v11 Chapter 286: The reality is quite cruel

Perhaps Li Yi was originally a person who pursued perfection in his bones. Ever since he discovered the gift of gluttony capable of sensing the aura of heaven and earth, he kept trying his limits.

With the increase of internal force, the spiritual sense increased little by little, and the scope of exploration gradually increased. This feeling of control made Li Yi intoxicated.

During the experiment, Li Yi noticed that if the rhythm of the internal force of the operation is consistent with the breathing of the glutton, it can actually be more than half of the usual exploration range.

But although the wish is good, the reality is quite cruel.

Gourmet is very sensitive to the changes in the surrounding heaven and earth aura, and the aura of heaven and earth is like the wind, constantly flowing, strong and weak, and the speed of Gourmet’s breathing also changes accordingly, so that this talent of Gourmet becomes the biggest obstacle to enhancing spiritual perception.

How can we achieve consistency?

For more than half a month, Li Yi tried tirelessly over and over again, but never found a suitable method.

Later, there was a flash of inspiration. Since Taotie was separated from the dragon totem, it will never change from its sect, and Taotie and the totem space must have secrets they don't know.

Many of the Taoist classics I have read in previous lives, many of which involve Yuan Ying. There are so many comparisons between Yuanying and Totem. Can you find ideas from Yuanying's materials?


After the Taoist real person formed the Yuan Ying, he stayed in the Zi Mansion, which was located three inches in between the two eyebrows. When the totem appeared, it was located at the Yintang, and the Yintang was located exactly between the two eyebrows, except that the Zifu was inside. The Yintang appeared outside. Both the Nascent Infant and the Totem have spirituality, and they can accelerate the master's cultivation process.

The biggest difference between Yuanying and totem is that Yuanying should be a materialized manifestation of a person's spirit and spirit, and even soul. Although totem is closely related to the owner, it has no direct relationship with the soul.

Both Yuanying and Totem have spirituality, and the space they are in is the place where the human spirit is focused. Can it be guessed: When the dragon totem is manifested, every change in the gluttony corresponds to the dragon totem, indirectly causing the change of the totem space. Because the changes in the totem space can be measured, can the gluttonous breathing rhythm be grasped by the changes in the totem space?

If the conjecture is true, it is a very simple matter to always pay attention to the changes in the totem space, adjust the rhythm of internal force output at any time, and expand the scope of spiritual exploration.

In fact, the gathering, scattering and reunion of the clouds and fog in the totem space precisely reflect the changes in the totem space. Although those clouds and mists are extremely complicated, if you want to calculate it is nothing but dreams, you don't need to calculate at all. As long as the internal force runs into the totem space, it diffuses and blends with those clouds and mists. The change of clouds is the change of internal force, and vice versa. Then, the changing rhythm of the internal force in the totem space is the ideal internal force rotation rhythm when exploring with spiritual sense.

Of course, whether it is the internal force in the totem space or the internal force outside the totem space, it is all Li Yi's own, and it is not difficult to control.

After such reasoning, Li Yi realized that in order to have the strongest spiritual sense, on the one hand, he must purify the internal force and control the internal force as he wants; on the other hand, he must change the connection between the gluttony and the dragon totem from the dark to the bright place, so that gluttonous Every trace of change is faithfully reflected in the clouds and fog in the totem space.

In terms of purifying internal forces, Li Yi has been doing it, and doing well; and connecting the lower pubic area and the totem space is to find a solution. ..
