673 Silver Bubble Bullet

14,000 years ago...

That was when the magic bullet world was still called Ternness.

A girl with silver hair is lying in a dark room.

The god of creation is Erenesia.

She slowly awoke and opened her eyes.

A blurry light enters your sight.

There were several hexagonal blue crystals floating in the room.

It was an unfamiliar place and an unexpected time.


It was a voice of self-question that leaked from the mouth of Erenesia.

She made her last creation.He gave birth to her son, the new god of creation, Militia.

Only the voice of creation bequeathed unto my son, and she perished.It was supposed to be.

She wasn't surprised to find herself here.

"It is the power of Wagahai who is alive."

A hard voice echoed through the room.

Enough! Ellenesia turns around.

Standing upright there was a man with nine tails.Its tail was inorganic, and if you look closely, it was like a musket gun.

The magic power in your body is no different than that of God.

"Shot into the roots of Kissama, the" "Catching Magic Bullet" "exerted its power to bring about its destruction."It slows down the extinction of the roots and catches the fire dew. ”

Ellenesia puts her hand on her chest and looks at her roots.

As the man said, she has a round gem-like bullet at her roots.And it was supplying power to a country that was supposed to be doomed.

"In other words, Xama became a resident of the magic bullet world."

Ellenesia's eyes dyed in doubt.

"... what is the magic bullet world?"

"Xama is a foamy world resident, so it's impossible to be confused."Outside the world in which Xama lived, the endless sea was lurking.That is the Sea of Silver Water.And there are countless little worlds there. "

It was immediately unbelievable.

But even though the man in front of him was of the clan of gods, he was unknown to Elenesia.

And that power is far beyond her common sense.The scales were certainly reflected in the eyes of the gods of Elenesia.

"Who are you?"

Ellenesia asks.

"Wasabi is a demon archer Odus, the main god of the magic bullet world."Let me explain. The reason of the Silver Sea, which Xama and the others had no way to know about. "

Odus explained the Silver Water Holy Sea to Ellenesia.

May the gods and the head, the conformers, the nonconformists, the fire, and the world she created be an incomplete bubble world.

It didn't take long to determine that it seemed to be true.

Ellenesia was destined to perish.Her worldly reasoning alone cannot explain her survival.

"... I understand the story. Let's ask you one question."

Ellenesia pointed her god's eye straight at Audus.

“Why did you capture the creator god of the bubble world, which you call imperfect?”

"Not Enough Nye"

Ellenesia gave a questionable expression, and Audus went on to say:

"The creator god of our magic bullet world, Terness, lacks the power of creation."Originally, the power of creation is weak in this world.It is more correct to say that there is no stretching.It may be better than the current Xama, but its power is at its maximum.Even if I repeat destruction and rebirth, I will not reach the level I expected.The most efficient way to do this is to bring it from the outside. "

Odus' tail moved one by one, pointing to the blue crystal.

It's good to see. You can see what this is, Kissama, the god of creation.

Erenesia gazes into the abyss of her crystal.

"... the world created by the Creator God.It's a very small world, 10,000 years old.In your words, it must be a small silver bubble.However, if you want to create this outside of the original world, the Creator God is not enough.It's probably cutting the roots. "

Audus nods in satisfaction at the answer.

"In my world, this is used as a bullet."

For a moment, Ellenesia frowned.

Shooting at the world like a bullet is something she can only imagine.

"Silver Annihilation Magic."A magic bullet that makes a small world into a bullet and shoots through it.Right now, I'm in the middle of a magic experiment, but I can't make enough small silver bubbles for a bullet. "

With a grim face, Ellenesia asked.

"... let me create it?"

Odus moves his tail and draws a magic circle.

It was the little girl with the shackles that was transferring.

Ellenesia rushed to her.

"She is the god of creation, Ternes. The Creator God of our world is not well-bred.To create a small silver bubble, the root is too sharp.As you can imagine, it will soon be destroyed. "

Ellenesia peeks into the roots of the god of creation, Ternness, with her divine eyes.

I tried to heal her using the snow moonflower, but it was already too late.Ternness barely retains its form by harnessing the power of its own creativity.

"...... Take it......"

Creator God Ternes said in a faint voice.

"Help me, my world, the people who live in my world..."

As the same god of creation, Elenesia understood the feelings of Ternness.She's probably been trying to save the world by cutting herself off.

It's hard to imagine what would happen to this Bullet World if the Creator God were to perish.

"Let me help you." The power of my creativity. "

I knew this was Odus' plan.

But at this time, I could not have spoken otherwise to Erenesia.

She has been watching for a long time as the world she created perishes.

If there had been two Creator Gods, there would have been a way to choose.

I'm sure that's what Ternness was thinking.

Ellenesia clenches her hand.

At that moment, the body of the young god began to collapse.

The time has come to end it.

"... sorry..."

It was a look of apologies and gratitude.

Ellenesia is breathtaking.

Then he gently clasped her with his mercy.

"I know how you feel when you love the world."

"... thank you..."

Ternness's body disappeared in the wind, and the handcuffs that had been wrapped around her were now wrapped in Erenesia.

"The inheritance is over." From now on, this magic bullet world will change its name to Erenesia.Kissama replaced me. Like Ternness, it's good to create small silver bubbles until they perish. "

With determined eyes, Ellenesia looked straight back at the Divine Demon Archer.

"I created a world to become a bullet?"A bullet that shoots at the world, not to mention the roots of perdition. "

"Kissama's will is related to it."

Divine Demon Archer Audus turns his fingertips toward Erenesia.

To her roots.

"Kissama won't be long either." Originally, the only reason it was supposed to perish was because of the "Capture Magic Ammo".Kissama is perished, and the fire dew is newly born in my demon bullet world.The new god of creation, the memory of Kissama, is nai. "

“So why are you telling me that?”

"Deal. Wagahai has a plan to save Xama."If Xama fulfills her mission as the creator god of the magic bullet world, she will do so.It's more efficient than new. "

Audus says it's not a bad story.

I don't want you to get me wrong. The development of [Silver World Magic Bullet (Zoneid)] is for defense.

"... it's a magic bullet that shoots the world, isn't it?"

"Yes. The once great calamity of the Silver Water Holy Sea - the Vortex of Extinction."As a result, many small worlds have been damaged.The world of my magic bullets is no exception, and it has suffered tremendous damage. "

Ordus continues to explain in an orderly fashion.

"In order to prevent the extinction vortex beforehand, it must be extinguished at the time of."That's why it's a silver bullet. "

As a matter of course, said the Lord God.

"To do that, we have to shoot the world."There are far more lives to save than those lost by small silver bubbles. "

Lord god of the demon bullet world.If you promise not to make a sacrifice but to prevent a disaster, I will help you. ”

"Dream stories. How not to sacrifice."That's why the world created by Xama is bubbling away. "

Quietly, Ellenesia closes her eyelids.

"If the magic called [Silver World Magic Bullet (Zoneid)] was developed, you might shoot our world one day."My child created the world. "

She opened her eyelids again and told her clearly.

“I can't help you. Even if this body were to perish, forget its memories and be reborn, I would not create a world to become a bullet."

No, Xama will always cooperate.

It was a confident tone.

Not to intimidate, but to tell the truth, Audus says.

"If Xama doesn't create a small silver bubble, the bullet will become a real silver bubble captured by the magic bullet world."

Erenesia's eyes widened.

The tail of the Divine Magic Archer was stupid, and he drew a magic circle.

It reflected the Volcano Fortress Deneb and the soldiers stationed there.The lives of the inhabitants of the magic bullet world were reflected one after the other in countless [Telepathy (Limneto)].

"A hundred days' wait."Yoi, look at this magic bullet world.People who have been robbed of silver bubbles and become inhabitants of the magic bullet world.Kisama can't bullet them in.That's why I chose from the many bubble worlds. "

Abandoning that, Divine Demon Archer Audus was transferred from the spot.

Elenesia, left alone, looks around the room.

I figured I couldn't get away with it, but the strangled barrier was so strong in her world that I couldn't put a finger on its outside.

Even if she gets out, she doesn't have a long life.No matter where she perishes, she is reborn from the fire in the magic bullet world.

I understood immediately that there was no place to escape.

All that was left of Erenesia was to see the world of magic bullets from there.

In the countless worlds that have been robbed of silver bubbles and colonized, people lived in the same world that they once created.

If Erenesia does not create a small silver bubble, they will become bullets and scatter their lives.

But if Erenesia creates a small silver bubble, its roots will perish and someday some world will be shot.

Which is the right choice?

No, I don't have the right choice.

I can't give an answer, but the moon is flowing.

And just on the 100th day.

Being prepared, when Erenesia waited for the god demon archer Audus, her feet suddenly shook.She lies on the floor in the tremor of her inability to stand.The barrier collapsed with the sound of an explosion.

"I found it."

It was a man who appeared at the forced entrance.I put a creepy mask on my mouth.

Is it the god of creation, Erenesia?

"... who are you?"

"Muto. It's called the Second Demon King."

That said, Muto grabbed the hand of Erenesia.

"I'm going to take you from here." Quick, we're hostages. "

Ellenesia immediately withdrew her hand.But it didn't scare me.

She throws a snow moonflower from her palm and flies an ice arrow to Muto.But it broke at once, and he laughed as if nothing had happened.

"Don't resist. I guarantee my freedom.This is the beginning of a pleasant hostage life. "

Saying something like that, Muto forcibly holds on to Erenesia.I flew up and quickly escaped the Admiral's base.