spirit. It's not surprising that Ren Rongrong misunderstood her.

"Rongrong, don't worry. I just don't want to move now. Go home quickly." Su Yan said with a smile.

Su Yan is no longer so angry when she just heard the rumors in the morning, and her mood is a little calmer. Although it is still seriously affecting the mood, but it is really much better.

"Sister Su Yan..." Ren Rongrong is still worried.

"Rongrong, I'm really OK." Su Yan said with a smile, "you go back quickly, be careful on the way."

Ren Rongrong wants to stay with Su Yan, but Su Yan is determined to let her leave. In addition, Su Yan also smiles. Ren Rongrong finally hesitates to leave.

After Ren Rongrong left, it took about ten minutes for Su Yan to pack up and leave the office.

When Su Yan arrives at the reserved restaurant, pangxiao has arrived.

"Sit down." Pangxiao said to Su Yan, "sick?"

Pangxiao looked at Su Yan's bad face and asked.

"No Su Yan chuckled and said.

Although Su Yan said no, pangxiao was very suspicious.

"Really not?" Asked pangshaw.

"Really not sick." Su Yan replied positively.

Poncho had to get rid of the subject.

After ordering and before serving, the two chat about work. Su Yan did not say that today's behavior of slowing down the progress.

Although she was going to tell ponshaw about her marriage, there was no need to talk about what happened in the company.

"Mr. Pang, eat it." Su Yan said, "this dish is delicious."

Su Yan ordered an ordinary Cantonese restaurant, and the price was about 200 yuan for two people.

Although Su Yan also wanted to invite pangxiao to dinner, she should go to a very expensive place. But in the end, I still feel that the most important thing is to eat comfortably. What's more, she's in a bad mood today. It's important to eat some favorite food to make her feel better.

"Well, it's delicious." Said pangshaw.

Pangxiao has not eaten ordinary restaurant food for a long time. If Su Yan did not ask him, he would not have come to this kind of restaurant.

Fortunately, the decoration of the restaurant is good, the environment is clean, and the taste of the food is more satisfactory.

"Mr. Pang, I have something to tell you when I ask you out today." Su Yan said.

"What's the matter?" Ponshaw raised his eyebrows.

Su Yan is hard to find anything to say to him, so pangxiao is also curious about what it is at the moment.

"Mr. Pang, you may be angry when you hear about it. However, I have not tried to hide it from you all the time. I just think it's my own business and I haven't told anyone else. But recently, because of some other things, I may have to tell you about it, so I'd better tell you first. " Su Yan's euphemism, fortunately pangxiao's understanding ability is also better, otherwise they will be confused by Su Yan's words.

Pangxiao looked at Su Yan's serious expression and became more curious about what Su Yan said.

"What's the matter? Go ahead." Said pangshaw.

Su Yan looked at pangxiao and said, "I'm married."

Pangxiao was stunned by these four words. After several seconds, he said with a smile, "Su Yan, this joke is not funny."

Pangxiao's women have never been broken, but they are all posted on their own initiative, and are unmarried, and do not have any boyfriends.

Although he has a rich private life, he doesn't want to get involved in any troubles.

Su Yan is married, and pangxiao doesn't believe it.

At the beginning, he had investigated Su Yan. Su Yan was single and had an ex boyfriend, but he was married.

Therefore, after hearing Su Yan's words about her marriage, pangxiao's first feeling is that Su Yan is rejecting herself."Mr. Pang, what I said is true, not a joke." Su Yan looked at pangxiao's expression and knew that the other side didn't believe what she said.

But that's the truth.

"Are you married?" Pang Xiao was slightly angry and felt that Su Yan used such an excuse in order to completely refuse himself, which was too much.

Moreover, he had never been treated like this before. , the fastest update of the webnovel!