He has a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. He will never let his subordinates and his brothers bear the consequences for his mistakes.

If he is forced to hurry up, he dares to choose.

Nolan rubbed his eyebrows. There was always something grinding in his nerves, which seemed to empty him. He accompanied Lu Zhen Da for half a year to get rid of drugs. He was not very well at heart. Recently, he had a series of accidents.

Michael's life and death are uncertain, and his aunt is determined to fight the trump card again.

Lu Zhen was forced to do so step by step.

He's like a sandwich.

One is kindness and relatives, the other is love.

Both sides each hold a knife, all stabbed at him, no one came to ask him, Nolan, are you tired?

Nolan, do you hurt?

Nolan, are you in trouble?

He broke his heart for them and tried every means to stop his aunt's investigation. He tried every possible means to make Lu Zhen recover from health. As a result, he made himself full of holes.

"I see. I'll tell her." Nolan's voice was so cold that he could freeze into ice. His eyes looked far away from the shore. His eyes were empty. He habitually suppressed all his thoughts, swallowed all his sorrows, and frozen his heart inch by inch.

He knew that Lu Zhen was not wrong.

Sophia was not wrong.

If people have different beliefs, ideals and positions, there will naturally be various contradictions.

Everyone is right. What's wrong?

Lu Zhen comes to Nolan mainly to say that Xiao Xue's operation on Michael has come to an end. He also wants to withdraw. Although he wants to get along with nolando, he is afraid that he will be too attached to him and makes a decision that will make him regret.

As soon as he started the engine, Nolan stretched out his long arm, turned the key, and put out the fire. Lu Zhen looked at him sideways and saw a fire in Nolan's eyes, which seemed to be burning. Because of his anger, his eyes became more and more deep, like the sea in the night.


Nolan gritted his teeth and pressed down the stern in his eyes, "Lu Zhen, are you impatient to be in a space with me now? Come out to me, talk about business and leave? Yes? Not a meal? "

Lu Zhen's mouth opened, and Nolan's attitude was aggressive. Lu Zhen's smile was as good as before, as if Nolan had just met him with a bewitching smile. "If beauty is not in a hurry, I'd like to invite you to dinner."

Nolan suddenly raised his hand. Lu Zhen looked at him with a smile. Suddenly, he felt the cold light coming from his face, like a sharp weapon approaching his throat, and then faded again. Nolan gritted his teeth and spat out two words, "you go!"

He opened the door and got out of the car. He kicked the door of Lu Zhen's Bugatti flat. Lu Zhen shakes in the car. Lu Zhen looks at her love seat door in silence.

The heart growls silently, Laozi this car 30 million, you go down 300000, beauty son, how many years salary can you compensate me?

Nolan pulled his tie. He didn't wear a military uniform at work today. He was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe. He wanted to tear off his tie. He was on fire all over his body because of his anger.

He expected Lu Zhen to recover his health and smile.

However, when Lu Zhen said again that she was so frivolous, he was furious and wanted to smash the smile on his face. Nolan didn't understand why he was so contradictory.

Lu Zhen, Lu Zhen, damn Lu Zhen!!!

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