
Did your majesty order to be knighted instead of rewarding gold and silver?

Does the sun come out in the west?

What makes a stingy majesty so generous?

The court officials can't force them out.

Pei Meng was granted the title of "Pingxi", known as pingxibo.

Liu Zhao granted the title of "Qin" to the king and prefecture king of Qin.

At the same time, he also made a prince.

Liu Yu, as the legitimate eldest son, was the son of the Qin palace.

Wende emperor's reward to Marquis Lu, enmeng a son, reward a number of gold and silver.

The governor Li, the governor of Dadu Prefecture in Northwest China, was also given a lot of gold and silver.

In this way, Li's eldest grandson could be an official without the imperial examination.

But if you want to be a senior official, you have to take the imperial examination.

It's a great surprise to you.

At the beginning, the princes who ridiculed Liu Zhao were so envious that they became mad one by one in front of the emperor's will. Jealousy made everyone totally different.

By what?

Why did he give Liu Zhaowang the title alone?

They are also princes. Why is Liu Zhao the only one who enjoys this honor?

Father and Emperor are partial.

On the surface, the prince's mansion is calm. In private, I don't know how many things have been smashed and how many people have been killed.

Gu Jiu received the will and was stunned for a long time.

Let her be calm.

What kind of medicine did your majesty take? Why did you give Liu Zhaofeng the king all of a sudden?

It doesn't make sense!

As emperor Wende was afraid of Liu Zhao, she was ready to be suppressed. As a result, Emperor Wende changed her old style and showed great importance to Liu Zhao.

Knead eyebrow heart, head a bit dizzy.

Xu Yousi reminds me, "madam, I'm still in the palace to thank you."

Gu Jiu waved, "go and invite the eldest son."

Xu Yousi took orders and left.

Gu Jiu's heart fluttered.

The will of a king in his hand is like a heavy weight.

It's a good thing to be a king!

But there are also risks.

"Does the mother call for her son Liu Yu's face was relaxed, and he did not feel proud to be a prince's son.

Gu Jiu gave him the will, "don't you want to see it? From now on, you will be the prince's son. "

Liu Yu didn't care much and said, "there's nothing to see. It's all the merits of the father and the glory of the son. "

Liu Yu naturally changed his address to Liu Zhao as his father.

Gu Jiu chuckled and then asked, "have you ever thought about why your majesty granted your father a king and made you a son of a son?"? It saves the procedure of asking for a prince. "

Liu Yu doubts, "isn't it because my father has made great achievements in the war, and the emperor's grandfather has paid tribute to them?"

"In terms of merit and reward, gold and silver can be awarded directly, and it is not necessary to confer a king. And your Majesty's attitude towards your father has always been complicated. The will of the king came suddenly. "

Finish saying, Gu Jiu stares at Liu Yu, "this period of time, what did your emperor grandfather say to you?"

Liu Yu shakes his head, nothing special.

Gu Jiuwei frowned, "the last time you met the saint, your majesty asked you to write an article on the spot. What did your majesty say to you, please remember it and say it again."

Liu Yu has a good memory.

He repeated on the spot what happened in the sanctuary, what the emperor said, what expression, everything was very detailed.

The more Gu Jiu listens, the faster the heart beats.

Liu Yu said and stopped talking, "what is mother worried about? Are you worried about your son? "

Gu Jiu looks complex looking at Liu Yu, "Yu Ge Er, have you seriously thought about what to do in the future?"

Liu Yu shakes his head, "my son wants to do too many things. First of all, I want to learn from Mr. Ren and travel all over the country. "

Gu Jiu laughed, "how about going to Jiangling mansion to study this year?"

It's too late for my son to go out? Why suddenly change your mind. " Liu Yu was surprised and full of doubts.

Gu Jiu smiles and says, "in the past, the mother is concerned and confused. I've figured it out today. It's time for you to go out and experience. "

"Thank you, mother."

Liu Yu was so happy that he wanted to jump up, but he was restrained by his upbringing.

Gu Jiu said, "don't make any noise about it. When you enter the palace to thank you, your mother will ask your majesty for your permission to leave Beijing. "

"My son knows. If there is no order, the emperor and the grandson must not leave Beijing. "

Liu Yu knows the rules. But still can't hide his joyful mood.

Gu Jiu sent him to meditate alone.

After a long time, she asked, "does Mrs. Ben think too much?"

"Madame did not think much. All the changes began with the article on the weekly life show. " Xu Yousi said softly.Gu Jiu pinched his chin. "In fact, my wife wants to think more. However, we all know that it is not enough for your majesty to change his mind just by the first prince. "

Emperor Wende's behavior is a typical view of the emperor's grandson.

Gu Jiu didn't feel very happy. Instead, he felt heavy. The burden on his shoulder suddenly became very heavy.

She originally wanted to teach Yu Ge'er step by step. Now it seems that all plans have to be advanced.

Will it help?

She's not sure.

Put Yu elder brother son a person to go out of Beijing, Gu Jiu certainly is not at ease, must have a person to accompany.

Sanyuangong is the most suitable candidate.

Is it just that Sanyuan Gong's body is suitable for going abroad?

Gu jiudang immediately ordered people to prepare a car to go to Shanhe Academy.

When we arrived at the Academy, the Academy was in class and the campus was quiet.

Gu Jiu took a deep breath. The air of the Academy seemed to be full of bookish air and youthful vitality.

Yang Yuanqing, the Duke of Sanyuan, has received the news.

"I'll see the princess!"

"Sir, I'm sorry for you. I'm still me when the imperial concubine's intention is not given. "

"I believe that the will to confer the title of lady will come down soon. I congratulate my wife in advance. "

"Mr. Cheng said. It's a big day out there. It's better to go in and talk. "

"Madame, please!"

They entered the quiet room and sat face to face on the ground.

When the maid cooks tea, the fragrance of tea is far away.

When the servants all quit the quiet room, Gu Jiucai opened his mouth to explain his intention.

"My wife intends to let Yu Ge'er go to Beijing for a study tour."

Yang Yuanqing, the Duke of Sanyuan, was obviously stunned.

"Madame is in a hurry!"

Gu nine self mockery a smile, "Feng Wang will, my wife had to be anxious."

Three Yuan Gong nodded to show understanding.

"What does Madame want me to do?"

"I'd like to ask Mr. Gu to guide you all the way."

"Madame means to let me go out of Beijing with my son?"

"Yes! What do you think, sir? "

Sanyuan Gong stroked his beard and laughed, "I've been back in Beijing for several years. My arms and legs are stiff. It's time to go out and walk around. But I have a suggestion. "

"Yes, sir."

Gu Jiu's attitude is that as long as Sanyuan Gong agrees to accompany Yu Ge'er out of Beijing, everything is easy to discuss.

Sanyuangong said: "I want to take ten math students to study in Beijing. In addition, I'm afraid Mr. Sun is very envious. He may also want to go to Beijing. As soon as we go, Renqiu will not be lonely. "

Gu jiuleng next.

The study tour team expanded a little too fast. With a few words of Kung Fu, so many people were added.

She thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Sun is willing to accompany my brother-in-law out of Beijing for a study tour. My wife can't get it. Mr. Ren is the official of the imperial court. I'm afraid it's not easy to leave Beijing. College students should be brought with them. If only Yu Ge'er is the only one, it will be too eye-catching. Only when students are accompanied can the essence of study tour be revealed. "

"Madame is quite right."

"Sir, is there a place to teach me?" Gu Jiu sincerely asks for advice.

Sanyuan Gong shook his head. "Under the current situation, the only emperor whose Royal Highness is granted a king is bound to be hated by others. His wife can keep a low profile. For the rest, I don't even think long-term as my wife. "

"Sir, too modest."


The next day, Gu Jiu led Yu Ge'er into the palace to thank him.

When he saw his good grandson Liu Yu, Wende Di was smiling.

"Did you read well?"

"Report back to the emperor's grandfather that his grandson dare not delay his studies."

"Have you done your homework and written articles recently?"

"Yes. The grandson brought with him two articles written a few days ago for the emperor's grandfather

"Bring it up!"

Chang en smiles and takes the manuscript paper from Liu Yu's hand and presents it to the desk.

Gu Jiu eyebrows and eyes pumping, there are snack plug.

She didn't know that Yu Ge'er secretly brought the article into the palace.

With deep emotion, children grow up and have their own secrets.

It's a little uncomfortable, but more comforting.

Unknowingly, the child was so big.

Youzi has such a sense of accomplishment.

Emperor Wende looked at Liu Yu's article with a smile and was satisfied both inside and outside.

God opened his eyes and sent Kirin down for the Liu family.

After reading the article, Wende Di praises him, "it's very good. I can see that I've been reading well recently. However, there are still one or two mistakes and omissions. I have already circled them. After I go down, I will think about how to modify them. "

"My grandson obeys."

After receiving the articles corrected by the Emperor himself, Liu Yu retired first.

Gu Jiu stayed alone.

Wende emperor was kind and kind and serious before his change."Gu Jiu, what do you think of these two days?" he asked bluntly

Gu Jiu bowed down and said, "reply to your majesty, your daughter-in-law is deeply frightened."

"I am the king of Liu Zhao, but you are afraid. What do you mean?"

"I'm afraid my daughter-in-law has failed your Majesty's kindness."

"Ha ha ha What you say is better than Liu Zhao's son of a bitch. "

Gu Jiu pulled two corners of his mouth, but he couldn't laugh.

After laughing, Emperor Wende continued to ask, "I am the only one among the princes to confer the title of king to Liu Zhao. Do you know what that means? "

"The daughter-in-law is afraid to think deeply."

"You don't dare, but you don't want to tell me the truth. I don't care what kind of messy thoughts you have, I have only one request for you. Take good care of Liu Zhao and Yu Ge'er for me, especially Yu Ge'er. Don't let anyone bring him down. "

"Yes, my daughter-in-law."

Her face showed hesitation.

Vander raised his eyebrows. "What do you want to say?"

Gu Jiu raised his head and solemnly said, "my daughter-in-law wants her to travel to Beijing to study with the teachers and students of the Academy."

"Ridiculous!" Wende's first reaction was that it was ridiculous.

How can a son of a thousand gold stand under a dangerous wall.

Gu Jiu insisted: "reading thousands of books is better than traveling thousands of miles. The daughter-in-law hopes that Yu elder brother-in-law will grow up to be a person with responsibility, responsibility, knowledge of the people's sufferings, insight and self-determination. Your majesty, please , the fastest update of the webnovel!