Yang season, which has passed the age of standing, is full of wind and frost, and is no longer the romantic and handsome tanhualang.

A pair of eyes, with stars flashing.

More and more firm and steady.

After years of experience, he grew up rapidly.

It's true that when you get off the horse, you can wield your hair, and when you mount it, you can kill the enemy.

He can be a great talent if he can be both literati and martial arts.

With the capital in sight, Yang Ji could not hide his excitement.

After leaving Beijing for many years, he finally came back.

How are your wife and children? How are your parents?


He galloped his horse in the direction of home.

Yang Ji gets home and reunites with his family.

The next day, someone from the palace called him into the palace to be holy.

I went into the palace and saw your majesty.

After a few words, his majesty sent him to meet the empress.

Yang Ji looks confused.

What's the situation?

The little yellow gate, who was leading the way, quietly explained to him, "Lord Yang came out of Shanhe Academy. When he returned to Beijing, he should visit the empress."

Yang Ji was surprised, "is this appropriate?"

Maybe he thought too much. The queen didn't mean to divide power.

But he thought it was the queen who was dividing the power of the emperor.

The emperor is not alert?

He was deeply worried.

If the emperor and empress started fighting for power, the situation in the imperial court would be unimaginable.

Xiaohuangmen said: "Mr. Yang is worried about it."

Yang Ji is full of sorrow, I hope he is more worried.

Gu jiuren is in the imperial garden.

Just out of the first month, the weather was warm and cold.

Gu Jiu, dressed in a thick cloak, sat in the embroidered building and looked at the palace complex building which was officially started in the distance.

Xu Yousi went upstairs and said in a low voice, "my mother, Mr. Yang is here."

"Bring him up."


Soon, Yang Ji was taken to the embroidery building.

"Mr. Yang, you are all right!" Gu Jiu greets with a smile and calls him Mr.

Yang Jicheng panic Cheng fear, "students visit the empress, can not afford to be called Mr

"In the heart of this palace, your knowledge is enough to be called sir. Don't be nervous. Sit down and talk. Try the tea from the south. "

"Obedience is better than respect."

Yang Ji sat down trembling.

Things are different from people.

When she left Beijing, she was still Madame Zhao.

Back in Beijing, she is already the empress.

He hasn't fully adjusted.

Gu Jiu poured tea in person, which made Yang Ji nervous.

Gu Jiu said with a smile: "I said, Mr. Yang, don't be nervous. Have you seen your majesty

"Tell your mother that you have seen your majesty."

"What did your majesty say?"

"Your Majesty just asked about the governor's office, nothing else."

You must have guessed. In front of this palace, you can ask any questions without restraint. This house will not punish you

Yang Ji hesitated and refused to speak.

Gu Jiu did not urge him.

Just returned to Beijing, the first time into the palace face saint, need a little time to adapt, she understood.

Yang Ji gnaws his teeth. He must know the situation clearly.

Obviously, he has been labeled as empress, and he has to weigh what to do.

"Students dare to ask, is it cooperation or division between the empress and her majesty?"

Gu Jiu didn't answer directly, "what do you think?"

"If it's cooperation, students worry about how long the cooperation will last," Yang said. If they fight against each other, the students are worried about the instability of the court and cause shock. "

"You have this question, I understand. Between this palace and his majesty, there is neither a division nor a simple cooperation. To be precise, we have different division of labor. He has something to worry about, and so does this palace. "

"But when it comes to the appointment of officials, can the empress intervene? The court doesn't object? "

"Officials can only be appointed through your majesty. It's just a help, your majesty Gu Jiu said with a smile.

Yang Ji is still worried.

Gu Jiu said: "my husband and wife for nearly 20 years have a tacit understanding with him. I know what you're worried about, and this house tells you that your worries are unnecessary. There are plans for all your worries. "

Yang Ji was in an accident.

Gu Jiu heavily nodded, "any worst-case scenario, this palace has long had the idea, also has the response measure."

Yang Ji breathed a sigh, "the students hope that the mother and her majesty can always be harmonious."


If Liu Zhao dares to give birth to a moth, Gu Jiu will "persuade" him.

How to persuade?Of course, it was the means of the 18th class. They all called Liu Zhao.

Yang Ji slightly bowed, "students follow the instructions of their mother."

Gu Jiu said: "this palace gives you a month's holiday to get along well with your family. One month later, the official department will officially issue an appointment document. You will go to the south of the Yangtze River and take the post of Governor General of Jiangnan, from Sanpin.

We hope that you can seize the governor's office of Jiangnan as soon as possible, rectify Jiangnan officialdom, and follow the example of Shanhe academy to establish Jiangnan Academy. We should strive to capture all the literati in the south of the Yangtze River and bring them all into our interest chain. Jiangnan aristocratic family, you go to the baijiafang archives, there are complete information for your reference. The situation of Jiangnan officialdom is recorded in Lantai temple and also in archives. This is a pass. You can go in and out of two places.

I hope you will know what you know when you leave for Jiangnan. What's more, Jiangnan is your hometown. You will face the attack from relatives and friends. I hope you can withstand it. If there is any difficulty, you can go to Sihai commercial firm to find Mr. Rong Xinrong for help. "

Yang Ji looked at the pass in his hand, made of mahogany and written in Xiaozhuan. The bottom row of numbers is unique.

"The students are afraid of betraying their mother and Her Majesty's trust!"

"Jiangnan must be rectified. The officials in the imperial court are more or less involved in the south of the Yangtze River. Your majesty and this palace can not trust them. You can be trusted. "

"But the students are also from the south of the Yangtze River."

"Of the Yang family, there are 121 of you who have not yet come out of their five clothes. Ten of them have fallen out with your family in the early years. It's only with you that you've made progress over the years that the relationship has eased. But as far as I know about you, you will not be soft on these people. "

Yang Ji bowed his head and laughed, "what can't be concealed from your mother."

Gu Jiu also said: "don't worry and do it boldly. This palace has confidence in you. Jiangnan will be a stage for you to become famous and famous. To rectify the south of the Yangtze River, Shangshu province will be vacant. "

Even if it's as cold as Yang Ji, hearing this promise, it's hard to hide the excitement.

He stood up, solemnly thanks, "the students will never fail to live up to their mother's expectations."

Gu Jiu motioned to him to sit down, "one hero, three helpers. To the south of the Yangtze River, you need help. Do you have a candidate? In the army, academies and court halls, as long as you have a clean life and no problem with ability and loyalty, you can do it! "

"There are indeed several candidates for the students."

"Very well! Draw up the list and give it to Mr. Qian Fu, who will arrange it for you


How is Qian Fu Qian's father-in-law?

Father in law Qian is clearly a person around his majesty.

Gu Jiu smiles clearly and knows Yang Ji's question in his heart, "this palace has said that our palace and his majesty are working together. Many things seem to be arbitrary in our palace, but in fact, your majesty has already made a decision. "

Yang Ji breathed a sigh of relief, "students obey me!"

After chatting about business, Gu Jiucai asked Chen Zhuangshi, "can Chen Zhuangshi take on a big responsibility. I hope you can objectively evaluate his ability. "

Yang Ji pondered and said: "brother Chen, he has the ability, the wild vision, the ambition, but also needs time to experience. I'm sure I'll be able to play a big role in the future. "

"How long does it take?"

"In three or five years, I will not let my mother down."

Gu Jiu nodded, "this palace knows. The Royal Court of Beirong is still on the run. His majesty has decided that he will order the northwest Dadu governor's office to continue the pursuit. I hope Chen Zhuangshi can seize the opportunity and live up to his Majesty's cultivation. "

"On behalf of brother Chen, the student kowtowed to his majesty and his wife."

"We like people who are ambitious, ambitious and capable. I hope you can find more talents in this field. "

"Students will pay attention to the students in the Academy."

"Very good!"

After the conversation, Yang Ji got up and left.

Xu Yousi flattered, "it's the blessing of his third life to meet his mother."

Gu Jiu sneered, "don't flatter. What else? "

"Recently, many people are asking about the relocation of the Imperial College," Xu Yousi said

Gu Jiuyi said, "are some speculators, do not care about them."

Xu Yousi swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Gu Jiu asked him, "what else?"

Xu Yousi carefully said: "the abbot asked to see you."

Gu nine Leng next, just react to come over, the country Zhang Ye refers to is the biological father Gu master Gu Zhili.

Gu Jiu rubbed his eyebrows, "did he say anything?"

"No! Just let the old slave arrange a time to meet his mother. "

Gu Jiu thought, "it's time to see him. Tomorrow morning. "

"I will send someone to inform the abbot. I don't know whether his wife met him in the palace or in the palace

"It's in the small flower hall outside the palace of the Lord Qin."



Over the past few years, Mr. Gu resigned from his official post to provide for the elderly, and he has obviously gained weight for two circles, which makes him look very rich.

With a stomach of six months, he took a carriage to the palace of Lord Qin.All the way, they murmured, "what's the etiquette of the queen living in the palace. Can't Weiyang palace live, and other palaces can't live? Ridiculous

The housekeeper secretly frowned and worried.

Father in law, when you meet the empress, don't be fooled.

The empress's method is not so powerful. It's your own shame.

When he arrived at the palace of Lord Qin, after a notice, Mr. Gu was invited into the small flower hall.

"The father-in-law will wait for a moment, and my mother will come when she has finished her work."

"I don't know what the lady is up to?" Mr. Gu asked politely.

"I don't dare to talk about my mother's affairs."

Xiaohuangmen did not disclose a word and left directly.

Master Gu and housekeeper Gu Quan nagged, "it's so unruly xiaohuangmen. How can you train them?"

"Master, don't be angry! This is the palace of the Lord Qin. The empress lives in the palace, which means that this is the harem. When you are in the back palace, be careful

Master Gu murmured a few words, and then he did not dare to talk.

After waiting for a cup of tea, Gu Jiu comes to the small flower hall.

"Keep father waiting!"

Master Gu wants to show his father's style. The housekeeper Gu Quan reminds him secretly that he is unwilling to suppress the idea of showing off.

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