Chapter 128 Wisdom comparison

Top floor of Union Tower. In the remote perspective <>, Rei and Mass, Eleonor and Zessia, and Misha and Sasha defeat enemies, respectively.

Four evil royal family "Hum.

The King of Curses, the King of Death, the King of the Scarlet Monsters, and the King of the Hades were the powers after demonic kings in the Makai 2,000 years ago. In awe and respect for their ability, the demons called them the Four Evil Royals.

High in self-esteem and unmatched by other demons, they have never joined hands except during the war. It's a strange story because it's doing peace fighting now that it's in peace. It would be nice to say that you got along, but that's not true.

"That's the story of trying to compare wisdom to me, was it okay to wait for them to be done?"

When asked, Sieg laughed. It is only within expectations that the subordinates of the four evil royals will be killed.

"You're looking for the Son of God, and if you're a savage, violent Demon King, you've noticed that some of your men have the potential to be the Son of God."

Trans l a te d b y Jp mt l.c om HM. Is that something?

Two thousand years ago, Knowsgalia was trying to give birth to the great spirit Reno. If I had not been in time, or if I had reached Reno again after I was reincarnated, she would have carried the Son of God into her.

If it is true that Mass is the son of the great spirit Reno, then it is possible that he is a child of God.

Demonic condemnation Nowgalia also helped to make Gerga magic. Using <>, who hated the demons, as a decoy, it is no wonder that <> would produce a vessel of the Son of God.

In other words, Zesia may be the Son of God.

Separation, fusion, and reincarnation And if Misha was born due to the interference of God, there must have been a purpose for her. Originally, <> might have been magic to give birth to a child of God right after I was reincarnated.

In that case, the union of Misha and Sasha could be considered a child of God. Separation and Fusion Reincarnation In the previous war, the deity was raised by using <> once and achieving fusion. Thus, as the roots were dying and their magical powers increased, the power of Misha's God began to awaken.

Tra n s la ted b y Jpm t l .com This may be the reason why the phenomenal creation magic that can approach the god of creating delzogade in a simulated manner can be performed.

"Well, as you said, Sieg. It would be strange to give me information if the King of Death was in a co-operation with Knowsgalia. It was only a matter of time I suppose it was. "

Just exposing the information of the Son of God has no meaning. Given Sieg's remarks, the aim is one.

"That's what it's like? If you use the information you have as a bet chip and challenge me to compare wisdom."

As if calculated, Zeek smiles.

"As expected, the Demon King Anos. He is not just strong."

Contract Zeke used the magic of <>.

"Let's explain the rules. You ask questions. I tell you everything I know about it, but I can specify one thing and lie about it."

"For example, what about the identity of the Son of God?"

Shake lightly.

"Yes. If I specify that I lie about the identity of the Son of God, I will only lie about questions that approach that identity."

HM. Are you not moving? The liver is quite sitting.

Well, being upset here is a beat.

"However, we cannot answer the truth about what we have specified to lie."

got it. If you can only tell a lie, depending on the way you ask questions, you can see it as a lie.

T ran sl a t e d b y Jp mtl.c o m "I have fifteen questions, and if I can tell what I'm lying about, it's your win. In that case, for five seconds, I'll be shut out of my magic. Of course, my magic sword."

Even if you revive Melheis and destroy him, fishing will come in 5 seconds.

"On the other hand, if I can't see through my lies to the end, if I win, I'll get 5 seconds of your time. During that time, you can't use magic."

If I didn't use magic for 5 seconds, it would be impossible for him to destroy me. I guess I could do some damage. After all, it's the best thing to destroy Melhais at best.

Or do you have any trump cards? It would be more unnatural to think that there is none.

"You can only tell a lie eight times."

The contract <> stipulates that when I tell a lie, I will not falsify the answer. Apart from that, it seems that there is no strange loophole in the overview that Sieg has just talked about.

"When can I tell a lie?"

"It doesn't matter at any time. You only need to declare when you know you've lied."

Well, speaking of validity is a reasonable rule. I think it's a bit of an advantage, but I'd think I wouldn't be on wisdom otherwise.

"How about, Devil King Anos. If you destroy me with a brute force this way, there is a one in a hundred million chance that Melheis will not be revived. No matter how you think, you can win without losing anything. I think it's wise not to take risks? "

Seriously, Sieg said. That would be one of the bargains.

"Hmm. One look wrong, Sieg. If you're going to be provoking, you don't need that. It's the same as wisdom or strength. I don't think "

Contract Without hesitation, I signed <>. Sieg laughed slightly, convinced of the victory.

"Then it's a game, Demon King Anos"

Covenant I point <> to control the word. Tra n s l at ed b y jpm

"One before that. I want to change the rules."

He looked at me with a stern look.

"... how is it?"

"You only have to ask 7 questions and 4 lies."

Sieg looked up with doubt. It's an atmosphere that I didn't expect.

Time operation "Instead, leave the magic sword with me. While using <>, it is difficult to compare wisdom."

Contract "From the beginning, <> states that it is forbidden to destroy the technique of <> with an anti-magic sword while comparing wisdom"

Contract "If you are prepared to perish, <> can be destroyed."

"If you have your evil eye, you should be able to detect and stop it in advance.

"If you think so, you will be glad to take it. I will challenge this. No matter how many handicaps, I will not be enough."

Sieg gazes at me as if searching for the true meaning. After a while, he said.

"Okay, let me borrow my chest."

Contract Sieg has changed the conditions in <>.

He mobilized the evil eye and gave out his anti-magic sword Gablaid, staring at every single move and gazing at the slightest disruption in magic. I don't know how I'm going.

I took the magic sword casually and I said. Tra n sl a te d by jpmtl .com

"It's a contract."

I signed <> with the changed terms and conditions, and pierced the floor so that the gabraid could be set aside.

Sieg exhales small. It's like reassuring.

"So let's get started, the first question."

One thing to check first.

"Talk about the Son of God"

After a moment, Sieg replied.

"Three are possible children of God; Miss Iriolog, Zesia Bianca, and Misha Necron and Sasha Necron. For Necron's sister, the girl who fuses the two has the potential. ing"

Does Misha and Sasha think of them as one?

"Fifteen years ago, a child was born between the great spirit Reno and the demon king's right arm, Shin Reglia. That was Mass Iliolog. However, it was as expected by Heavenly Father God Nousgalia. It is an order that destroys the Demon King, and its tradition is not human or demonic, but spread among gods. "

This is why Mass has a strong root unrelated to spirit disease, despite the fact that it is half-spirited. However, Shin is coming out here. Two thousand years ago, he left the guard of the great spirit Reno. Although there were contacts, it is hard to imagine that the man would fall in love.

If true, peace is still wonderful.

"Now that your incarnation is complete, she has grown up and is finally waking up in her order."

Does awakening mean revealing the true spirit? If it is in the hands of God, it is likely, but not necessarily.

"Two thousand years ago, Heavenly Father Godsgalia made an appointment with the hero of Azechion, Gerga, to make him magical and second only to God, but Knowsgalia is God's god. I can't turn it over, so I've put a trade-off on Gerga, turning some of his roots into eleonols and letting them make vessels of God. "

For the purpose of making God, I guess you can drink Gerga's request. Consistent.

"The contract was signed by Gerga's nod, and over a long period of time, Eleonor continued to mass-produce Zesia, and at this time the vessel of God was finally born. It was transferred to Demon Academy. That little Zechia I've done. ''

If you continue to make source clones, can mutations produce better individuals? Certainly, there is a slight difference between the source clones, so it is possible. And at least, that Zechia has a different coat color from other individuals. She is young and hasn't awakened yet, but does she have the potential to become a vessel of God?

Separation and Fusion Reincarnation “In the magical era, the roots of the hero who fused with Ivis Necron were studying the magic of <>. Together, the wisdom made the study go smoothly.The roots of Kanon sought to empower the demons so that no one would die in the war between Dilheid and Azzion. "

No matter how much you intend to die, there is no guarantee that war will not damage others. Empowering only one demon would have helped, but he still wanted to save as much as possible.

Due to the separation and fusion reincarnation "<>, the root and body of Sasha Necron were divided into two. Originally, she had only one personality, but due to the intervention of God, the light of the moon And the natural magic circle was rewritten.A new character, Misha Necron was born. "

If it were true, the roots of canon would have been considerable.

"If you let go, Misha will vanish. Even with the power of the hero, it was inevitable, but he had only one desire to save his sister. I thought I could save it. ''

However, I couldn't dismiss me, and that was the end.

"And the Demon King of Violence has saved his sister. You have stopped it in spite of God's speculation. The child, who was to be born with God's will and mighty magic, was born only as two girls .Now, not yet. "

This explanation is sufficiently possible.

The magic that Misha just showed was just extraordinary. The difficulty, however, is that, even if you are not a child of God, you have the magical powers of that, and no wonder.

Because I am like that.

"These were directly heard from Knowsgalia, and he promised not to lie."

God keeps his promise. These are all true, if Zeke is not lying.

It is reasonable to think that the information is vague in some places because of the knowledge that Knowsgalia taught for this wisdom comparison.

"Finally, the Son of God born to destroy the Demon King of Violence is under your control."

HM. Alright.

Let's end this wisdom comparison first.

"Now use one right to tell a lie. You are lying about things about the Son of God."

Of course, at this stage there is no way to tell if it is a lie. The purpose is to confirm one truth.

"Unfortunately, it's off."

The magic circle of contract <> is shining. The contract is working fine. In other words, he is not lying about God's Son.