"Nonsense, I've finished all of them. You see, they're all empty plates." Xia Qing proves that she is not picky about food, and her expression is serious. An Xiaoyao can't laugh or cry.

"How nice."

Xia Qing Don't take advantage of me. What's your tone? "

When she was a child?

Ann Xiaoyao asked knowingly, "what did Nolan say to you?"

"What else can I say? Set me free." Xia Qing said, "from today on, Laozi is a free body. You can do whatever you want, without any restriction It's easy to think about it. "

She has always been natural and unrestrained as the wind, most suitable for the days of wandering.

I never like bondage.

"I don't think you've thought about running to your sister."

"I'd like to join in, but I'm afraid that president Tang will slap me to death." Xia Qing said, "I don't care about childish men. I can't help bothering him."

Xia Qing knows that what an Xiaoyao said is Xiaoxue, not Xia Chenxi, but that she pretends not to understand.

An Xiaoyao looked at her with a smile. His dark eyes glanced at her. He whispered, "Xia Qing, why do you reject trumps so much? It's because you and we are antagonistic at the beginning. Are you afraid that our people will protest?"

Xia Qing didn't think so, and did not answer. An Xiaoyao said, "you think too much. Trump is a place for worshipping kings. The stronger you are, the more convincing you can be. If you come to trump cards, they will definitely welcome you."

"I don't need anyone to welcome me, and I don't care about other people's eyes. I just know that I don't want to play trump card, and there are not many reasons. It's just because I don't want to. I can do whatever I want. Since I don't want to, no one can persuade me." Xia Qing said bluntly, "don't waste your energy, it doesn't work."

"You know what? Morning light and snow are very worried about you, you take good care of the injury, go out from here, how many people are waiting to kill you. Your family are afraid that you will encounter danger again. What should we do if we encounter similar things again? "

"I'll be careful myself. It won't happen again." Xia Qing said, eyes firm, "I can be a person for so many years, I am not unable to live without Guo An, I do not need you to protect."

The people who killed them at first, and now let them protect them, she also has dignity. How could she do such a thing.

She would rather go on her own, even if the wind and rain again big, at least, her back is straight, not afraid of anyone stabbing her spine.

"By the way, the doctor is preparing to do skin grafting operation for her, so she has not come to see you for the time being." An Xiaoyao said, Xia Qing pick eyebrows, look at him, these days, an Xiaoyao is the only person who mentioned Gu Qiqi in front of her.

Xia Chenxi, Xiaoxue and Lu Zhen have not mentioned what happened to Gu Qiqi. Long Si has been busy taking care of Gu Qiqi, but has not appeared.

Only an Xiaoyao

"I don't want to know!" Xia Qing's face sank.

"Stop duplicity."

"An Xiaoyao, don't think you know me very well." Xia Qing is a little angry. The feeling of being seen through is not good, especially for this fox like man. Why can he tell her mind so frankly.

An Xiaoyao smile, such as conniving at a bad tempered child, "OK, I don't know you at all, are you satisfied? Anyway, we'll live and die together for several times. Don't talk with such a straight face. Come on, give my brother a smile. "

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