Xia Qing didn't say anything more. Listening to an Xiaoyao's instructions, she ran to the position he requested. The wind and snow on this side is not big or small. The helicopter can see her, and the visibility is a little low. The helicopter must lower its altitude.

As soon as the helicopter lowered its height, it designed for Xia Qing. More than a dozen bullets hit Xia Qing in a second. Xia Qing rolled on the snow and rolled down directly. An Xiaoyao lay on the snow and aimed at the position of the helicopter's fuel tank. Suddenly, he fired a gun. The missile flew out and hit the helicopter accurately, which immediately exploded the helicopter.

"Beautiful!" An Xiaoyao snapped his finger.

The blood was quickly extinguished on the snowy mountain.

An Xiaoyao comes out of his hiding place and shouts Xia Qing.

Xia Qing climbs up and throws his equipment bag to him. Suddenly she sees blood on an Xiaoyao's shoulder. An Xiaoyao looks at her eyes and says, "it's OK. It's just an old wound. Go."

They must cherish every minute.

Xia Qing doesn't say anything any more. In fact, her injuries are more serious than an Xiaoyao. She doesn't care. Her leg injuries also affect the speed of walking. An Xiaoyao specially cooperates with Xia Qing.

They went to the hillside and looked back with binoculars. There was no one to see in the snow.

Helicopters can't get into the mountain. They're safe for the time being.

There was something to eat in the equipment belt, and they ate a little chocolate next to each other. They stuffed the snow directly into their mouths, which made them cold all over.

Xia Qing suddenly frowned, "you listen, what voice?"

An Xiaoyao stops all movements, narrows his eyes dangerously, and his pupils shrink abruptly. "No, it's snowmobiles."

Snowmobile is a special vehicle in the snow, the speed is very fast, and will not be blocked by snow, running speed and normal car, in the snow extremely fast. An Xiaoyao and Xia Qing lose the chocolate they haven't eaten. They take out the spear from the equipment bag and hang the ammunition directly on the equipment belt.

An Xiaoyao said in a deep voice, "one man grabs a car, and he will act according to circumstances."

Xia Qing nods, naturally no problem.

At this time, she can only trust an Xiaoyao, just like an Xiaoyao just let her be a bait. If another person dares to say so, Xia Qing will shoot him with one shot. It's really killing who can let her be the bait.

However, she did not say much and did what Ann Xiaoyao said.

She trusted him in such matters.

The two men hid in the crevices of the rocks, and soon heard the huge sound of cars. They saw more than a dozen snow vehicles running on the snow mountain and roaring. The cars were running very fast and they were well equipped.

An Xiaoyao and Xia Qing are surprised to find that they don't need to rob two cars.

There's a double car.

At the same time to drive, while shooting, very troublesome, the survival rate is also reduced.

One person drives, one shoots, increasing their survival rate.

An Xiaoyao compared a gesture, Xia Qing understood what he meant, and they wanted a car. There were two or one cars in this group. There were only a few double cars, most of which were single cars.

They scattered to find the whereabouts of an Xiaoyao and Xia Qing.

Their hiding place is not hidden. It's only a matter of time before they are found. It's very simple to find a man in the bare snow mountain. Xia Qing aims at one of the double cars, pulls the trigger and kills the driving agent.

An Xiaoyao's silencing pistol also killed one of them.

"With a silencing gun."

"Nonsense, it's common sense. Can you teach me?" Make complaints about summer.

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