Chapter 484 Great World Training

The beeping dog car door opens. Naya, who appears uncomfortable, leans down while lowering her body.

"Good morning ..."

She quickly went to her seat and sat down.

"Let's roughly explain the outline of the lecture."

Erdmade starts talking.

Souji Ai "The Great World Training is a training approaching the abyss of this new world. This world, which once followed the will of the gear-set god Eques, gathered the thoughts of many people <> and I was reincarnated. As far as you know, you know. "

He spins his cane, spinning, as if playing with hands.

"Specifically what has changed in this world?" Tr a ns l a t e d b y Jp m t l.c om

The tip of the stick that I grabbed quickly pointed to the boy in white clothes.

"Please answer"

The boy gazed at him, and said nothing more than a lift.

"... I didn't feel anything different in the range I've seen, the dill-hide and the mid-haze remain the same, and the impression that the terrain has hardly changed in spite of the reincarnation of the world. But……"

"Yeah, yeah, you said something good!"

Praised by the King of Death, the student softened his expression slightly.

"It's important that at first glance it hasn't changed, because it was the work of the creator God that recreated the world." Tr ansla t e d b y jp m t

Erdemade points Misha with a cane. She nodded.

"If the world is transformed, there are many inconveniences for those who are living today. Throwing out only the wilderness in the wilderness could be a battle for land and possession of magical resources. There's also the question of what to do, so we basically rewrote it so that it was no different from the previous world. "

There are places that are clearly different from the previous world, but you can see them. There are other key points to convey in this Great World Drill.

"So what's changed?"

Again the Death King looks at the students.

"... where is it ..."

"The visible part hasn't changed much, so what can be changed?"

The student in white clothes bothers his head again.

"If it's not a visible part?"

"... has the invisible part changed?"

"Yes. That's right. You're approaching. The invisible part.

"Is that ... order?"

The king of death is grinning.

"Order! Yeah, right! What has changed the most with the reincarnation of the world is the laws of the world, the rationale of the world, the power that the tribes call the order. So how has the order changed?"

"Yes, what Anos was talking about was that the Old World should have been orderly to destruction slowly, and it was no longer this New World ... ……do you mean?" T r a n slated by Jpmtl.c o m

Erdemade nods big.

"Wonderful, right?"

Life continues to reincarnate without the destruction of the recreated world. The dew is no longer robbed of the gods.

"Well, I wish I hadn't lost anyway."

Said one of the students.

"Yes, that's right. If we become immortal like a deity, isn't it the best? It's going to be peaceful without thinking about difficult things."

"Kakakaka, Omae, etc. A good question!"

In a joyful manner, Erdemade lifts his lips and points his speaking students with his cane.

"Now it's a good idea to get rid of destruction. If the end of life is gone, most problems will go away. If no one dies in the battle, even the war two thousand years ago would be a play But! "

The King of Death jumps greatly and steps down. As he lifted his hands, a light shone on the blackboard and the word "impossible" was drawn on it.

"I couldn't! Yes, creator?"

The body and Misha nod.

"With the power of the creator, it is impossible to create an immortal world."

"Let's hear, Omae and others. From here on, we'll be on the test. Even with the power of the creator who created this world, we can't freely change this world. Despite the being gone,

Tran s l ated b y jp m t l.c om Erdemade speaks exquisitely.

"Why? Why can't the creator freely create the world he wants? Wouldn't it be great if he could create the world he wanted?"

The King of Death looks at the students. They were all seriously thinking about the reason.

"Please? Legendary Hero"

Erdmade points to Ray. This is still known only to me, Ealdmade, Shin and some others.

He may have heard this for the first time in this class.

"Is the creator God also tied to the order of the world he created? As long as the world already exists, it is inevitably affected by that order and cannot deviate greatly from it."

"That's right, but here's another funny question."

With a laugh, Kakaka, Erdmade pointed at Sasha.

"The world or the creator Militia, which was born first?"

"The world, before Militia was born, the world existed, and the predecessor, the Creator God, Enesia, was already there. And create the next creativity god. ''

It is about your own birth. Sasha answered smoothly.

"Then let's go back in time to the beginning. How was the original Creator God born?"

Sasha gets stuck in her reply. Militia's mother, Enesia, the predecessor creator, said just as Sasha had answered.

But there is no way to know how the very first God, the original Creator God, was born.

Tr an slate d b y jpm tl .c om "... I don't know ... I can't make sure ..."

"Kakaka, yes, certainly. It's hard to find out, so what hypotheses can be made? Did God come first, the world first?"

Sasha opens his mouth, putting his hand on his head.

"If anything, I think it's God ..."


"Because if the world was first born and there was no order, the world would collapse. What I would never expect to have before God was born."

Without order, the world will perish. It is obvious that a world without God will not last long.

"So let's assume that God was born first. Did only the creator God be born, or did other Gods come along?"

Erdemade refers to mass.

"... Well, I think it's just the creator god. It seems that it's hard to happen by any chance, regardless of how many different deities are born at the same time."

"Kakaka, a good answer. Then the last challenge, how was the creator God born?"

Erdmade pointed at Naya with his cane.

"What do you think, stay?"

"... How about? ぽ Was he born with a pokko?"

A moment of silence.

A voice like a spout overflows from all over the classroom. Everyone was laughing at the unusual answers that I couldn't imagine.

"Kakakakaka, kakakakakaka! The creator god was born.

"What kind of sound? I think it's some kind of sound ... when I was born ..."


The students laughed, sipping.

"... I'm sorry ..."

"No, no, not right"


Nayat witnessed the king of death. He grinned, grinning.

"I don't know if there was a sound, but there was definitely something. If nothing, nothing would happen. In other words, there might have been something from the beginning for the creation of the creation god."

Erdemade puts his cane and puts weight on both hands.

"What do you need to beep in a world without any material, surviving?"

"... is the order of the sound ... like a gospel god?"

"Yeah, yeah, order! At least, something similar existed before the world was created, otherwise it would be hard to imagine the creation god would be born. That's not going to happen. ''

Erdmade smiles in a fun and irresistible manner while shaking his head from side to side. Then he turned, he said.

"Before this world was created, if order already exists, isn't there anything else?"

Naya is surprised. The inside of the classroom starts to get busy.

Tensions were built in this place, changing from the harmonious atmosphere of the past.

"... Are there any tribes ...? Outside this world ...?"

Naya asks. Erdemade laughed as well as the correct answer.

"Esques said," Who buried that gear in the deities of this world in the first place? Coincidentally? Certainly, the fire dew has completely disappeared, both from the gods' sky and from the earth, but it makes sense to think that it has moved rather than disappeared. And who planned that? "

Erdemade sends magic to the blackboard with a stick.

"That's the conclusion."

A large circle is drawn on the blackboard, and the world of Militia is written there. And next to it, another circle was drawn.

at the center"? ], And the Death King hits it with a stick.

"Is there another world outside this world?"