Of course An Ya didn't agree. She knew very well that the person Qiao Lingyu wanted to see tonight was Su Ranqing, how could she not be present? Furthermore, she was going to bring her son along to let that bitch surnamed Su know that she and Qiao Lingyu already had a child, and that she would never have the chance again.

"No need to force it. Actually, I was in the wrong regarding the past. I was too excited sometimes and was always afraid that she would come back to take you away. However, now that I think about it, she's about to marry someone else. How could she possibly take you away?" "I was thinking too much."

This sentence did not make him particularly happy, but he did not show it on the surface.

"That's good."

He turned and went into the bathroom, leaving her outside. She turned around and looked at her sleeping son. The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, if not for this child, would she have lost to Su Ranqing in this way? Impossible. He had beaten her back then, and it was the same now.

She walked to the front of the mirror again and looked at herself. Honestly speaking, a woman who gave birth to a child would definitely be lacking a bit in comparison. She began to envy Su Ranqing again.

At night, when it was almost time, Han Zhanyan gave Qiao Lingyu a call. After receiving the call, he brought An Ya and Qiao Weiyi to attend the competition.

and Han Zhanyan had long since arrived at the dining hall. Upon seeing them arrive, he immediately asked the waiter to serve the dishes, and the attendant brought a baby chair for Qiao Weiyi to sit on. An Ya immediately felt that there was nothing else to do.

In fact, although the two did not say anything, An Ya and Su Ranqing knew who the other person was, and were too lazy to say too much.

"john, I heard that your Joe's's stocks dropped a little." Han Zhanyan's room mentioned this.

An Ya felt a little awkward, but she did not say it aloud.

"He seems to have burdened our Su Clan as well." Su Ranqing could not help but say, "Hao Chen told me about this matter, I hope you guys will take note of it in the future."

An Ya looked at her, unwilling to be outdone.

Since An Ya started this matter, of course she should be held accountable. Su Ranqing thought, did Qiao Lingyu love her that much? To be able to handle all of this by herself, it truly didn't seem like his style. It also made her feel uncomfortable.

At this time, Qiao Weiyi suddenly started crying again. Qiao Lingyu immediately went over to coax him, making it a little difficult to deal with him. They could tell that the two of them rarely brought children. Seeing that the child had cried for so long, Su Ranqing came over and patted him on the head to coax him. In the end, the child immediately stopped crying.

Qiao Lingyu looked at her in admiration, but the more he ate, the more miserable he felt.

After pacifying Qiao Weiyi, Qiao Lingyu continued to explain: "I've already dealt with this matter. Although it had a slight impact on the Su Family earlier, but it seems that Su Affairs earned some money from this matter."

Su Ranqing did not say anything. She knew that she could no longer beat him in the business world.

Han Zhanyan raised his cup and toasted to Qiao Lingyu. After drinking a few mouthfuls, the two men didn't feel that it was anything important, but the two women were not in a very good mood.

Halfway through eating, Qiao Weiyi suddenly said to An Ya: "Grandma, grandma."

She immediately stood up and said to everyone, "He seems to be hungry. I'll go get him some milk to drink first."

Qiao Lingyu nodded and carried Qiao Weiyi in his arms, he looked at her and said something to the waiter before they both went into the kitchen. When she reached the kitchen, she felt relieved. Facing Su Ranqing made her feel worse and worse. If she had known that he would see Su Ranqing here, she definitely wouldn't have come here.

She really wanted to leave right now. How could she leave right now?

She looked around and saw that the milk powder and bottle in her hand seemed to be of some use. She washed the milk and added something to it.

Son, I'm sorry. I won't let your father see that woman again. I'll have to use you. she thought.

After dissolving the food with her milk, she took her own things and walked into the dining hall. When she saw Qiao Lingyu carrying Qiao Weiyi, she felt a little uncomfortable, but in the end, she still handed the bottle over to him.

Qiao Weiyi had a very good drink, so he put him back on the child's chair and they ate together.

Qiao Lingyu and Han Zhanyan would occasionally talk with a few people, and the whole meal seemed a little awkward.

Just at this time, Qiao Weiyi's bottle fell to the ground, and everything he ate he spat out in an instant. Although An Ya knew that there would be such a result, he was still scared, and immediately picked the child up.

Although Su Ranqing did not like An Ya, but seeing Qiao Weiyi's appearance, he could not help but come and help. But at this time, An Ya did not ask her to help him saying, "Go away, you woman, do not touch my child."

She carried her child and walked out, and Qiao Lingyu immediately followed.

"Where are you carrying the baby now?" He caught up with her and said.

She didn't look back as she kept walking. "Where else can we go? It's the nearest hospital."

Without saying a word, he pulled Qiao Weiyi into his arms and quickly carried him to his own car to open the car door. She followed and carried the child back. They drove out of the resort together, a situation they had never dealt with before, but the child's vomiting worried them.

She felt extremely guilty. She didn't think that she would harm her child so much by only using a small amount of medicine. She regretted that she should not injure her child for her own selfish reasons.

Soon they found a clinic, and they had to go there first to see the doctor, for fear that if they went too far they might cause more harm to the child. After the doctor looked at it, he gave Qiao Weiyi a needle on his butt, and not long later, he stopped vomiting. After stopping, they went straight back to the city, and the things at the resort were sent back directly to the hotel.

Returning to the city, because Mrs. Joe happened to be on the phone with Qiao Lingyu, he told her everything that had happened, so she hurried over. This gave An Ya even more of a headache. In truth, compared to not wanting to face Su Ranqing and the others, she didn't want to face Mrs. Joe at this time.

The Mrs. Joe quickly brought the specialist to the Qiao Family to do an examination. After the doctor finished, he gave Qiao Weiyi some medicine and said to the Mrs. Joe: "It's a good thing that I stopped him vomiting on the way back, otherwise he would have been dehydrated. It's good for you to take some medicine now.

These words made An Ya heave a sigh of relief.