Chapter 97 Root killing

Diego jumped out of the way and turned his hatred eyes on me.

"Evil demons ... Did you bring me back to find the secret of the Brave Academy?"

"Hum, Diego"

The moment I spoke, I had already approached Diego and had pierced her left chest.

"Gap ... huh ......!"

He spits blood out of his mouth.

"Who's talking with permission? You're taller."

Grab his heart and squash as it is. Tr a n sl at e d b y


With his right arm pulled out, Diego fell from his face to the floor. My body didn't move and I was already dead.

"I told you not to die on your own."

Resurrection Diego will be revived again with the magic of <>. As soon as my body was revived, he stared at me.

"Ki, you-are you!"

Step on Diego's head and press it down on the floor.

"... Oh, do you ...! Demons ... I don't know what I'm planning, but I don't think this brave me will succumb ...!" Tra ns l a te d by jpmt l.c o m

"Are you still brave? He's the one who looked down."

I created a magic sword in the palm of my hand and stabbed him into the abdomen with the root of Diego.

“… Gu …… Gu ……… Muh, it's useless …… with this pain… I ’m fighting for peace for mankind! I will show you. You, who do not understand love and courage, will never understand this filthy demons! "

Demon eye "Elaborate and take a closer look, the magical formula drawn on your body"

Through the tip of the magic sword, a magic circle was drawn all over Diego. He was surprised to see the magic ceremony.

Demonization "... this is ............... <> ...?"

This is the magic of animal demonicity described by Ledriano in the auditorium.

"Human is an animal, this magic works well."

"Hah ... Hahahah ... Hahhhah ... Stupid thing. The hero who received the blessing of the Holy Sword will not fall into evil. "

"Hmm. That's wrong."

Black hair grows from the wound in the chest where the evil sword stuck, as if the evil eroded.

“…… u… gu …………………”

Diego immediately deploys a magic circle there, and uses sacred magic to suppress monsterization.

Demonization "The magic of <> makes use of the beasts and devils that are at the root of animals. Humans with reason are difficult to demonize, but they are not necessarily demonized. There are also individual differences. That's right. "

Diego is desperately releasing magical power with a face-to-face look. T r ans la t e d by jp mt l .com

"The goddess sword recognizes only the owner of one source, full of unmistakable light, as the owner. Isn't the blessing of the goddess sword not a monster? You will be chosen as a human sword. "

Diego's claws are slightly extended, and fangs are about to grow from the mouth.

"Hm. Diego, are you really a reincarnation of the hero Canon?"

"... Oh, that's right ... I'm Diego Kanon Ijezica, a descendant of a hero who has the roots of Canon ... You'll defeat the demons and save the world ..."

"I don't think so. If you reincarnate, you will be a person. You will not have the same personality. However, only the core is the same. You cannot resemble the hero Canon Because their roots are ugly and distorted. "

"Oh, rare ..."

It was as if anger had exploded.

"Shut up, shut up! Don't get in your hand! I'm a hero! I'm a hero! You're the demons, save the world ... You're a hero, Canon! Pup ... sneaky magic!

"Who told you to say that?"

Demonization Put magic power into the magic of <>.

"Ugh ... this, uh ... idiot ... this me ... It's hard for this brave me to be a monster ... !!!"

"When a human becomes a monster, it is a little different from other animals, probably because of its intelligence. It promotes the desire, malice, and hatred of the human, and it appears even in its appearance."

"Shut up ... I'm ... courage ...... hey ...... hey ... oh ...... but ...... oh ... oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

The demonization accelerates and black hair appears on the entire body of Diego. His nails grew, his tusks grew, and his head had thick horns.

What is most characteristic is its face. It has a strange shape, as if it had been crushed. Tr ans lat e d by jpmt l.c o m

"That's your nature, Diego. It's ugly and distorted as you thought."

Gently, Diego awoke, turning his ugly face at me.

"How is it? You feel like a monster?"

"... Hmm, what's the matter ............... I thought that my heart would be broken by this !!!!"

Diego screams as if he screams.

"Human is not an appearance! It's not a pedigree! It's a heart! No matter how much you change my form, my heart is a human! Even if it's an ugly monster, There is no difference in being a hero! "

"Your heart doesn't seem very brave."

"Darma ..." ... Ku-san ... Ku-san! ... A cruel, outrageous demons ... It was a mistake to treat you. I should have killed everyone from the beginning! "

Thought Communication Diego uses <>.

"Jergakanon, all assault the demons"

"Hmm. What are you going to do? My subordinates are not weak enough to be attacked by a total attack."

In response to my words, Diego just grinned. He touched the nearby holy water polo and unfolded the magic circle.

"I'll regret, you're a filthy demon. When you know that, it's a sight to see your face dyed into despair !!!! Fufufu, hahahahahahahahahahaha !!

Do you use holy water as a monster? Half, the body is poisoned, but the magic itself is active.

Source Light Destruction "I see, <>. I was casting magic on the student's source." T r a nsla t ed b y jp mt m


It's like falling down to talk. Diego seemed to be upset by being amazed at the moment.

Source Light Destruction "The magic circle is a magic detonation style. Perhaps the assaulted students don't know anything. Even a magical style of <> is set at their root. "

No way, it's so stupid. What can't be helped.

"Diego, that's what you do with the brave. I don't think your students want to kill the demons until they bet."

"The demons who have taken everything from humans do not hit the windy mouth they knew. This is how the brave, this is the way the legendary brave cannon fights! One of my students, including those who are terrified, is not afraid to be afraid of death! It is said that this courageous act is not a hero! "

Thought Communication Diego again emitted <>.

"Report the situation"

"Hah! I've just discovered Rei Grandsdry, the swordsman of the demon!"

"Here, I've caught Sasha Necron, the doomed witch."

"We confirmed nine members of Demon Academy. This is also ready to charge nine people!"

Diego said the ugly face was even more ugly distorted.

"Let's go! Gergakanon, descendants of the hero Canon! It's time to show your courage and show your courage !!!! Assault!"

For a moment, I was piercing Diego's body with my right hand.

"Did you decide to do that?"

“…… Guy ………………”

He laughed grinning, spitting blood.

"I'll clear my grudge. I die, the demons."

Either the magic has already been activated or the holy water polo automatically sends magic to the magic circle. It is intended to explode the students of Brave Academy.

Root Light Annihilation Lei, Sasha, Mass and the students who approached are wrapped in light by <>.

Intense explosions sounded, and the source explosions that occurred in various underwater cities would have blown even this temple lightly.



Diego mutters stunned

"Why isn't it exploding ...?! Why?"

Source Light Destruction "It took a little time, but magic was applied to the entire underwater city. Magic to stop the time of <>"

Source Light Destruction So it was too late to come to help Misha, but it's not necessarily because others don't use <>.

"... stopped the magical time ... then ...?"

"Did you not hear me? I can't get through the same attack twice."

Diego shook with a trap, mixing up hatred and anger.

"It's a great peace. I thought I wouldn't take my life, but apparently it wouldn't be a bad thing to keep you alive."

When I pulled out my right arm, Diego stepped back like a stomach. Almost no power remains.

"... If you want to kill, kill it .... but I'll be revived over and over again ... I'll never forget this grudge if it doesn't come true in this world, if it doesn't come true in the next world, then how many times I'll be born again Will someday eradicate the demons !! "

"Did you think you have a hereafter?"

I open my right hand. I sent magic to it so that he could see it with his magic eyes. Then a light glowing white sphere appeared on my palm.

If you look closely, the white sphere is connected to Diego by a thin thread-like magic line.

"Do you understand? It's your root."

Draw a magic circle at the end of your right hand. Root killing <> Magic. As my right hand passes through the magic circle, my fingertips become black.

Root killing "You can't touch the root. Even if you use a great magic, it's difficult to interfere with the root itself. However, this magic of <> can touch the root directly."

I scratched the white ball with my toes.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

Even more intense screams came out than the shouts of the Death Evil.

"Did you understand? It is more pain than death to hurt the roots. In order to condense all the pains imaginable in this world, it will never reach it. The infinite and equal deaths that are repeated by reincarnation are plucked on the spot. ''

I also lightly scratch the root with my toes.

"Agyu, gyuhyaa, gubahe !!"

With tears, drooling, no matter what, Diego screams like a beast.

Source Light Annihilation Explosion "I told you how to fight the hero Canon. It is the hero who attacks the students and defeats the enemy with <>"

Pierce the root with your fingertips. Diego turned his eyes and screamed out of words.

"Two thousand years ago, the hero Kanon had seven roots. Even if the roots were erased, if one remained, he revived many times. `` The only person who actually tried to use this was the hero Kanon later and later. ''

I said to Diego, whose eyes were already empty.

"Why? Nobody was hurt so many times and couldn't endure the pain of the reincarnation. But he accepted it. I've confronted it. "

“… No, no ………… No, no ………………………………”

Swinging his fingers down, I slashed the roots of Diego.

"Yeah ... ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhahhhohahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehmum oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahaahhahahahahahahaohohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Do you know why?"

At the root of the missing Diego, I turn my jet-black fingertips again.

“………………………………… a ……………………………………”

At first, Diego seems to be a crock.

"The man really wanted to die if he could sacrifice someone, and he died again and again. The roots were slashed, burned, and destroyed, yet he fought for humans, the hero who rejected your heroes and demons many times. I was the owner. "

He was proud and proud of being an enemy. He fought to defend at all times. Nothing has ever been dominated by my desires.

Did you kill it? Has anyone else killed that man who continued sacrificing himself for humans?

He would still be resurrected. But it may have been enough to kill that heart.

"If you say you're a reincarnation of Canon, be patient. If you can do that, I'll reincarnate. Come to kill me again in the next life."

"... Already ... Stop ... Forgive ... Oh ... Oh ...

Penetrate the root of Diego with your fingertips.

"Gugagagagaga, Gyuhyapyu, Gyufuahappitsu !!"

"What's wrong, Diego. Are you a hero? Don't cry with such a voice. Kanon will laugh."

Look into his face with evil eye.

“…… re …………”

Diego said with a look drunk to the abyss, still deeper than despair.

"... Please ......... Forgive me ... Kill me ......... End it ..."

It was a begging voice. The grudge and hatred have disappeared, and I just want to be free from this pain.

"You are not the brave canon"

Gradually kill the source of Diego with the hands of <>. White balls shattered into pieces. Diego's body falls down like a broken doll and is beaten to the floor.

Diego doesn't move. It is impossible to resuscitate. The source is completely gone from the body.

"A man who doesn't know anything should not fool the hero Cannon. That man was strong."