Chapter 291 Gentle gaze touching the abyss

Below you can see the sword emperor of Agaha and the future god. After talking in the garden for a while, they left in the castle.

"Hmm. He's a strong man. What's that man's hope?"

Misha blinked and turned to me.

"I want to know?"

"Well, do you understand?"

"Maybe just a little"

If you're Misha, you'll be able to guess Diedrich.

"But I can't help listening." T ra nsl a t e d b y jp m tl .co m

Mishap smiles.

"Because Naphtha understands"

"It doesn't make sense if I know it. The future god would have heard from Deidrich's mouth anyway.

According to the conversation between Deedrich and Naphtha, the future god can only see the future reflected in her naked eye and the evil eye, and she cannot look into her thoughts and heart.

Is that or a hint to get to the future of hope?

However, no matter how much you change your mind, if you act, the future will not change. And if you act, it will be reflected in the eyes of Naphtha.

"go?" Tr ans l a t e d b y jpmt l .co m

"Are you awake?"


Misha said with a slightly cheerful face.

"Well then go?"

We left the balcony. As she walks down the hall for a while, Misha stops in front of a room.

"My room"

"By the way, what happened to Sasha?"

Misha points to the next room.

"Good night in the room"

"Hmm. At the time of the feast, it's unlikely to get up until morning."

"It looked fun."

Misha opens the door and enters inside. I followed.

"So, as promised, I'll give you time, but what are you going to do?"

Misha bends her neck.

"do not know?" Tr ansla t ed by jp mt l .c om

"So I'm listening."


Misha stares into my eyes. Do something unreadable. Misha laughed at it.

Then I took my hand.


She pulls my hand to the bed.


What are you going to do? Well, it's a promise. Do what you want.

I lay on my back on my bed.

"Is it OK?"

Misaki nodded. With her face close to me, she says.

"Show me all of Anos"

HM. So that's it. Why did you show me everything? No, not as expected.

No way.

Tra nslat ed by Jpm tl.c o m "Did you get it?"

A little uneasy, Misha asks.

"It's obvious, but you don't have to."

"No good"

Misha said in an unusually strong tone.

"It's a reward. Show me."

"It can't be helped. It's a weird guy to want something like this for reward."

As I say, I release most of the anti-magic that I wear on my body. When Misha goes up to bed, she sits a little bit.

She grabbed my head gently with both hands and rested on her lap. As it is, with mysterious power in my evil eye, I look into my whole body every corner.

"Anos is tired"

"Nothing big. It's up to you to notice when I'm in anti-magic."

I didn't have much rest after coming to the bottom. Every day, he entered the world of dreams with the help of Arcana, fought against the future god Naphtha, and shed the blood of the Demon King.

The destruction of the Gokukai Death Hell Demon Gun <> is not unusual. Is it a battle with trace gods?

Reijinjin sword is a holy sword to destroy me. The secret is inferior to the original Ray, but has enough power to hurt this root.

Gokugoku Destruction Ash Cannon In addition, I dared to receive <>. But to get closer to the abyss of power, it once perished. In no way, it could not have been without the source wound.

Conquering the Seven Steps of Nirvana <> In that state, the finish is <>. T ra n slated by jpmtl .c o m

As expected, I can not say that I am not tired.

"Show me more deeply"

"What do you do when you look at that?"


Misha stares at me with serious eyes. Exposing the body's condition and roots to death is fatal.

Even a reliable man can't be shown that.

"I guess I can't hide it in Misha anyway."

Evil eye She has good looks. Eventually, I may be able to peek into the abyss of the root, even when I am in perfect condition.

And the deeper you look into the abyss, the more your evil eye will be polished. Then showing my roots would also lead to her growth.

"Is this OK?"

Remove most of the anti-magic that covers the deeper layers of the source and expose it in front of Misha.

Demon eye "After that, you should look easy"

She blinked and then she looked down at my abyss.

"... poor ..."

Misha gently strokes my head.

"The root is messy"

The Gokugoku Destruction Ash Cannon "Overcoming <> is not just a painful fuss."

Anyway, he received the magic to destroy the world.

"I'm forced to maintain it with magic"

HM. It's true that you know it.

"Until you get used to the new root shape, this is not something you can do right away."

Misha shows a painful expression. I don't hurt myself.

"Two thousand years ago, it's like this. It's rare to be able to fight in perfect condition."

"I can shape it a little"

A magic circle floats on Misha's eyes. . Over this royal palace, a pseudo delzogade is being built.

"I may be able to do it, but you should stop it."


"Destruction is oozing out of my roots and it's about to destroy the world. If you're the , you can use that power to set the roots in the desired direction, but that's you. It's going to be a heavy burden on me, nothing. It's like taking over my fatigue. "

Tell Misha looking at me.

"It's the Devil's fatigue. If you're an ordinary person, you'll die alone."

Misha reached out to her hand and touched my cheek.


Gentle, she whispers.

"Slightly, let me carry on."

Demon eye It's soft, but it has a solid determination. I'm not going to hear it anymore.

"Can you touch deeper?"

"Let's like it"

Misha's "Magic Eye of Creation" looks into my abyss.

As if the touch transmitted from the fingertip to the cheek reaches the root, her gaze filled with magic gently strokes my deep parts.

As you do so, little by little, my fatigue is alleviated, and the shape of the distorted root is adjusted.

"Arcana was a deceptive god"

Misha says, while healing me, in the

"What is Sasha and me ...?"

"I don't know"

Celis called the "Evil Eye of Extermination" to be the "Evil Eye of Constitution." Arcana has also seen it.

How is that connected? Or is everything just false?

At this stage, I don't know anything.

"But you're my irreplaceable friend and subordinate. If you know that, you don't have to be afraid, whatever the past."

Misha smiles softly. Like saying that I wanted to hear it.

"Anos is kind"

The girl whispering quickly exhausts her magic.

I look directly into my abyss, my source of destruction. It would be painful, but it would lead to what it should be.

"That's all you need. It's much better."

When trying to get up, Misha gently holds down my head with a small hand.

"No. Be quiet."

Again, put my head on my lap and she smiles. Then he said.

"It's a reward"

"Is pain a reward? Strange thing."

She shook her head from side to side.

"Because there isn't much to help Anos."

"Your head loyal to your loyalty, but it's not weak enough to take your pain to your shoulders."


Misha tells her, whispering in her ear.

"Because I'm touching deep inside Anos"

HM. Say something you don't understand.

"I don't think it's a reason?"

After blinking, she answered in a small voice.

"only me"

"... Well, I've never let others like the source."

If you don't have Misha's evil eye and a creator of magic, you can't help it.

"Anos shows me everything and forgives me deep."

Misha smiles. As if you care for me, if you don't have any pain, you'll be upset.

"Everyone's Demon King"

She said happily.

"I feel like I'm occupied alone"

Only now, she adds. After all, Misha gently stroked me until morning came.