"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing and what the consequences are. I'll take it." Lu Zhen said.

Mu Yunsheng waved, "OK, go ahead."

Lu Zhen turned back and enlarged the map to find out which street they were going to. Suddenly, the green dot on the map disappeared. Lu Zhen was flustered. Xia Chenxi pointed to the disappeared place. "That's it. They block all signals, so you can't catch it. It should be around here. It's three kilometers around. It's absolutely not wrong."

Long Si nods, zooms in on the map, and asks all the agents to gather there and search for three kilometers around, especially if there are large buildings nearby. Xia Chenxi frowns slightly and goes out of the door. Gu Qiqi follows.

"It's not good for you now. You don't have to rush out." In the elevator, Xia Chenxi said to Gu Qiqi.

Gu Qiqi said, "no, I'm very clear about the location they chose. I'll go and have a look at it myself. Maybe I can find something new."

Xia Chenxi shows her hands and doesn't say anything.

An Xiaoyao was pushed by a strong force, stumbled into a cell, bound to a chair, he heard the sound of the chain, and then all hands and feet were tortured. In the air, there was a smell of decay and iron smell.

He didn't hear anyone talking and everything was quiet.

He tried to move his hands. There was very little space for him to move, so he gave up.

An Xiaoyao's eyes are still covered with gauze and can't see anything. As soon as the operation is good, Xiaoxue says that it will take two days to remove the thread. He can't wait, so he decides to fly back first. Now I don't know whether his eyes are good.

"Ann Xiaoyao, how Is it you? " A faint voice came from the opposite side. Even if it was hoarse and ugly, an Xiaoyao recognized it for the first time. It was Xia Qing's voice. It was Xia Qing's voice. She was still alive.

The gentle lips of the man raised slightly, "you see, we are really predestined to be bound together again. It seems that this life is destined to be bound together."

"Go away!" Xia Qing's breath was like a gossamer, and she couldn't help laughing. Then, there was an earth shaking cough. Then, there was no sound. An Xiaoyao's hand moved and the chain clattered, "Xia Qing, Xia Qing..."

Xia Qing didn't answer and passed out.

"Xia Qing..." An Xiaoyao called several times, but there was no response. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Xia Qing had great perseverance. Even if she had a little will, she would not allow herself to faint. She knew that once she was unconscious, there were too many things they could do to her.

Unless she can't hold on.

Trapped in the chain, clattering, and can not hear Xia Qing's voice, can not see Xia Qing's people, an Xiaoyao is very depressed, he reaches out to untie the gauze, and remembers Xiao Xue's advice, he refrains.

If you can't bear it for a day and live in the dark all your life, it's a terrible thing.

He knew Xia Qing was still alive, which was enough.

Xia Qing, hold on for a while, at most one day, they will come to save you.

There is no sound in the underground prison, only the smell of rolling in the humid air. An Xiaoyao calms down and stores his physical strength. After a long time, Xia Qing's cough is heard again.

It seems, accompanied by the sound of hemoptysis.

"Xia Qing, how are you doing, are you ok?" An Xiaoyao asked.

Xia Qing answered for a long time, "I can't die."

The same hard bone clank.

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