Chapter 318 Song that lifts the sky

The prelude to the Demon King Hymn No. 6 “Neighbor” resounds in the sky below the ground.

"I didn't find that practice useful here."

Between the columns, Sasha raises his hand above his head to support the canopy.

"Sing and lift together"

Misha seemed exhausted, but still struggled with her strong eyes, and she emptied her hands.

"Yeah, sing today until my throat dies!"

"... It's time to get serious about Zechia too ...!"

Eleonor and Zechia raise their hands in the sky. T ra n s late d by Jp m tl .co m

"... If I really come with you, I'll offer you incredible things ...

God's Eye "Naphtha sings. Believe that you can see hope without seeing anything."

"Oh, you see, anyway, this is a song from Agaha, Giordal, Gadeciola, all the people."

Deedrich and Naphtha reached out to the canopy even more powerfully.

Then, the "neighbor" prelude, which had risen to its climax, came to an end. For a moment, the music breaks and silence covers the world.

Now, the song that determines the end of the underground, the song begins-

"Oh, God ♪ This is a world where there was no knowledge, no, no, no!" T ra n s l a t ed b y jp mt m

「「 「Quick 、 Quick 、 QuickWoo ♪」 」」

Indeed, a large chorus that shakes the ground. The singing voice was converted into love magic, and the glowing light began to gather from under the ground to between the columns.

"" Do not open ♪ ""

Combine your feelings into one,

"['S! ! ! ! 』』 』

The hands of the underground people are thrust up with a shout. The canopy rose as if to respond to that love and thought.

"" Do not open ♪ ""

"['S! ! ! ! 』』 』

Dogagoon, and the canopy is lifted again, and the sky moves away to its original position. In that song, with that love, each and every one is supporting his world-

"" "" Do not open it, it is a forbidden gate ♪ ""

In front of the main gate of Hao Castle, Rei and Mass, and the knights of Agaha.

"[" S, S, S! ! ! 』』 』

Sing hard and lift the canopy. Every time I adjust my breathing, the sky resounds, Dogagoon, Dogagoon.

"" Teach me, God! ""

In the wilderness of Gadeciola, the Yatsuka Kenjin stood on a gentle hill, as he commanded the song and choreography of 5,000 lay people. T ra ns la t e d by Jp m tl .c o m

"['S! 』』 』

The Gadeciola religion is well-versed in singing enough to build a phonological magic circle that emits a singing flame.

"" This is Nani ♪ It is Nani ♪ ""

Unrivaled singing ability that is unrivaled, and gentle and intense choreography of Yatsuka Kento trying to lift the heavens with both hands.

"[" Sep! 』』 』

With that feeling, it is, and

"" "From knock first ♪" "

Dogagoon, Dogagoon, and-

"" "Gently tap and hit me!"

In the sky-

"" " 』』 』

――If you firmly support it, push up hard.

"'Quick, Quick, Quick Woo ♪'"

Thought communication Then, the thought they conveyed in <> echoes far away from the sky of Diordal.

Tr ansl a ted by jp mtl .c om The Holy Commemoration Song On that day, the followers who were listening to "Neighbors" in Jiolheisee are now returning to their own city.

They raised their hands and singed throughout the country to support the sky.

Believe in miracles

"" "I'm a neighbor ♪ I'm a neighbor ♪" "

It was the same in Agaha, a country with proud knights.

"" "I was alone ♪ It was peaceful-ha-zu-nano- ♪" "

The Demon King Choir that Deedrich called the Dragon Diva. Not only that, but their king is now passionate about this song to overturn the prophecy.

"" "Someday, it's growing, it's Naninani ♪" ""

"" It's a magical hand! ""

Then one life sword. Only sing until the throat dies, depending on the pride of the knight.

"['S! ! ! 』』 』

Of course, all the students of Demon Academy who were at the Sword Emperor's Palace as guests-

"" "You're crazy!" "

"" "He is the Demon King!" "

"['S! ! ! 』』 』

Tr ans la te d by Jp From the moment the Demon King's voice resonated, he became enthusiastic as if possessed by something, thrust his hands up and sang sullily.

"" "Oh ♪ or you said ♪"

"" "Let's love the neighbors of Nanji!"

"" Open your heart ♪ Forbidden gate ♪ ""

"['S! 』』 』

Even in Agaha-

"" "Ah ♪ that is unclean ♪" "

"['S! 』』 』

"" "Nobody knows!" "

"['S! 』』 』


"" "It's unclean ♪" "

"['S! 』』 』

"" Do not enter! ""

"" "I'm not going to go in, I'm sorry, I can't do it!" "

"['S! 』』 』

Even in Gadeciola-

"" "Teach me, I'm so sorry ♪ all the things in the scriptures, all ♪"

"" " There's a lot! 』』 』

Ryujins who have different teachings now sing the same song "Neighbor" and share their thoughts together.

「「 「Quick 、 Quick 、 QuickWoo ♪」 」」

Protect the underground. To support that heaven.

"" "Oh, God ♪ Ko-n-na, there was a world, I knew it ..."

The three underground powers work together for the same purpose.

It is just like the lyrics of "Neighbor". I just said I didn't know there was such a world.

"['S, Sea! Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah! ! 』』 』

Each of them had their hands raised-

Even more and more, one after another, the thoughts of the underground people are converted into magical powers, and they are brought to me at Hao Castle while supporting the underground sky.

The thought that has arrived has been turned into pure white magical light, covering the pillars of black magical power released from the whole body.

It became a pillar of black and white, lifting the falling canopy to its original height.


"Hey, Anos, what are you doing? You lifted it up here, but can't you just keep singing?"

So Sasha asks.

"Don't be impatient. I'm thinking about my hand-but I'm still lacking my thoughts."

"What's more, still more ...?"

"A follower of Giordal?"

I nod to Misha's words.

"Many people still pray, not trying to support that sky with their own hands."

I saw Pope Gorloana kneeling in the corner between the columns.

"Like that man"

If the Pope speaks out, the rest of Diordal, like Agaha, will try to support the heavens.


That was when I called it.

"--Beautiful. The unity of the people. No way, I never dreamed that the three great underground nations that were so intertwined would come together as one."

Viaflare smiles happily in the corner of view. It is Celis who slowly descended from the sky with his voice.

It's faster than I thought. I don't think the Death King can be done so easily.

"He's dead. He won't be able to resuscitate him."

Hama Flame Eater "If you get on, you'd better lie. Mostly, you're trying to make the magical powers of the Death-King invisible from here."

Serris responded, especially unmoved.

"I understand well. The Knights of the Phantom Knights and the troops are really opponents, because I'm busy supporting the canopy and there's no support for the chant flames."

Probably it was just saying appropriately. He has a face that eats nothing.

"But it's wonderful."

When Celis landed between the columns, she smiled at us as he supported the canopy.

"The unprecedented crisis that has struck this underground has united the hearts of the opponents. The more they are cornered, the more they may be thrown away and deepen their unity. The end is nearing The more the heart shines more beautifully. ''

Slowly, Serris turned her two fingers to Pope Gorloana, who continued to pray.

"If so, what if I want to see a more beautiful world?"

Shiden runs at his fingertips. The spherical magic circle has already been built beside it.

"I want to break it even more, and it's closer to the world everyone wants."

Shiden lightning <> was shot without mercy. At that moment, Gorloana looks like she is determined.

A violent Shiden approached the pope, who had lost God, and burst.

"...... Nu, gup ...!"

The Pope slightly raises his face. A small surprise was mixed with his reverent eyes.

It was Deedrich who stood to protect. Tatsuno reverse phosphorus He is <> and is eating Gorillana while eating Shiden.

Shiden thunder light "Your body is already at its limit, Deedrich. It looks like Anos has done a good job. Do you know what happens if you eat <> at the root of such a tatter?"

"... Now, don't know that ..."

As soon as Tatsuno Reverse Rin, Shiden swells, penetrates <>, and wears Diedrich's body.

"... Goo, Poo ... !!!!"

Burned by Shiden Lightning <>, Deedrich fell to the front.

"The Devil King can't be moved. If he moves now, that canopy will fall and we'll all be crushed. He'll save. He won't die. Some may be able to protect them. ''

Celis said, looking at us with a smoky smile.

"But all the underground people die. I don't want to see such a sad ending."

Again Celis turned his eyes on Gorloana and Diedrich.

"Hmm. If you're playing? If you're going to kill me, now is your chance."

"I don't know. No matter how indistinguishable you are, you are my son. No parent is so serious about the mischief of a child, isn't she?"

Serris is quick to say. How serious it is.

"And I don't underestimate you. You might be able to fight with the canopy lifted up or out of it."

With a thunder sword in hand, Celis begins to walk.

"But that power is not good at protecting anything."

Slowly, Celis heads for the Gorloanas.

"I can't save them while supporting the canopy."

"Do you think so?"

Opening in front of Celis, the snow-fall flower descends. It turned into an arcana.

When she created the God Snow Sword Locoronoto in her hand, Celis laughed.

"Hello, Sri God"

He releases the Thunderblade from his hand. As soon as I thought it was wrapped in Shiden, thunder rang and thunder struck at the foot of Arcana.

A thunder sword was stuck in front of her.

Arcana turned her doubts to Celis.

"That's all as per your expectations? Finally, you betray me and the Demon King. To that end, I've always deceived you around."

Following on to Arcana, whose expression does not change, Celis continues.

"All of the Yagami nominees are underground. Now, if you drop the canopy, only the Demon King and I will survive. I am one of the Yagami nominees who was given the title of a fool.

He smiled nicely.

"I hope you fulfill your true purpose, Arcana"