Xia Qing sneered, "what's good to talk about? Don't you think the ideas between people are really different? Even if I left the army, I never wanted to betray my former comrades in arms, never. "

"Leave, clean, betrayal is the most shameful, no matter who is disgusted, the coach was not like this before, not the kind of small action behind the back, why now become like this?"

An Xiaoyao faint smile, "why do you care, you are Xia Qing, he is Dai Fei, you were originally not the same person, put together to compare, will only pull down your style, you can't force others and you are the same idea, and you are the same to friends, loyal to your friends."

"as like as two peas," like rice, hundreds of people grow up in a rice. No one's character is the same. In order to benefit others, you are not what you have seen. " An Xiaoyao persuades patiently that Xia Qing has encountered too many things in the past six months. All of them are put together. Now, if Dai Fei betrays more, her heart will certainly be uncomfortable.

He also knows that Xia Qing is not comfortable, but he can't help it. He doesn't know how to persuade her.

After all, the position is different.

He can only say what he thinks.

Xia Qing said, "he used to be my coach. Even if things happened in those years, I didn't think he was a bad man. Men always have bad habits. They like to have wives and concubines. It's their nature to leave flowers in the wind."

"After that, I didn't think he was worth trusting for life, but I always felt that he was a character and a hero worthy of respect. Apart from that, everything he did was indomitable and admirable."

"Now after many years, he appears again, smashing the hero image in my memory, and making my impression of him collapse. Have you ever felt this way? You always think that this person is like this in your heart. Just like Gu Qiqi, I always think she is my best friend and sister, but suddenly someone tells me that she is not, she is just Trump, an undercover. Like a coach, I always thought he was a hero. Now, the hero himself smashed his image. Why? My memories have been taken away by them one by one, which makes me very uncomfortable

"No one can take away your memories. It's always been your memories, but they are different. You're not worth worrying about An Xiaoyao said that Xia Qing was so worried about this that it was not worth it.

How can people remain unchanged.

Xia Qing lies on her back in the garden, and her mind is drifting far away. Does she have to live such a wanted life in her life and never sleep soundly? This time, they were lucky to see the special forces team first.

Next time, if you can't escape, what to do?

She's just an agent. An agent who knows too much intelligence will not betray them even if she leaves. All the information she knows is rotten in her stomach and never tells anyone else.

What are they chasing so hard for?

Do you have to kill her?

She has worked for them for so many years that they don't understand what kind of person she is?

That's ridiculous.

In that case, she is as they wish.

The more they fear something, the more she does.

"We're going back to America."

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