Chapter 514 Lord God's natural enemy

Hollow of the second balandias

Kick the air from right to left and from left to top, and King Tiger Meilen runs around endlessly.

Lord, "I'm gonna keep that gaze on that. I'll show you my seriousness.

He seemed blurred for a moment and appeared at close range.

"I'll eat it."

The jaws open, and the sharp fangs glisten. I put my right hand in the mouth of a guy who wanted to eat me from my head.

"Eat it all the way"

Hammer Flame Demon Heavy Artillery Draw a magic circle inside the King Tiger and shoot <>. T r an sla t ed b y jp m t l.c o m

The blue stars are raging while roaring, and countless sparks fly.

"... I'm sorry."

While being blown away, Meilen laughed with Nita.

Hammer Flame Demon Heavy Sword "Cartinus says what he can do is trust. No way, <>. It's not about how to use the technique."

With no surprises, Meilen turned around and stepped into the sky as if nothing had happened.

"Who learned from the kid?"

"What if you were walking in the forest, a passing man would tell you." Tr a n s lat ed b y Jpm tl.c om

Draw a magic circle and shoot blue stars.

A silver claws appeared in <> approaching from all sides to block the escape, and disappeared in a scattered manner.

There was no sign that the nail was shaking, and only a nail mark appeared. Ha-Ham-Fan-Ma-Shi-Gan Is the <> shot into the body also erased?

"The Lord does not hide anything."

Maytilen glows at the god's eye and stares at me.

"Even though he was just out of the Silver Sea, he acquired deeper magic than Barandias and owns Evans Mana, the sword of gods. Is he connected to the Holy Political World? Eve Zeino? "

He asked, as he ran in the sky, as if to put a stump.

"One of the deep worlds sent the Lord to Pablo Hetara. With deep magic and Evans Mana, there is plenty of space for the foamy world and the guardian enemies."

"It's reasonable to think about the backing, Maytilen. Did you think I could have any stronger potential?"

"I'm good at slicing. If I'm sorry for my life, it's hard to wash and confess."

Maytilen's forefoot claws shine silver.

Breaking Castle "I'd better be torn. Even the castle falls.

He catches Meilen's body, struck like a flash, with both hands directly in front of him. Immediately after, although his nails were not touching, silver nail marks ran on my back.

The roots are torn apart, as if the anti-magic magic was ignored, and the blood of the Demon King overflows with fresh blood.

T ransl at e d by jp mt l .c om The wounds in the fight against Loncruz have not healed. In my body, the root of destruction was raging.

"It's like a sturdy head on the edge of a resident in a foamy world.

For a moment, God's magic flickers in my sight. It is not something that the King Tiger in front of you emit.

Outside of the water barrier created by Ottolulou, it is the canopy of the second Barandias. A long castle standing upside down shines in silver.

The castle extends from the canopy all the way to the earth, surrounding the world, and returns to the canopy again.

It is a ring of a castle that covers the small world. There was another one, orthogonal to another.

"Hmm. Is that long castle your authority?"

"I finally noticed"

As if to cast off the hidden veil, the castle over the world began to emit enormous magic.

"Ishigaki piles up to form a castle, and the causal pile forms a great wall. The castle is causal, the causal is a castle.

Along with Maytilen's words, I felt the world order was distorted. As if resonating with the long castle that covers the world, King Tiger Maytilen shines silver hair.

Causal " Hay's Ben Elijah"

For a moment, I felt a strong impact on my head, and my body was blowing right below.

"This world is the castle of a concubine. The pile of stone walls is the cause and effect of the world. Can you see? The concubine rules the cause and effect of Barandias. `` It means that you can eliminate the cause and get only the result.

Can I get rid of the cause of shaking my nails and hitting my body and only getting the result of carving nails? For some reason, it is an authority like the Lord God.

"All results are free in this silver castle. The defeat of the Lord has been decided when we came here." Trans la ted by Jp m t l .co m

I flip over my body in the air and land on the ground. Water splashed at the barrier, leaving a huge hole in the ground.

"Don't say too much"

Desaturation From the ground, with a demon eye stained, stares at the king tiger Meytilen floating in the air.

"If you have complete control over causation, why didn't you destroy my roots with the previous blow?"

Maytilen doesn't answer, she just turns her ferocious eyes on me.

"If the results were free, it would have been easy to get Farris to head. But you didn't. You couldn't."

Gently point your finger at him.

"Due to the nature of a castle, all you can do is break things up or stack up, as you've heard. There's a limit to what you can break down by breaking down the cause and pressing only on the results. "I couldn't ignore the cause of hitting my body, and at the very least, I would make a claw mark. I can't break the resistance of my source."

If the cause and effect are broken down too much, the castle itself will not be used. We could repeat the cause and get stronger results, but there are limitations.

"The causal dominance is at best within the reach of one forefoot. I suppose that was enough in this narrow world."

Laughing fearlessly, I said.

"How much you break the cause and repeat the results, you can't reach me in a chatty castle."

"Sure, it's only about breaking the cause or building up. Right now it's not."

Metilen said in a seemingly careless manner.

"Farris is in the concubine. If he becomes the head of head, we will soon be able to draw this" causal great wall "in a free form. Barrandias goes deeper and all four legs of the concubine Reaching the cause and effect, and finally reaching the bottom of the abyss, this thinking will dominate the cause and effect of the Ginsui Holy Sea. " T r anslated by Jp m t l .c om

Kettle and laughter echo from the sky.

"That's all I can do with my thoughts. I am just a passing point, such as the Lord. Now that Faris has become a concubine, there is no obstacle to this longing."

glowed, piercing my chest from behind, ignoring distance and cause.

A huge amount of blood overflows from my chest and mouth.

War "No, incongruent or? Even if it is impossible to make Faris a head of head, a single forefoot is enough. Hitting a sullen mouth only with a single scratch on the concubine "

"Hmm. Speaking of scratches-"

I pull out the sword.

Niriki Kagetsu With his magic, he used <> and simultaneously stomped on the shadow of Maytilen.

"... ga, nu, ga ga, but aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa ...

Maytilen's body slammed down as if trampled from the sky, crashing into the ground.

“—Is this about?”

How to break the cause and effect of one forefoot, and keep your shadow. It's reasonable if you eat the <> of the Nikaru sword, where my magical power of destruction is sufficiently stored.

“…… Gu, Gugu …………………………………”

Meilen spills a startling voice while breaking the ground with Misishimishi.

The Hammer Flame Devil's Sword “…… This is a lot deeper than …… <>

Shadow sewing arrowhead In the shadow of a man trying to get up, he skips six <> and stitches his body.

“Nug …… Pop ……”

I stepped on Meilen's face again.

"... No way ... No way ... No way ..."

Wang Tiger says, just as incredible.

"... It's a magical spell of the tyrannical ......... that's why it should be possible to use this magic outside that inviolable sea ..."

Astonished eyes stare at me.

"... What the hell ...? Who is the Lord ...?"

"Engrave on its skull so that you will never ask again. Anos Voldigord, the demon king of violence."

Hold the Hikaru sword in the opposite hand and swing it down to Meilen's brain.

"... No way, my concubine."

The blade has not arrived.

No matter how far you push it, the blade will not reach your head. The result of piercing his head is as if broken.


"-No way, I'm going to use this like a non-conforming person in the foam world!"

Maitilen's body is covered with castle-like armor.

Haze Ben Jeriya, pouring into the canopy, casts a silver light on him.

"Is Ben Elijah-Great Wall Armor"

"Hmm. Armor protected by causality. Just because it's a silver castle world, it doesn't look like it's going to fall like that."

Pull the sword slowly.

"Just right"

I look up overhead. There was a girl in the sky riding on the injected gear.

"Try it, is it really a power for the deity?"

The girl nodded quietly.

"The moon does not rise, the sun sets, and spring shines on a country without gods."

The serene chanting echoed in the second ballandias.

Rokka: "Issues of Levi Hell Alter"

A large ring of burning ice appears behind the arcana.

Simultaneous freezing and burning. Before the contradictory authority, the Great Wall armor that King Tiger Maytilen was trying to wear frozen and began to burn.

"No magic, no power, can hurt the silver castle towering over Ballandias. All the consequences of this small world work to protect the castle of the concubine."

Maytilen opens his eyes.

The silver castle surrounding the second Barandias. Hays Ben Elijah began to crumble with a rattling sound.

The world order was beginning to go crazy.

“…………………………, hey, what ’s this…?”

collapses, and the huge rubble falls on King Tiger Meilen one after another.

“Gu… Gu ……………… The concubine castle …… I can't peel my fangs on my concubine…!”

The consequences of defending the Lord were out of order, and the castle began to attack Meytilen. One after another, the rubble of Ginjo rushes in and his body is crushed.

"Gyu ... guh ... horse, deer !? This is ... the power of the concubine ... disappears ... disappears ..."

Buried in rubble, he leaks a terrible voice.

"... Rights over Barandias ... The power of the Lord God is ... why!?!?!" What's this, what the hell is it ...?! What did you do?

"There is one inconsistency in my world who has lost to me. That is the countermeasure that I created for when the Lord God was born. I wanted to see if it worked."

A part of an extremely large pointed silver castle falls straight down here.

"Order is distorted and absurd. I'm a god who doesn't bow to heaven."

Rubbing and rubble blow off rubble. The sharp castle rubble penetrated Metilen's body and crushed it.

Maytilen is buried in a silver castle he created. The rubble was piled up on the King Tiger's body in a strange balance, presumably because of the wrong consequences.

Only the head is barely buried. All the authority of the Lord God would have disappeared and resistance would not have remained.

"Is it working?"

As I say, Arcana comes down from the sky.

Instantaneous "da"

Then she smiled.

"Do you still have magic?"

"If you don't use Levine Gilma, you'll be fine for a few minutes. Instead, don't let it stop."

If disappears, Maytilen regains its authority. The current situation has only sealed his power and movement.

"The power of another world's god may not be completely sealed off."

"Do you want to check that too?"

With a sword, I cut off Meithilen's neck.

"... what, I'm going to do ... non-conforming person ...?"

Maytilen, who only had a neck, still speaks.

As expected. Even if you can not move, there is still enough magic at the root.

"If you try to destroy you, you will surrender before that, and you will not get Faris back."

Grabbing the tiger's neck, I flew to Zelidhevnus and the fighting Demon King Train.

"I'll show you at the top seat. I'll defeat Barrandias to perfection."