Chapter 74 Unique sword Sigshesta

After one day of meaningful self-study, and after school

I was taking a ray and visiting a treasure house in the underground dungeon of Delzogade. Looking at the array of magic swords and magical tools, Ray looked back astonishingly.

"Is this all Anos?"

"Gathered two thousand years ago."

"Hey. I'm starting to realize that you're the demon king of violence."

Rei says, distracted by the gaze of the evil sword. For this man, the magic sword in front of him may be much more important than the Demon King 2,000 years ago.

"Choose what you like"

T ran s l a te d b y jpmtl .c o m Rei finds out the magic swords she has placed one by one. These are all mythological gems, but it's hard to say if you're asking him to be as good as Initio.

Initiatio is certainly a great magic sword, but it's not really that powerful. Despite being a magical sword that slashes magical spells, it does not mean you can negate magic without asking questions. You have to cut magic with your own skills.

For example, if a sword shoots so much magic that you can't cope with it, you won't be able to cut it all. When Mass used it, it was not possible to slash <>, a complex magical formula.

If you make magical formulas redundant and release magic, it will be difficult to cut magic as much.

And while it can slash anti-magic and magic barriers, the sword itself is mediocre. Its power greatly depends on the user.

However, if you use a ray that has the skill of a sword that can not be ordinary people, it turns into a terrible evil sword that can defeat both attack magic and defense magic. It is only because of his skill that Rei cut all opponent's evil swords at the evil sword tournament.

Even for Ray, who isn't very good at magic other than swords, Initio, which can negate the opponent's magic with a sword, was quite compatible.

Tr a n sla t e d by jp m tl .c o m "Hmm……?"

Rei stopped his eyes on a swinging sword placed in one corner of the treasure chest.

"Can I pull it out?"


He pulls out the evil sword from the sheath. The swordsman shining in silver is beautiful enough to take your eyes off.

"How nice"

HM. Do you look at it? It's a strange edge.

Unique sword "Sigshesta. It's a very troublesome magic sword."

Creative Architecture I use the magic of <> and prepare a stone sculpture for trial cutting in front of Ray.

"Try to kill"

Ray goes a step back. The sig shester was swung down from the top at an unstoppable speed.

"... Huh ...!"

The sword passed through the stone statue as if from both sides. However, the stone statue has not been cut. It was completely intact.


Rei smiled, saying it was interesting.

"Sigshesta's sword's sword has a magic that changes as he wishes. This is what the singer wants to do. Unless he concentrates on the unique devotion, that is, nothing It's an insane pillow. '' Tra n sl a ted by Jpmt l .c o m

A unique sword is not worth it, even if it is a slight idea. Only when the mind and body, and the devil, all concentrate on one thing, Sigshesta turns into a magical sword. But it's easy.

It's not a technique that can be achieved with unique devotion. Even better, if you focus on just that during a battle, you will die first. Anyway, just preparing for an opponent's attack does not establish unique devotion.

"Can Anos be used?"

"It's not useless, but in my case I'm just telling you to do my best. Only one person, as far as I know, has mastered the Sigshester."

"If there's such a person, I'd love to get it together. Anos has already found that the magic sword he used was here?"

I laughed.

"No, he said he was going to be reincarnated. This magic sword was originally given to me, so he would have to return here here in a lawful manner."

Sigshesta is a magical sword that 2000-year-old Shin used to use.

"You might be able to use that sword."


"You are very much like that."

Rei smiled freshly.

"Is that person reincarnated for me?"

"I don't know yet. Are you aware of anything?"

Tra nsla t e d b y Jpm t l .co m Rei thinks about sticking out a unique sword and focusing his mind.

"Somehow I feel like I was out of this era. I don't remember."

That's probably right.

"If you can master that sword, you may remember a little."

"is that so?"

"A unique sword is a sword that changes at will. It retains the spirit of its former owner. Owners of the same source may be in tune with that spirit."

Or, in anticipation of that, Shin may have left a unique sword here. Someday after reincarnation you will get it.

"Well, once I knew my previous life, nothing happened. I don't think there is any need to remember.

"Yes, but for now, I'll make this magic sword."

"Do you have to look elsewhere?"

"I liked this."

Probably because of the magic sword. However, choosing the worst evil sword is still like Shin.

"Will we go back?"

We left the treasure house. When he returned to the ground, he parted from Rei, and on his feet headed to Union Tower at Anos Van Union.

Go inside and go up the stairs. He promises to talk to Melheis.

When approaching the second floor, a familiar voice resounded. Tra n sla te d by Jp mt l.c om

"Then, it's the lyrics of the third song of the support song for Anos, but if you have any opinion, raise your hand."

"Yes! After all, this time, I think it's better to make it feel like the words spoken by Anos-sama!"

"What are the words you often say?"

"That's what you said, for example, in the Daimaken training, did you think my head would break just as I cut through the mountains?"

"Oh, good. That's definitely good."

"That's right? If you cut through the mountains, you usually break your head, but in the case of Anos-sama, there's nothing at all, so that's why it's a good direction?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"What would it look like to be anos-sama, thinking of it as lyrics?"

The girls at the fan union are staring. He seemed to have no idea, but then one of them quietly said.

"'Did you think you're dating because you kissed?'"

Cute girls screamed yellow.

"Todo-tsu, Anos-sama Todo-, but that's good! Todo-do looks cool! I absolutely say, Anos-sama."

Don't say that.

"Well then, what's this? 'Did you think you hugged me and took your heart?'"

"Well, devil !!!! That's what I want to say, absolutely!"

"'Did you want to meet at noon, did you think it was not your purpose?'"

"Straight! It's too fast, Anos-sama! It's popular during the day."

"Well, what is this? 'I thought you could marry just because you loved it?'"

"I don't understand anymore! It's too mysterious and it's boiling my head!"

"Finally, this is the last one. 'Did you think it wasn't mine just to throw it away?'"

"Hey, I want to be abandoned! Stop it, stop it, Anos-sama. If you say that, I'll become a convenient girl .... it's terrible ..."

HM. What is this?

"It's a good feeling right now. Isn't the lyrics storyline perfect?"

"Yeah, I think so. Let's go to Anos-sama's third choir song, a sad love song!"

"Wait a minute. But love songs are not rooting songs. What do you mean when Anos sang while fighting?"

"Oh so soka"

"It's weird ... yes ..."

"So why not think about it? Anos-sama is too strong and fighting is a trivial matter, so he expresses the inner feelings of Anos-sama that he wants to enjoy a burning love with him earlier than that. !? "

For a moment, silence came on the spot. And the next moment-

"That's a genius! A little bit, you're not overlooking Anos-sama's will!"

I don't know.

"Hehe ... Did you think it was not a love song just because it was a rooter song?"

There was a yellow scream ringing on the Union Tower.

HM. Well, that's it. Let's not ask.

Isn't it fun and above all? Rather than that, we have to talk to Melheis.

I went up the Union Tower.