Xia Chenxi a smile, the trend pushed to him, "that is not simple."

"I do what you want."

"Then I'll look forward to it."


It was another incisive meditation. Finally, Xia Chenxi was exhausted and begged for mercy. Tang Yebai spared her. She wanted to leave him here for the night. However, Tang Yebai got up and put on her clothes.

He has to go back to spend the night alone. If he comes out alone for too long, he will be suspected.

At night, everyone was sleeping soundly, but there was nothing else. Occasionally, his brothers were bored and walked in the desert. But if he didn't return overnight, it would be dangerous. After all, in the enemy's camp, Tang Yebai was very cautious.

After Tang Yebai left, she had a good night's sleep.

The next day, Xia Chenxi and Xiao Qi mentioned that they wanted to see the stars in the deep desert. Xiao Qi was taking medicine and looked at Xia Chenxi with a little surprise. Xia Chenxi clearly saw the joy in his eyes.

She smiles. "Are you interested in going with us?"

"Let's go together?"

Xia Chenxi said with a smile, "naturally, we will go together. Otherwise, you won't be relieved if I go alone."

Xiao Qi has a touch of embarrassment on her face. Indeed, how can he rest assured that she will go alone? However, if they go together, will she really like it? Why did dawn suddenly change her attention and want to see the stars.

Didn't she say that she would only enjoy the stars in the desert with her beloved?

"Why?" His voice, with humble expectations.

Xia Chenxi said, "I had a dream last night. When we were young, we went to the desert to see the stars. Suddenly, I wanted to have a look. I haven't enjoyed the desert scenery for many years."

"It's rare to have a chance. People are here again. It's better to go and have a look. If you are ill and inconvenient, it's OK. I'll rise temporarily."


"No, no, I'm free. I can go." Xiao Qi said in a hurry. He didn't mean to refuse at all.

He could hardly wait to see the stars with her.

This is his last wish. He can have a look at the romantic stars in the desert. The desert has a good night. The weather in these days is good. The night is full of stars. The terrain of the castle is not the best place to see the stars.

Three kilometers from here, the terrain is the best place to see the stars, very beautiful.

It's like the stars, within reach.

Xia Chenxi saw that he promised, with a smile, "then you have a good rest and keep your physical strength."

Xiao Qi had no strength and no appetite. After hearing Xia Chenxi said this, he had a good appetite. He should try to eat, save his physical strength, and go out with Xia Chenxi. He can't be seriously ill.

He is so cooperative, the black widow is very pleased, however, the thought that he is to see the stars with Xia Chenxi, she is a little lonely.

Xiao Qi's excitement, spirit, never for him.

All for Xia Chenxi, she is envious, but helpless, she only envies the share, really, has no other way.

She didn't know what to do, so Xiao Qi would like to see her more.

The black widow prepared Xiao Qi's favorite food, and asked Xia Chenxi to serve it. Xia Chenxi said faintly, "you can serve it. I don't know how to serve the patients."

Mimi took an excuse to go out for a walk.

Deliberately give them a chance to get along with each other.

The black widow pursed her lips and carried the tray to the second floor. Xiao Qi coughed badly.

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