Ren Qiu emphasizes his innocence, but Lu chuckles.

"No spies, where did you get the news? You know everything you don't know. Who believes that there is no spy? "

From the soul of torture, let Ren Qiu repeatedly sigh.

"I'm innocent. I have no spies. But I have a good student. "

"You mean your highness


"Your Highness the second prince?"

Ren Qiu nodded.

Liu Heng often asked Ren Qiu for advice. Once he came and went, Ren Qiu became half a teacher of Liu Heng, the second prince.

"How can your Highness the second prince know the empress's plan?"

"He wants to go overseas to dig gold. Please ask me about the feasibility. I gave him a good scolding


Lord Lu laughs.

The second prince's highness is really as unreliable as ever, thinking of one is one.

"Is it as easy for him to go to sea as to go out of the capital?" Lord Lu snorted coldly and secretly scolded him.

Ren Qiu said casually: "there are gold and silver mines overseas, which is true. The second prince used to be a muddle along man with no ambition. But since I came back from my study tour, I decided to go overseas and take a look at the western regions. It's a good thing that he can set his mind, and I support it. "

Lord Lu is waiting for the following.

Ren Qiu continued: "I guess it's the empress in his ears who mentioned overseas affairs, and he was moved. As for me, according to the empress's recent arrangements, Chang en came to ask me about geomantic omen. I took the opportunity to test him a few words and, with my speculation, roughly worked out the Queen's next plan. So, I'm really no spy. I've worked out everything by my intelligence. "

Lord Lu said, let Qiu pass.

As for Ren Qiu's boasting of intelligence, he directly ignored it.

"Do you mean to let me go to your majesty and empress to ask for territory?"

Ren Qiu gave him an idea. "You can try to set up a business with the money of all the officials in Wenwu. You can ask the empress for a map of the sea area and the map of the northwest. Civil and military officials want money, money and people. Are they afraid of winning a group of private miners? In front of them, we should seize the high-quality sites first

"Go on!" Lord Lu reminded him.

Ren Qiu drank a mouthful, said so many words, thirsty to death him, "in addition to occupying the territory, can also solve the idle children's future. If you think about it, the empress promised to give the official the opportunity to start with six products. This is a good thing to lose pie in the world. It can be said that it is rare in a hundred years. There are not many idle children in the family of a military general. Send out the idle children of the family, not in front of the eye, but also to seek a position, such a good thing, the courtiers will appreciate you. If you can really do something to dig a mine, it's the joy of surprise. "

Lord Lu nodded. Just idle children. I believe many civil servants and military generals are willing to give it a try. "

As long as the inheritor is left with him, it is also a way out for other children to be sent out.

Ren Qiu continued to use his eloquence, "it is obvious that the empress intends to open up a situation overseas in the prairie. Take a look at the trade with the West and the money earned from overseas trade in recent years. That's amazing. It's no exaggeration to say that there are mountains of gold and silver outside big week. Raising cattle, sheep and horses can make a lot of money.

If you officials do not seize this opportunity, those private miners will be rich. When they occupy the territory and have money, they are the local emperors. If you think about it, such a vast grassland is bigger than three weeks. A few hundred hectares is not a matter. If you have the ability to cover thousands of hectares of pasture, you can circle it. How many sheep and cattle do you have to raise? How much do you have to earn in a year?

Besides, overseas, when the land is ripe for three times, you can harvest a full barn of rice if you lose a seed. Those aborigines are savage and uncivilized, but they wear gold and silver. What does this mean? It means that the gold and silver mines are open-air! And what kind of poison, gold everywhere, as long as you have the ability to pick up

Lord Lu looked at Ren Qiu suspiciously, "the more I listen to you, how do you feel that you are fooling me?"

Ren Qiu directly turned his eyes, "if you don't believe me, go to Lantai temple to check the information and see if I'm right. In recent years, there are many people going to sea. You can always find out what is going on overseas. It's true to raise cattle, sheep and horses on the prairie. It's true that there are mines on the grassland. Even if you don't raise anything, you can put it in a circle to solve the future of the idle children in the family. "

There's a point in that.

But Lord Lu doubted Ren Qiu's intention.

This kid can't be Tuo.

"Did you see the queen recently?"

Ren Qiu shook his head, "I haven't been in the palace for nearly a month. I've asked for leave for the Grand Court meeting. I don't want to see the stupid appearance of those imperial historians. "

That's not polite.

"You said you met Chang en?"

Ren Qiu's face was calm, "yes, I met with Chang Gonggong once and drank a meal of wine. That old guy, he's a good drinker in his old ageLord Lu asked, "is Chang en asking you to persuade me?"

"Don't be too suspicious. Before Chang en came to me, the clan had not happened. " Ren Qiu Yi was right in his words, criticizing Lu for being paranoid and doubting his innocence, which was shameless.

Lord Lu sneered, "no matter what your intention, I will consider it carefully. If it's as good as you say, you can do it. "

"Can you get other benefits from your majesty and the queen?" Ren Qiu is welcome.

Lord Lu waved his hand and took the initiative to end the conversation and left.

Ren Qiu's face is proud, "fulfilling the mission!"

Thanks to the empress's idea, she asked him to deceive Lord Lu. She almost broke through the gang.

It can only be said that the empress really fought for the Great Northwest and overseas plans.

These plans complement each other with the northwest army's westward advance.

Any link is indispensable.

It was also a part of the plan to release the clan and stir up the struggle between the imperial clan and the courtiers.

If not, they should never be expected to take the initiative to move forward with the conservative and stubborn ideas of the courtiers.

When the courtiers did not take the initiative, Gu Jiu pushed everyone forward.

All people will be tied to the interests of the ship, check and balance each other.

Gu Jiu and Liu Zhao made the rules of the game, and only the couple were qualified to lift the table.

When everyone gets on the ship named Dazhou and wants to get off the ship, they have to think about whether the consequences can be tolerated.


The courtiers did not realize that they had entered the pit, and still jumped into the pit voluntarily.

And they didn't realize that they were going to usher in a big era.

In the era of heroes created by the current situation, everyone has a chance to get ahead. It depends on whether they have the courage to fight.

The courtiers were busy fighting back against the clan, and their counterattack was fierce and spicy.

If you pick up some black history at random, you can nail the clan in the mud and never turn over.

In the past, the emperors basically connived at the imperial court's suppression of the imperial clan. The purpose was to consolidate the imperial power and prevent people from seizing power and secretly rebelling.

Anyway, it's a lot of mud. It's not worth dragging.

Liu Zhao and Gu Jiu rebelled against them.

Even if it's a pile of mud, they have the ability to pull people out of the mud, wash and brush like individuals.

Tens of thousands of people in the clan suffered from the lack of culture. Rubbed on the ground by a group of pens.

The clan with culture cherished feathers, did not participate in the dispute, and looked on coldly.

Princess Huyang couldn't resist. The shooter she asked was not the opponent of that group of ministers.

If you really want to be the opponent of Wen Chen, you won't be a gunner for Huyang.

Huyang princess was angry and rolled up her sleeves. "This palace doesn't believe it. There's no way to clean up these lawless officials and generals."

She planned to get Princess Lafayette into the water.

Princess Fuya had expected that she would do so. She closed the door early and refused to accept the offer.

For the sake of her son, she can't leave the court easily.

If Huang Qubing's reputation is bad, his official career will be difficult.

Even if he returns to Wenqing Bookstore smoothly, how can he carry out his work if he offends the literary world.

Wenqing book company's main customers are the readers, so Huang Qubing can't offend the readers and damage the reputation.

Princess Huyang was so angry that her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were in pain.

She sent a letter to Princess Fuya, in which she scolded Princess Fuya for offering goods.

Princess Fuya snorted and set the letter on fire.

"It was the son who got in the way of the mother." Huang Qubing feels guilty.

Princess Fuya glared at him, "even without you, my palace will not work with Huyang. As for her brain, what she does is hateful things

"Princess Huyang is also for the benefit of the imperial clan."

"It's not her turn to take the lead in the clan affairs. In the palace there was a decision, and the courtiers were grasshoppers after autumn, and sooner or later they had to be soft. Look at what your majesty and the queen have done over the years. Which one is in line with the ancestral rules? In the end, they have not all been done. That is to say, the courtiers clamored all day and refused to accept defeat. "

Huang Qun's illness is to understand the ideas of the courtiers. "If you're in the court, you don't want to be a responder. You have to have an attitude. A little louder and louder, maybe you can get some benefits. "

Princess Fuya laughed, "that is, your majesty and the queen measure big, and do not care about the courtiers. If you are your grandfather, who dares to say more and ask Jin Wuwei to arrest him. "

Huang went to make complaints about the disease. "So the temple of my grandfather is Wu Zong, Ming commends and is really derogatory."

Princess Fuya gnawed her teeth and hated her deeply. "Those civil servants like to play word games."

Huang Qubing sighed, "even if it is the emperor, the name behind him is also pinched in the pen holder's hand. Therefore, we should not be too strict with the pen poles, and let them make a lot of trouble in the court"It's only more arrogant to let them make noise. Your majesty has been scolded many times since he ascended the throne for only two years. " Princess Fuya was very upset, "if you want this palace to say, don't exile, just chop off your head."

"A lot of heads have been cut off." Huang Qubing reminds Fuya that he has already cut back twice last year, and I'm afraid the blood at the mouth of the vegetable market has not dried out.

Fuya picks eyebrow, "it seems that it is still cut less." , the fastest update of the webnovel!