Chapter 555 Falsehood

Erdemade rolled his wand and juggled it in a vivid array while spinning in the air and threw it high above his head.

He bridges his bridge and waits for the falling golden sword.

The swiftly approaching cane penetrated the mouth of the king of death.

"There are no seeds or gimmicks"

No blood has flowed through the wand.

With the mouth completely closed, the voice of the King of Death still resounds like a magic trick.

"I was wondering, the legs of the lion. The liar's balance determined that I was not lying. But obviously I was lying. If I was not lying, this wand would be I can't penetrate the shield of the chain. Did you think so? "

Tr a nsla te d b y jp m t l .c o m Raising his upper body, Erdemade smiles grinning.

Suspicion of Darkness "If it is, it is <>"

World makeup fictional reality "Is that the liar's balance, not the effect of <>, is just a scale made by the Death King in <>?"

"Now ...! No way, it must have been completely hidden ....! Hey ... Heaven ... You're so old ...?"

With a loud gesture, erudomade plays small items.

"Hey. Is there such a person?"

"Kakakaka, I'm just looking at the top, so I think so, I'll tell you good things. I'll teach you good things. There's a bottom below.

Tran sl at e d b y jp mtl.c om He spread his arms widely.

"Because there is no lower limit in life!"

Erdemade declares the most meaningful, but totally insignificant.

"If you think it's a lie, try it."

When Erdemade holds his hand, a magical magic gathers there.

Suspicion of Darkness "<> has one characteristic. And there is no special effect against the destruction lion of Azenen."

The King of Death says to provoke.

Last time, the lion of destruction has a special effect. This time, the lion of destruction has no special effect.

Clearly, there is a contradiction between the two explanations. In other words, they revealed that they were lying last time, this time, or both.

"If I break my sword with the shield of the chain, I will die, but if I can pierce the shield instead, I will gain great power."

The cane stuck in Erdemade's mouth was transferred to his hand. He emits it, emitting a divine light.

Still the liar balance is not moving.


Naga silently swung the chain shield into the ground, stopping its rotation and the magic barrier.

In the Death King Yu-Gi-Lai-Shi-Yi, in <>, silence wins the truth.

Tr a ns lat e d by jpm tl .c o m Judging Erdemade's words was true. No-probably trying to make sure it's really true.

Suspicious God An Naga kicks the blade of <> approaching with his prosthesis. However, on the way, the cane stopped completely.

Suspicion of Darkness Rotates in the opposite direction to the curl, and <> stabs into the shield of the chain that sinks into the ground.

"Oh? Is this true now?"

If the Suspicion of Darkness <> penetrates the shield of the chain, it will have great power. Therefore, the cane turned around and aimed at the shield of the chain.

Suspicious God The Naga decides so and puts his magic into the wheelchair and starts running at high speed. At that moment, <> turned again toward Naga and flew in a bouncing manner.


Suspicious Darkness Naga, who has advanced to jump out, was hit by emptiness and was unable to avoid <>.

Her roots were dug up, and a great deal of blood overflowed. As before, there is certainly a special effect against the destruction lion of Azenen.

Even without breaking through the shield of the chain, there was no difference in its power.

"Kakakaka, it's time to see the answer, lion's legs"

A smile that the King of Death has eaten is thrown at Naga.

"A fox or a raccoon?"

"... so ... which is which ...?"

Suspicious darkness The dark green blood overflows from the root, which resists <>. As she gripped the handle and tried to pull it out, the wand disappeared.

Suspicion of Darkness <> appears again in the hands of the King of Death. T r ans l at e d b y jp m tl.c o m

"Use your lion's legs or put out your best claws. If you keep your hands hidden, maybe there's nothing next?"

Suspicion of Darkness The Death King presses <> with a fingertip and rotates it in the air.


Four hands and one hand in hand, the number of canes increased to five.

"Come on, come on! There are two times, three times, both legs of the lion!"

Suspicious God Darkness Five <> attack Naga while drawing an arc.

Naga said, flying the wheelchair and taking quick evasive actions.

"I can't help it. I'll show you my hand."

A liar's balance leans to the left. It's a lie.


This time the balance does not move. In other words, I changed my mind. I really want to show my hand.

"After all a lie"

Gagon, and a liar's balance lean to the left. The needle is now centered.


No response this time. Naga says he's checking the balance's response, albeit disturbing. Transl ated b y jp mt l.c om

Naga avoids the incoming cane, but it turns to guide her and chase again.

Suspicion of Darkness Naga's wheelchair speeds up further and tries to shake off <>.

"Kakakaka, isn't that funny! Did you step on me operating the balance in any way? Indeed, if I was manipulating it, it would be useful to disturb it with lies and true. If I fail to distinguish a lie, the liar balance will not tilt correctly. ''

If the liar balance does not respond when the Naga lied, it is proof that Erdemade is operating.

In that case, the balance is fake. In order to confirm the truth, Naga probably emits lies and truth mixed irregularly.

"I have another aim."

Suspicious God While releasing words, Naga rushes faster than is chased by <>.

"What is it?"

"Which one is stronger, a wheelchair or a pumpkin dog car?"

Erdmade laughs grinfully at Naga, who heads in from the front.

"I was just worried!"

Naga's wheelchair, which has accelerated so quickly, wears a black magic barrier.

The loser and the wheel of the dog car spin at high speed, and the copper-colored magic barrier is deployed. Both rushed straight from each other without slowing down.

The sound of a clashing sound echoed, the wheels jumped from the wheelchair, and the dog car shattered halfway.

Naga follows Eldemaid who jumped into the sky on the verge.

"Kakakaka, apparently the dog car was a little more brittle."

Erdemade put his hands on the top hat and pulled out the golden cane from it.

Suspicious darkness <>.

"Did you think only five?"

"I'll show you the right leg of the lion of destruction."

Suspicion of Darkness Naga is approaching the maid who turns around and holds <>. Behind them were five <> chasing.

"After all, lies, after all true. Lies. Real. Lies true lies true lies true."

The liar's balance tilted to the left twice while Naga was throwing it fast to see if he could distinguish the lie from the truth.

In other words, once Naga tells a lie, half of her magic will belong to the king of death.


When Naga stretches his right arm, chains entangle there. She wielded the chain shield.

"All of the above explanations are lies. The shield of the chain has no sacred power. It has nothing to do with the craving for asylum. It does not absorb magic from the roots of others."

When she spoke, a gel-like object was ejected from the shield. Greek squirrel.

The liar's balance doesn't move.

"This is a chain iron ball that destroys every sword"

The shield connected to the chain turns into an iron ball, and Naga wields it.

Suspicion of darkness "Oh, yeah, I saw it and remembered it now, but <> is-"

The King of Death thrusts into an iron ball and stabs the charging stick. For an instant, the cracked iron ball shattered and shattered.

“—Iron balls have special effects.”

Suspicious God <> approached from behind, but pierced two of Naga's prosthetic legs, two of his arms, and one of his abdomen.

As soon as the punishment was made, Erdemade threw the sword and it penetrated her head.

Flying Naga staggers, loses the power of <>, and falls to the ground.

"... A fox or a raccoon ... Why does the Death King ask a mean question ..."

The prosthesis pierced by the cane shatters into pieces.

Instead, evil black particles gathered on her and imitated her legs. These are the legs of a lion of destruction.

On landing, she pulls out the <> stuck in her head and throws it away.

"The answer is a cat, so you were silent."

Silence wins the truth.

Suspicion of Darkness Therefore, both the shield of the Naga chain and the iron ball of the chain penetrated <>, which excels in compatibility. I want to say that.

"It's easy once you understand the tricks, you're lying. Don't bother lying and letting the balance react, so that I can assume that I'm talking at all. "

With one leg raised, Naga draws a magical circle at his feet.

"When and how did you get in? One answer."

Naga saw a partially destroyed pumpkin dog car rolling on the ground.

"I was riding that from the beginning."

Black water overflows from the drawn magic circle. At the moment of the flight, Emadedo is rapidly descending with <>.

"I'm late"

With the shafts swapped, Naga kicked the magic circle of black water straight with his lion's legs.


What overflowed was black-green water. The whirlpool rushed like a storm, and went straight to the pumpkin dog car.

The fictional reality of the world makeup The splashing water alone melted everything around, and even the world of <> was about to be destroyed easily.

"Kakakakaka, helpless help, helpless help! If you're in a small world, it's not likely to be destroyed lightly!"

The Death King throws a top hat. When it was hollow and grew to ten pieces, a transparent cloth emerged from it.

It is the barrier cloth of the barrier god Reno Roros. The King of Death, who gave birth to that power, rolls the cabin of the dog car around with the cloth of God.

Immediately after the lion calamity storm, <> swallowed the barrier. The cloth starts to melt in no time.

Suspicion of Darkness The Death King opened his mouth, squeezed his hand, and took out <> from there.

Without hesitation, he plunged into the midst of the Maelstrom in front of the cabin.

Suspicion of Darkness He defended himself with <>, which had a special effect on the barrier cloth and his own anti-magic, the lion of destruction, but <> swallowed him easily, and his whole body began to melt.

"Good, good! Great enemy, enemy, great enemy! I noticed that. "

When the Death King releases <>, the girl in the half-broken cabin, Naya, appears.

"It wasn't me who talked, but Dr. Staff .... More than that, Dr. Death King, can you afford yourself? Your body is melting?"

Disintegration "Kakakaka, of course, no good! Immediate death or dying. It's hard to compare power because the magic seeds are broken. One minute more?"

The King of Death uses the power of Heavenly Father to spawn guardians one after another as a shield, but in a moment she is swallowed up by the Whirlpool and perishes. He didn't even earn time.

"What do you do?"

"I can only do this"

A top hat emerges from the head of the Death King, and a cane appears from there. This is Bostum, a deepening cane made from the deepening god Dilfred.

"This black water is the destruction that could destroy the world, but the magic is magic.

In this circumstance that is likely to be swallowed by the Maelstrom, the King of Death has begun his usual lecture as if in a classroom.

In short, if you drill “……”, any magic will break down …… ”

In response to Naya's desperate annoyance, King of Death raised his lips with pleasure.

"Well, what, what, but, but. I'm not enough to prevent this."

Bostoum, the deepening thought stick, moves to Naya while floating in the air.

"You can do it, you have survived. The deep magic of the destruction lion of Azenen, it would not be possible to completely break it down, but it may help if it is stingy enough."

"... but ........."

Naya, who realizes she is afraid, watches the next moment. One arm of the King of Death has melted down.

"Kakaka will melt away when you are lost. Don't worry. Omae survives. Now, what do you think of the student who killed her teacher? "

"I hate it!"

Nayah shouted aloud, staring at Bostum, the deepening cane. A lump of authority of the deepening god, once she could not fit it into her own vessel.

"... the stomach grows, the stomach grows, the stomach grows, the stomach grows ..."

Naya bites into God's wand with mad eyes.

Divine light leaks from inside her, leaving a cut in her entire body. As before, the power of the deepening god is raging, tearing Naya's vessels into shreds from the inside.

But he cannot fall.

"... the stomach grows, the stomach grows, the stomach grows, the stomach grows ..."

She keeps her hands up, despite being tattered. Abyss Soars There are countless spears of God.

The order of the Militia world that has come to have love and kindness.

If her love is truly deep, unlike the past, the deepening God may respond. God's Eye To see the deepening love in it.

"Girls have a different belly!

For a moment, Naya's glow was shining in deep blue. It is swallowed in the Maelstrom in an instant.

A few moments later, the earth vibrated and the world broke. The lion calamity strikes the black whirlpool <> undulating, causing a crack in the sky.

The world of world makeup fictional reality <> collapses with a rattling noise-