Chapter 227 Revealed oracle

Soaring down to Gaerajesta, the city of God, I stood in front of the main gate of Ebelast Anzetta. If you walk slowly, the gate will be opened by yourself.

Go inside and go through a long passage, where you will find a white circular room. Between the Holy See, with eight seats.

In the middle of that was a man, the oracle The Ahide Alobo Agatse.

"I thought it was about to come. Anos Voldigord, a non-conforming person."

Ahide greets me with a calm expression, as if saying that he was looking at everything.

"Please answer with your heart"

Look straight at him and skip words.

Tr an s late d b y jpmtl .c o m "Is it your decision to invade Azzion? Or is it the decision of your country, Diordal?"

Three steps, approaching him, I say.

"Depending on the situation, the country seems to be destroyed."

"No, neither."

With a look of innocence, Ahide shook his head from side to side.

Rare: "The dragon was used on earth until he responded to the petition of King Lysius of Gairadite. He invited his people to God and, by consecration, made him a dragon, a people of God. I was reincarnated. "

Ahide smiled thinly with cloudless eyes.

Tran s l a t e d b y jpm tl.c om "The reverent King Lisius gave his charity to the people and asked God for salvation."

"While it's possible to swear by means of royal authority or eternal life, it's a good thing."

Ahide looks down on me with compassionate eyes.

"What a heretic can't do?"

"What can a stupid king do to believe what he believes in. Do you think you have the right to impose it on the people? The salvation given to those without religion can be anything but malice."

With a look as though she had been enlightened, Ahide answered.

"I have taught you once, but I will explain it many times. The people of Azzion have faith in my God. The sword that the gods blessed, the hero they chose Kanon, who believed in them and worshiped them: Evansmana, that is, the hands of the Eques blessed, only if they passed through the brave, believed in the It is. "

"I can't say anything stupid. What I would say during this period is a way for children to understand that they are lying."

Ahide says in a gentle tone, as if he were reminding me.

"You, the heretics, don't seem to be able to reach this religion yet. They didn't believe in the brave, but in the Eques. I just didn't notice it. "

He utters such words as if it were a cool face.

"The King Lisius, who had joined Giordal, realized this, and realized that the human people were entitled to be reborn as God's people. God would give salvation, if not desired. Will be saved unknowingly, and that is not unfortunate. "

"Hmm. In other words, do you want to say this? Forcing it to the dragon and destroying humans."

Quietly, Ahide closes his eyes.

"It's salvation, not destruction."

T r ans l at e d by Jpm t l.c om "As Arcana says, you're a helpless man, you're just a devotion to your chosen God."

Looking into the abyss of Ahide who responded with a smile, I can see her sharpness in her eyes. Misha would have argued that it was definitely frustrating.

"You know the consequences of the battle that took place on the ground. You've released the dragon that's locked up in the barrier and you're stuck. The people of Azeción save their lives with death. I didn't need that. "

"No. The dragons have been sealed off, neither by their will nor by their power, but by God's guidance. Everything is going to salvation."

Ahide quietly closed her eyes and did something to listen. Of course, the voice is not echoing.

"The oracle has descended. Your companion in the palace of Gairadite. The heart of Mass travels to God by the hand of the god of thought. When the hero Cannon pulls out his sword, the blade of God Judgment will be given to Canon, who is self-praised with God's power, and he will travel to heaven. "

Ahide prays, wrapping the pearl of choice in her left hand.

"And the one dragon that appeared would lead the people of Azzion to God."

"Say silly things"

Stop praying, and Ahide looked at me.

"What do you say stupid?"

"You don't know the brave man 2000 years ago"

"Because I received the oracle"

Laugh at the word and point it at him.

"In other words, just listen."

T r an sl a t ed b y Jp m tl .co m "The belief is a sight, but it is always true to God's Word."

"If it's true, you can make it just by looking at it."

Gaze back at Ahid's gaze and tell him.

"The humans believed in the hero, Canon, because that man fought for the truth, for them. Even if he didn't leave himself behind and all his bodies turned into ashes, he rose up again and was seen I tried to protect everything. ''

Looking back, I can still clearly remember the spirit of Ashura's incarnation.

"That's the work of God. Through humans, did humans believe in God? Don't be fooled or laugh. Humans didn't believe in God at that time. The only thing they could shield and hope for was that man, the brave man Canon. "

Close his eyes gently, and Ahide snaps away.

"So that's the work of God."

"Well, that the man protected Gairadite, Veroniez, and Nadelónica were all things of God? The hero Canon never said that."

"Yes, that's right. God has given the oracle to the brave to protect them. Even if you are unaware or unaware, you will never know if you do not believe in God."

And the voice leaks. From the bottom of my belly, laughter overflowed and I could not stop.

"... Kukuku, Kukukukuku, Kuhahahahahahaha ..."

"It's merciful. There's nothing weird."

"No, no, Ahide. "

Closed and Ahide looked straight at me.

"While God has given the oracle to protect him, did he perish? Why did he want to say that the hand of did not reach me? Or- T ra n s la t ed b y jpmt l .c om

I told Ahide, who was silent.

"May we talk about things we don't know and get out of rags?"

"... the will of the sublime God is inferior to you."

I stare sharply at Ahide who keeps making painful excuses.

"So why didn't you save everything?"

Ahide does not answer. I guess I've been cautious with my previous speech.

"That era was hell. If you didn't want to kill it, you couldn't do it. You had to destroy it before it perished. Did you come to salvation? "

"Lost to be destroyed, salvation to be saved; everything is in the will of God."

"The arrogant God. If there is an Almighty who cannot save everything, his heart is rotten."

Angry with nature and words.

"I can't forgive, Cardinal, because the salvation you give is mocking those who have desperately lived and those who have failed to live. He will put away the death of those who challenged me with the will of God. ''

The man's words that everything is the work of God are blasphemy to all who desperately survived that era.

"Emilia and the students of the Academy of Braves have all bet on life and pride, and have confronted the hordes of dragons that will attack their homeland. If it is neither their will nor their power, they are being manipulated by God What was that fight? "

Strongly cast words. As if uncovering man's deception.

"This life, the former death, the salvation we have seized, and the mistakes we have made, are never ruled by God, etc. Everything we do with this hand."

They fought desperately because they couldn't be blamed on God. And certainly won.

Every victory belongs to them. I will not give it to God.

"Rei, Mass. I was listening."

Thought communication Following the <> that was connected, I said.

"Everything seems to have fallen in the oracle. The heart of Mass travels to God, and when the brave canon pulls out the sword of the spirit god, the blade is returned to God. Judgment falls to Canon, and he travels to heaven. ''

I reiterated the words of Ahide.

"Show me the reality"

Tell Ray and Mass so, and I point loosely at Ahide.

"Ahid Alobo Agatse, the stupid petty master. It's easy to kill you, but we'll strip the ghostly oracle before it."

Ahide stands with a clear face and declares clearly.

" There is no such thing as the salvation of Eques, because all the voices of God you hear are red fake."