Chapter 508 Wang Tiger's offer

A long silence followed.

Zymon continues on his own. Faris, who had lost his word for a moment, gently opened his mouth as if he had regained calmness after some time.

"... Look up, Zymon. I won't let my friends do that."

Zimon raised his face slightly.

"So Faris-"

At that time, Zimon heard footsteps and voices raising the stairs. As they were warned, they sharpened their eyes.

Not everyone is on the Zymon side. If you know you're plotting, you're done.

T ra n s l at e d b y Jpmtl .c om "Let's come. It's time for the strategy meeting to begin."

Faris reaches out.


Zymon takes Faris's hand and raises himself. As they were, they left and the door was quietly closed.

I understand the general situation. Both Faris and Barandias.

Whether Zimon's rebellion succeeds or fails, it is only a matter of time before the head is replaced.

"Isn't it okay to get the paintings back?" 』

Misa asks. T r a n s lated by jp mt l .c o m

"If it was an easy solution, Faris would have confided to me. Waiting for the light, there is no lie in the words spoken for Balandias. The picture is just a trigger. I don't think I'll change my mind once I get it back. "

He still loves painting. Nevertheless, he broke his own brush.

I don't say I know the pain. It's not a shallow cry that I can understand for my non-painter.

"He's right in the middle of the battlefield, and he draws a picture. If you decide to do this, you will not give up so much. "

Because Faris made a different promise to paint a picture of peace.

"... if you have any ideas-"

"Three people, come here"

The voice of King Tiger Meilen resounded deeply behind the ceiling.

HM. Indeed, it is just the Lord God. Did you notice that long ago?

"Do you do it? 』

"Do you want to cut? 』

Mass and Shin said at the same time. It is reliable.

"I can't be late even after hearing the story"

From the gap in the ceiling, we descend into the room.

King Tiger's eyes were turned to me. Tran sl ate d b y jpmtl .c om

"Is it the head of the Militia world?"

"Tell me something"

Laughing I felt like my big god's eyes were a little bit.

"I understand so."

"If you're going to get rid of it, you don't have to wait for people to die."

"I'm sorry to talk about it. He said he was a non-conforming person, but it's a bit better than Cartinas.

Wang Tiger Meilen woke up and brought his huge head closer to me.

Then he said.

Lord "I want you to destroy the head of Barandias, the immovable King Cartinas."


Wang Tiger's gaze penetrated me as if looking into the abyss.

It is certain that this deity, who has no power, has considerable power.

Although the birth history is slightly different from Eques, it is the main god of the deep world. Nothing is worse than that.

"Why not do it yourself?"

T r anslat ed by jp mt l .com "You've just come to the Silver Waters Holy Sea. You're as if you don't know this silver sea. The god can't destroy the head of his choice with his hands. Leaving, the concubine ends up as an anonymous god who has lost the governing world. ''

Don't lie here. Check with Otto Lou and you'll know right away.

"Does the Lord want to officially join Pablo Hetara? In the next Silver-Water Battle, let's get the win. Bring the fire dew and the school badge as much as you want."

"In exchange for destroying the Fudo King?"

"Left. I chose the means to grow Barandias quickly. I chose him as the head of man, but he did it well enough. The foundation was completed. I need a beautiful castle to stand on. A true head of head for the concubine Balandias to become a solid rock. "

Maytilen smiles fearlessly.

"Farris, he is good. His hands for building a castle, his eyes on the abyss, and above all beautiful. He will be a head of head for a concubine, the Barrandians."

"Why didn't you choose first?"

"Ballandias has a long history. What is the tenth generation of Cartinas? There are many enemies that do not belong to Pablo Hetara, and if you make a long headquarters vacancy, you will be quickly swallowed."

Is it necessary for the head of decoration? Although it is not understandable.

"If the head is destroyed, the concubine can choose his head again. But he shakes his head vertically, otherwise Barandias was the one who was at St. Roku's Academy this time. "

Maytilen says reluctantly.

"I guess I heard that Carinas, jealous of Faris's talent, took the five castles he cherished and took them hostage. It's been used to be good. ''

Fudo himself also knows that Faris is more suitable for a head of state. Nevertheless, he is not going to give up the head of world. Greedy.

"Finally, the opportunity has come. Zaimon is looking for an opportunity to destroy Cartinas, but he is cautious. Perhaps it will only come to Faris on the same ship. , Faris is kind. I don't know if I'm going to talk about rebellion. Even if I get on it, I may not kill Cartinus and end up failing. "

"Is it your guide to prevent rebellion and let the Fudo King relieve me?" Tran sla ted b y jpm tl .co m

Ketaketa and Meilen laugh.

"I'm sorry. They don't know. If you don't think you've really failed, they won't let Carinas be alert."

Did you wait for them to go away and call me?

"Splendidly, when Pharis becomes the doge, you can socialize with Militia. The Lord will be happy and rejoice with the man. The former man's subordinates now shoulder each other as doges. Is it a bad deal? "

Maytilen says to look at his feet.

Probably because I despise me as a resident of the foamy world. He waited eagerly for a doge to come to this deal.

If Faris used to serve me, that would be perfect.

"I don't need bargaining.


Metilen laughs.

"turn down"


No way, Maytilen looked at me stunned.

"... It's good. He's a good negotiator. Well, you have to be that way. You can't count on anything else.

Gently stretch your fingertips and point to the painting behind him.

"Maybe Faris was obliged to listen to Cartinas' command, because you keep it, if you put it back."

After a moment, Maytilen said.

"I'm always told to watch. If the concubine's barrier disappears, it will be known to Cartinas immediately."

"You're trying to get Zaimon to rebel, not to be known to Cartinas. You didn't know that and you would have had the opportunity to return the picture to Faris."

"... I'm a sloppy guy. What do you want to say?"

"You didn't want to return the picture to Faris, and that man might never show up in front of you; he might get out of Barandias. I was afraid. "

Meilen is silent and staring at me with her god's eyes.

"You really wanted to get Farris"

"... I cannot deny it. It is providence and order that the Lord God wants a better head of state.

"That's why you have a plan to get Farris."

He neither denies nor affirms. Just as if it were a menace, they raised magic from all over.

"Jealous Cartinas took the picture hostage? Who made it jealous? Who taught it?"

I look back at Meilen, who glares at me fiercely.

"Cartinus noticed Faris's talent and turned his troops to the village."

Demon eye "Is there a fool who has never seen that person in Faris, who had created his work in the atelier without ambition?"

For a moment he silenced.

"Most of you would have said that you didn't need it. He took his freedom, his picture, and his soul in order to dress Faris with his doge dress."

Point at him loosely, I say.

"You're in my world, just like the impossible God of God. I'm just thinking about taking away from us, regardless of the thoughts of the people. On my rotten skull is a private interest in the name of order Only. "

Nita and Meilen peek at an ugly smile.

"The Lord seems to be the same as the fools who were in the world of concubines. Indeed, he is a non-conforming person. He has never robbed his concubine. Everything in here belongs to a concubine. The earth, the sky, countless castles, and even lives. "

It's a matter of obedience. There was no evidence, but was it tempting to be provoked by a non-conforming person?

Well, from his point of view, there are plenty of alternatives. Perhaps he just wants to wait until the head of the head comes to talk.

"I don't care here. Remember, non-conforming person

Maytilen's forefoot shines silver.

There is no sign that anything was done. But, at that moment, our body was being lifted gently, perhaps as King Tiger's authority.

The body turned into fog due to mischief hermitage <> passes through the gap in the ceiling as it is and is thrown out of the castle.

I saw the sky.

"Faris is from Balandias. Watari is never the Lord. Never

"There are areas that must not be practiced on the ground."

Thought Newsletter I flew <> to the far away castle.

Ambition "You have stepped into it. You may spend the last day of the vestiges of an ambition that will never come true.