Chapter 583 The origin of Pablo Hetara

Eleonor twisted her neck, looking up at the floating continent.

"Hmm? That's Pablo Hetara, a memory that attracted, but the place where we are now is Pablo Hetara, what is it?"

Then, the King of Death flew gently to the floating continent.

"Isn't it easy to go there? It looks interesting."

"Have a point"

Flying I also use <> to fly in the sky.

"Even though it's reasonable, if you don't bother going to Otto Lou, it's quicker?"

"It's more interesting to go" Tran s l a t ed b y Jp mt m

"That's right?"

Following me, the students of Sasha and the Demon Academy also fly.

The King of Death and I set foot on the floating continent.

There is a pablohetara palace, which has been ruined.

It's not just years. Everywhere in the palace was crumbled.

"Hm. Reminiscence, when is it?"

"It is the last memory of Otto Rou." Tr an sl a t ed b y jp m t l .c o m

Ottolurou catches up and lands on a floating continent.

"Who was killed?"

I say, staring at the traces of destruction in the palace.

War: "The world is approaching the abyss and said he was drunk, but this is probably a scar."

Ottolurou walks and approaches the old palace.

Hermit "Ginshui World Listeria is head of head, Ermide is upset, destroying his own god"


"As the world gets deeper and closer to the abyss, magic and order come from many smaller worlds. The Lord is more powerful, and the head of head will benefit from it."

Magic power flows from shallow to deep.

The same goes for fire dew and order.

"The Hermit Hermit may not have been able to carry that power."

"Is that crazy?"

"I don't know the truth anymore, when Otto Rou's Silverwater World Listeria was about to reach the abyss. Suddenly, the hermit Hermide was upset. Fighting, losing, and Pablo Hetara is gone. ''

If you are sane, there is certainly no reason to destroy your world. But I don't know why he went crazy.

If you were a head of the world near the abyss, you would have been a considerable influential person. Did that suddenly gather such power that the fierce could not carry? T r ans la t ed by Jpmt l .com

"What happened to Hermit, then?"

"I was suicidal. The glorious Listeria lost his god and head at the same time, and lost everything overnight."

We walk, looking around the outer walls of the palace.

There were many waterways leading into the palace, but the water was dry.

"Um, then, is Ottoru Roux the survivor?"

"No. Ottolurou has also died. There is no surviving Listeria as far as Ottolurou knows."

To Otto Lou's answer, Eleonor more and more twisted his neck.

Reminiscence "The Ginsui World Listeria had an . . This , which collects and embodies the memory of the perished world, accumulates a lot of memories of its inhabitants when the Listeria is destroyed. That's it. "

A clerical voice makes a spirit in the ruins.

There is no sadness or sadness in Ottolurou's expression.

"The shards of their recollections made up Ottolurou's body. The last thing everyone remembered was Ginsu Gakuin Pablo Hetara. He tried to revive the arbiter of the law. ''

In Listeria, the god who governs the law of Ginsu Institute Pablohetara is Ottolurou.

As expected, the power to revive the Lord was probably not even .

"Ottorreux has revived in a slightly different form from the people's recollection, and he has the power to save Pablo Hetara."

Ottrelou is staring at me. T ra ns la t e d by jp mt

The gear in the back of the eyes was spinning.

"Ottorreux, which was connected to the , was able to turn it into the power of the . It was embodied using the condensed dew and silver water. That's Pablo Hetara Palace, where I've studied with you so far. ''

Recollections of the perished world accumulate. As you can see from Ginsu Shogi, it is usually the ruins that the tangling emblem is embodied.

Is it repairing it using the power of fire dew?

In short, today's pablohetara palace and ottolulu are just the memories of the inhabitants who have been drawn to by the entrepreneur.

"Kakaka, isn't that interesting? Omae, the arbiter, is a patchwork that many people of Listeria have remembered. Isn't that why you don't know why Hermit Herald went crazy?"

While asking, Erdemade opens the broken front gate and enters inside.

"I don't want to be on my own."

Arcana says.

"No problem"

Ottolurouh passed through the main gate.

The Death King proceeds on his own terms.

"As Ottermaid of the Death King said, Ottolu Roux is not everything. Ottolurou may have known why Hermit Hermit went crazy."

"Do you want to remember?"

When asked, Ottrelou turned for a moment. T ran s late d by jp mtl.c o m

But without saying anything, she walks straight.

"I don't have a heart for Otto Lou, I also want something that I don't have."

"If you're a collection of remembrance pieces, don't be surprised if you have emotions."

She went a few steps silently. He did not stop, and said in an administrative manner.

"... I have no awareness ..."

"So what is your purpose?"

"Permanence of Pablo Hetara"

This time it was a quick answer.

"The ruling god Ottorullu continues to rule on this academy alliance. The gods of the now deceased silver world and many inhabitants may have reminiscent of Ottoluru for that purpose. I wish the calm of the Ginkai-''

Rincruz said Ginsu Academy Pablo Hetara is a symbol of a bad class system. There is no doubt that the dew has been robbed of the foamy world.

I don't think he was lying. But or maybe that's just one aspect.

"When did the Silver Water world perish?"

"About 14,000 years ago"

It was 16,000 years ago that Ordov, the king of the Holy Sword, was watching Pablohetara.

If so, since then, did Hermit Hermit show signs of going crazy?

"Have you heard that Pubhetara's Academic Alliance was once centered on the shallow world?"

"The Ginsui World Listeria offered only Pablo Hetara and its philosophy, and never expressed itself. The ideal of the leader Ermide is an alliance that is discussed and decided by everyone. The existence of the deep world When it became clear, I thought it would not work. ''

No matter what, no one will come to the Silver Water world.

"Is it a hermit?"


"When did you notice Elmide's modulation?"

"Before Listeria is destroyed"

Hasn't there ever been a sign that the hermit Hermide had planned something wrong? I just don't know.

At least, the former Saint King Ordov was aware of something.

"Kakaka, Kakakaka, Kakkakakka !!"

I found something interesting or heard the laughter of the King of Death from a distance.

We move forward in that direction.

What came was a large room with high ceilings.

Broken swords, broken artillery, broken shields, torn books, missing impellers, old paint, broken glass, shredded sails, and damaged dolls are often neglected.

In addition, tattered silver watermen were lined up in a row.

Erdemade stands in the back of the room. Behind his gaze was the One God.

It has a solidified mercury body and is damaged in some places.

"Hm. It's like a tribe, but I'm not alive."

There is a slight magic, but there is no root.

Is this also a reminiscent of the ?

"Kakakaka, smells, smells. Dangerous smells pop!"

Erdemade looks at the god with a mercury body as if to lick it.

"Look, this is where God is written. What do you think?"

Erdemade points at the lithograph next to the tribe with a stick.

"I can't read it at all, but what is it?"

Sasha looks at the slab. Grinning and the Death King laughed.

"I can't read it!

"you know what……"

Probably the magical character of the Ginsui World Listeria. I turn around Otto Lou.

She read the slate.

It was created by a human being, a strong soldier, a sailing ship to the abyss.