Chapter 204 Dragon subjugation order

The laughter of Emadedo reverberates in the Great Auditorium.

"That's a dice play, but a dice play. This is Anosh Porticoro. It's a genius boy proud of our Demon King Academy!"

Looking at Heine's drooping face, the King of Death said.

"If you're dissatisfied, you're a weak person. You can try it any number of times. Instead, I'll give you 10% more attendance at the Brave Academy every time you lose. This King of Death is vulnerable Let's give you a thorough instruction. "

Heine bite his back teeth and turned his heels.

"... It's as dirty as ever to be a monster, pretending to be a kid, the demons are the same. It's the same as falsely impersonating the Demon King.

Heine waved and Heine descended from the podium. However, he did not return to his seat and headed for the door.

Tr ansl at ed by jpmtl .com "Hey, Heine-kun! Where are you going? It's in class!"

Emilia screams and glares at him.

"Oh? Noisy, Emilia."


"Huh? Teacher? Demon demons?

Heine shrugs and hands at the door.

"Wait, Heine!"

T r a n sl ate d by Jpm t l .c om "It's persistent. It's a toilet, a toilet."

"That said, yesterday I wouldn't have returned to the classroom all day long."

Oh, and Heine sighs.

"I had a stomach ache. All day. Why don't you come to Emilia, watch over. To the toilet."

Ahahahaha, Heine laughs. Emilia had a humiliating look.

"Isn't that interesting?"

Telling them to break through the stagnant air, Ealdmade begins to walk.

"Which King of the Death is going to take a tour with you?"


"Oh, or?"

Pointing to Heine with his cane, the King of Death has a gentleman look.

"Is it a big one?"

Heine looks at the King of Death, who seems to be disturbed. As he stood still, the King of Death lined up and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, let's get you guided."

Heine was running away with all her power.

"... Joh, it's a joke. It's a joke. It's common sense to finish the toilet before class, at all." Transl at e d b y Jpmt m

Heine dashes as she escapes and returns to her seat. It's as if I felt a danger.

"Kakaka, I guess so, a weak man. It's fine to use bluffs to give your position an advantage. I'm hoping for a more amusing lie. Try it. ''

With a ticking footsteps, Erdmade returned to the lecture hall of the auditorium.

"Oh, Anosh, you can go back."

I get off the platform and go back to my seat slowly.

The students of the Brave Academy began to talk about each other, saying, "Is it a genius boy at the Demon King Academy ..." or "I'm a demon king, there are a lot of monsters, the demons ..."

One of them was a strange word.

"Can an Almighty make a sword that no one can pull out of? 』

It's a small question not for anyone.

No, is it a question that was directed at me, if it were strong? If you're convinced that the voice will reach me, then.

Stop your feet and look back at your voice.

The girl was sitting there.

Bob-cut silver hair and gold eyes. It is white in color and has a clear air.

The beauty is just that, it seems to have magical power, and creates a foreign space in this place. However, the most unusual thing was her foreign clothes.

Tr a ns l a te d by jpm The costume I've never seen is neither of Azzion nor of Dilheid.

Those who aren't dressed in the school uniform are sitting in this auditorium, blending in, and no one is wondering about it.

It felt different.

"If an Almighty cannot make a sword that no one can escape, he is not an Almighty."

The girl says.

"If an Almighty makes a sword that can't be passed on to anyone, that sword won't go out for the Almighty. Those who do not escape the sword are not all-powerful. So he is not an Almighty. '

Even its existence is a strange question.

"Is there no Almighty in this world? 』

But surely it was for me. The transparent girl was looking straight at me.

"If you know the answer, tell me"

At the same time, the foreign girl disappeared. No one is sitting on the chair.


Misha's voice was heard.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you see the person here?"

After flickering, Misha shook her head. T r a n slate d by Jp m tl .co m

"No one was there"

HM. So what did you see? I suppose he sent the video directly to my head.

But I don't know. Can the Almighty make a sword that no one can pull out of?

I don't know who it is, but it asks strange things. It doesn't seem like a very meaningful question. When you hear the answer, it doesn't matter.

Well, if I have a need, I'll talk to you again.

"If it is good"

I sat next to Misha.

"Well then, I'm going to start a school exchange-"

Emilia screamed, and the entrance door opened. What came is a man in a red robe.

The hair is short and the crown is bald. He could not be said to be flattering or slim, but his loose-fitting robe grew swelling.

The bald man walks straight towards the podium.

"The Dean of Zamila ... What happened ...?"

Yes, Emilia says. Zamira answered with the Buddha on the top.

"The Royal Palace has a decree to Alclan Iska"

He heard that it was a royal decree, and expressed the expression that Emilia seemed to be troubled.

"... What's the story?"

"I've come to explain it now. Listen silently."

Emilia nodded, despite a frustrated look. At a glance, Zamira glanced at Singh and Erdmade on the podium, and turned to the students.

"Oh, the Royal Courts have given me an edict from the Royal Palace.

Oh, Zamira coughs out.

"The other day, I think you've heard, but a monster called a dragon has been sighted throughout Azzione. The Royal Palace conducted its own investigation and found that this dragon would eat humans. It is likely that the people and towns of Azzion will be damaged. ''

Although it is a royal palace's own investigation, it is probably information that Igareth gave away. It is impossible for humans of this era to grasp the actual state of a dragon so quickly.

"There was a royal decree in the selection class at the Academy of Heroes Alclan Isca. I'm asking you to go to the dragon defeat in various parts of Azzione. The Royal Palace is really looking forward to your success as a hero. I believe that they will always respond to you.

The dragon's danger must have been warned several times, starting from Dilheide, but it's hard to say that leaving the defeat to the Academy of Heroes.

The current brave who has lost the trust of the people will never become a force. Sanctuary The reason is that their trump card, <>, does not show decent power.

I wanted to take advantage of the school exchange and hunt the dragon quietly only at Demon Academy, but it seems that the direction of the wind has changed a little.

"I'm over."

Emilia calls out to Zamira, who is about to go to the podium.

"Ah ... Director of the Zamira Governor. Does the defeat of the dragon mean that you are under the command of the Royal Palace Army? Surely, the soldiers of the Royal Palace Army were in front of the Academy ... "

"The soldiers are a different matter. The Royal Palace was ordered to trust Alclan Isca and leave everything to him. This is a test that they have to do on their own."

"... Huh ...? Wait a minute, do you tell students to hunt monster class creatures !?"

The director turned a cold glance at Emilia, who reflected reflexively.

"Emilia-sensei was still young and she was young. We are different from the Demon King Academy. Even if they are students, they are heroes. It is the hero who fights for the people. It's a mission. ''

"But ... against unknown creatures ... I don't think I'm crazy ..."

"Mr. Emilia!"

He looked at Emilia as Zamira scolded him.

"Are you saying the royal palace is crazy? You should be careful with words."

"No ... That's why ... But I think it's better to ask for the Royal Palace's support, but there are times when it should happen."

"I'm sorry, but I'm too busy. I'll leave the rest. Ask the clerk for details."

"Well, wait a minute. Still talking ..."

Ignore Emilia's words, Zamira descends the podium. On his feet, he headed to Ray's seat.

Immediately he smiled from the top of the Buddha. He bowed as gracefully as possible with his plump body.

"You're the first one to see, Brave Canon. I'm Zamila Engelo, the dean of our institution.

The students of the Brave Academy are staring at the eyes. However, Zamira continued without any fuss.

"Canon, we humans are eagerly looking forward to the day you will be reincarnated. At this time, the Royal Palace is preparing for a grand ceremony for you. The people, all the soldiers, are welcoming and blessing the return of the brave hero, Can you please come to the castle once? "

Unusually, Ray responded with a real face, not a smile. Sure enough, the air, which had become annoying, was oozing out of his whole body.

"I'm already a demon."

"No, no, it's not a bad thing. Even the power of the demons is my thing, as is the hero Canon. No matter who you say, you are a hero. The sword of the spirit god proves it Even if you're a human, you can't be a brave man unless you escape Evans Mana. "

The sound of a tongue leaked from the seat of the brave academy. Laos.

"Come on, we're already ready to pick you up. Although it's a school exchange, you won't learn under these fake heroes. As a state guest, I will do the finest hospitality. "

The reason why he despises the Academy of Heroes is that Zamira was a man sent from the Royal Palace. Nobody is willing to be the dean of the brave academy who has lost authority after the disappearance of Diego, and this has been done tentatively.

For Zamira, the life of the Royal Palace is more important than the education of the students. Although it may be because of ignorance, it would be possible to talk about the ridiculous dragon suppression with ease.

"I won't ignore you"

Ledriano stood up.

"Certainly, we were not reincarnated as Canons, but what if the director of the Brave Academy called our students impostors?"

"Ooh, you're licking a great guy."

Laos rises and gazes at Zamira.

"Roughly? That troop of soldiers on the table is here. Is it for picking up the hero Canon? When you do a fine ceremony at the Royal Palace, you'll have to spend a lot of soldiers on parades and whatever. We're so busy that we're the only students who can fight dragons or other monsters.

Heine then said.

"It's hard to decide. Why don't you let the real brave do it? Unlike us, there's a god god sword."

The students of the brave academy begin to make a noise saying "yes," as they agree with Ledriano. Zamira turned and shouted.

"Besides, I'm sorry for the waste! You're in a position to complain! Originally, it's no wonder you're guilty of being the brave canon and being sentenced to death for plotting for the Royal Palace!"

Ledriano raises his glasses with his index finger.

"We've just been judged to be a reincarnation of Canon by the Academy of Heroes. Isn't it strange that we push our responsibilities?"

"So why were you pretending to be Canon? If not, you should have excused it."

Sanctuary "Do you know that the influence of <>?"

Sanctuary "Imagine me. Do you think the royal palace will take the view of Dilheid? There is a speculation there. There is no influence of <>. That is Azzion's view. Isn't it? "

That being said, Ledriano silences. The destruction of the sanctuary Gerga has erased his will from <>. There is no way we can confirm it now.

Sanctuary The good news is that the Royal Palace is going to have had no effect from <>. Sanctuary Gerga's will does not affect everyone who uses <>, but wants to make it a more personal matter.

If it becomes inconvenient, it can be truncated at any time.

"If you're not a canon, if you're a brave man, that ridiculous war must have been stopped. You must be a fake."

Redoriano bites his back teeth. Regrets spread over his expression.

"Well, the royal palace has generously given you such a chance. You have the opportunity to defeat the dragons and re-name yourself a real hero. Yes. Thanks are grateful, there is no reason to be complained. There are many fears! "

All the students in the selection class are silent at once.

They were all treated as heroes until the war broke out. The fact that he was not a hero, no matter how unreasonable, had hurt them deeply. However, one teacher raises a voice without minding such a thing at all.

"I've been talking about a brave, a brave, but what is that? Why do we have to die for such a ridiculous thing? You're crazy?"

Too much unreasonableness, Emilia was eating. The fact that the students take their lives is, of course, at risk.

For her who did not know the pride of the brave, it would not be acceptable at all.

"It's a hero. It's an inevitable mission as long as they claim hero."

Zamira says with a sigh.

"Then it doesn't matter if you're not a brave man."

"What ...?"

Zamira has a cute expression. It was a completely unexpected word.

"I'm done when I die. Is this a farce for my life, is that a hero? Isn't that pretty ridiculous? A hero is good. Do you think Dilheid is silent? "

Oh, and Zamira sighed.

"Mr. Emilia. If you're also a teacher at the Academy of Braves, I want you to learn a little more about the brave. With that insight, no one listens to your classes."

"It's because the students are so serious. It has nothing to do with not being brave!"

Zamira shook his head, raising his eyebrows.

"I can't talk"

One-sidedly, Zamira turned to Ray again.

"Sorry, brave hero Canon. I'm sorry to show you the unsightly things. If you're going to attend class, I'd like you to come to a banquet after school or, if you like, go to a banquet. I would like to know more about it. ''

"Oh, yeah, Ray."

As I pinched my mouth, Zamira glanced recklessly.

"Can we play in the water after school? There was a large lake."

Zamira exhales through her nose with a squeeze. Despite the frustration, I thought I knew Rei and made a smile.

"... Oh, me? Unfortunately, Kanon-sama has an errand-"

"That's nice"


Zamira makes a naive voice. It was a bad face.

"Sorry, I refuse the dinner party"

"Why, why? Think once again. We can provide whatever you want."

Refreshingly smiling, Ray said.

"After school, I was able to play in the water."