Outside the north gate, the mountains rise and fall.

In early spring, the new buds are green and the wild flowers are blooming,

an official road winds north.

In the past, the official roads were cold and clear, but now they are full of cars, horses and people.

Embroidered clothes guard with double salary, plus a high bonus, in the official way to maintain order.

"Left shack, free. The cement room on the right is 100 Wen a month. If you want to live in a cement house, go to the right. "

"Can't tell right from right? Which hand do you use to eat? The hand to eat is the right hand, remember? "

"If you don't want money, you can go to the shelter on the left. The imperial court has two meals a day for relief. If you want to eat three meals, you have to pay yourself. "

"Don't get stuck in the road. There are so many people behind you. If you block here, the back will be in a mess."

"Go, go. Can you see the table with red cloth in front? Go over there and report. You can ask them any questions. "

"Why the red cloth? Of course, it's for eye-catching. Can you find a place without striking colors? "

"If you can read, you can find a place, which does not mean that other people can find a place if they can read. All right, all right. Don't be so wordy. The red cloth is not meant to satirize anyone. It is purely for the convenience of everyone. "

"Are you alone, separated from your family on the way? How many months pregnant? Has it been six months? Not a single acquaintance? Lao Wang, Lao Wang, there is a pregnant woman and her family is lost. Take her to register and see if you can find her family

"There are three children here, who are also separated from their families, and all of them will be brought in."

"Can you read? Do you see the wall in front of you? It's called the family search wall. There's a list of people on it. Go and find out if there's anyone you know. The resettlement site is too large. Tens of thousands of people live in it. They look for it one by one. I don't know how long it will take. We are limited in manpower. If you want to find someone, go to the family wall. "

The embroidered clothes guards said that their mouth was dry and their throat was smoking. For the sake of double salary and high bonus, I can't bear it.

It was not until the noon shift that I was able to breathe.

Hurry to the public housing behind the registration desk to have a rest, drink water and eat.

Just after two bites, someone rushed to the rest room and yelled, "go and call the doctor, there is a pregnant woman to give birth."

"All the doctors have been sent out, none of them have come back."

"Call the one back. Hurry up. It's said that it's dystocia. You can't do it without a doctor. "

"I'll call."

Hu San stands out.

He is a native of the capital. His son inherited his father's career and joined xiuyiwei for seven or eight years.

Hu San, like his father, is a silent and dull man.

Their father and son are not to be promoted and become rich, but they are indispensable to their hard work.

Shangfeng doesn't attach importance to them, but it can't do without them.

People who flatter and work are needed to get to the top.

Hu San is a worker.

He put down his half eaten meal, wiped his mouth and went into the shack area.

Low shacks, dense and orderly arranged on the hillside.

Row by row, row by row, standing on the top of the mountain, it is very spectacular.

Tens of thousands of refugees chose to live in shacks.

At the beginning, the imperial court estimated that 450000 refugees would flow into the capital. Gu Jiu also agreed with this figure. All the budget plans were made on this number.

However, the actual number of people who fled to the capital was far higher than the imperial court's estimate.

Other cities do not accept refugees, the government does not care, and the local people drive them away.

Only in the capital city, the imperial court organized personnel to set up special resettlement sites for refugees.

As soon as the news spread, it spread through the whole northern region.

Refugees from all directions poured into the capital.

The original design of the shelter area, can accommodate about 40000 or 50000 people.

Almost in a flash, the shack area was full of people.

At present, refugee resettlement sites are organizing personnel, recruitment of young people is inevitable, overtime expansion of the shelter area. At least twice the size of the expansion.

Repair houses, dig ditches, dig wells, dig cesspools, dig garbage disposal tanks. Make sure there is no epidemic.

The doctors in the capital were organized to work in shifts into the shelter area for epidemic prevention.

The shack area is big and small.

A small shack, about the size of a room, most people live in a dozen people.

In such a small and sour place, it's really delicious.

Hu San sniffed. After so many days in the settlement, he was used to the smell.

He followed the road made of loess, through the shacks, and finally found the doctor.

The doctor is prescribing medicine for old people and children.

Hu San came forward and said, "doctor Chang, there are pregnant women with dystocia, you need to hurry over."

"Wait a minute."

"I can't wait. It's too late. I'm afraid it's one corpse and two lives. "Hearing that one corpse had two lives, doctor Chang had to put away his toolbox and prepare to leave.

Before leaving, they did not forget to remind the refugees, "they should not drink raw water. The water must be boiled before you drink it

Hu San couldn't wait, so he took doctor Chang and left the shack area in a hurry.

Doctor Chang, with his old arms and legs, almost died on the way.

At last.

The maternal situation is very critical, often doctor even has no time to breathe even, entered the delivery room.

Hu San wiped the sweat on his forehead and went back to the public room. He ate the cold food three times, five times and two times. He didn't even have a grain of rice left.

After dinner, he poured a large cup of tea.

Kudingcha brewed tea, the taste is very strong, but particularly refreshing.

Hu San shakes his head, holds a saber stick, and goes to patrol the shack area with his companions.

The population of the shack area is approaching 100000.

It is far beyond the original estimate of the imperial court.

Gu Jiu's budget was overturned, doubling everything from silver to grain to quilts and clothes.

For this, she has had several lawsuits with Shaofu and Hubu.

The storyteller took "big week life show" to explain the instructions for refugees, three elements of resettlement, and ten elements of security

The refugees gathered around the storyteller and listened with great interest.

This is one of the few spiritual relaxation on the way to escape.

Newsboys organize refugee children, teach them how to speak and publicize various safety instructions.

The recruitment site is directly located in the shack area.

Recruit coolies, women sewing workers, labor force workers

There is a long line in front of each table, which can't be seen at a glance.

"Where did these refugees come from? There are more and more people. There are still so many people coming from the government. "

Wang Xiaowu of Hu Sany team frowned and worried.

He couldn't tell what he was worrying about. Anyway, seeing so many people, he felt very worried.

Hu San said, "it's said that the northwest army has begun to mobilize and will soon drive out the northern Rong army."

Wang Xiaowu snorted, "silly. When the army of Beirong was supplied, would it stop and wait for the northwest army to come? There is a battle to be fought. I tell you, refugees will only increase. In many places, Beirong began to flee before he could fight.

Look at the family in front. They are all dressed up. They must have brought out all their valuable belongings. Obviously rich, they are not willing to spend some money to rent cement houses, but to squeeze in the shack area. The smell of this place is so bad. The shack is short and dark. In summer, there are many mosquitoes, rats and ants. I don't know how they think of it. They would like to live in the shelter area. "

"Probably no money." Hu San is very honest.

Wang Xiaowu repeatedly denied, "that family, when two clothes at random, can rent in the cement room. Do you think they have no money? Hello, no urination anywhere. His grandmother's, didn't you listen to the three elements of placement? "

Wang Xiaowu started to fight a young man in the corner with a killer stick.

He was very angry, "so many people live here, you shit everywhere, you are not afraid to get sick? Are you responsible for your illness? Clean me up. If I can't clean it, I'll kill you. "

Hu San stood at the intersection, holding a saber stick in one hand and a knife handle in the other. He watched the refugees around with vigilance to prevent any trouble.

With more and more people watching, he had to remind Wang Xiaowu, "hurry up. We're going to patrol the next area. "

Wang Xiaowu said in a loud voice, "Laozi is supervising him to clean the ground. You guys, when you live in, the people in the settlement place make repeated orders that they are not allowed to poop or pee anywhere. This is for your good. Are you deaf? The pit is only a few steps away from here, so I refuse to go there. "

"There is no place for the pit when it will pass." There was a murmur of protest in the crowd.

Wang Xiaowu roared, "if you don't have a pit seat, you don't know to wait in line outside? Damn, one or two can't understand people's words and understand what queuing means? Do you have to be arrested and locked up in Zhaoyi to learn how to line up? "

"We have to wait for a long time. There are three urgent problems. We can't wait." There was another protest from the crowd.

"Who is talking? Come out to me Wang Xiaowu's face was fierce, and his eyes swept over each face. "I tell you, if one day there is an epidemic in the shack area, it's all you deserve. If you don't abide by the hygiene regulations, you will kill yourself sooner or later. "

"Are you cursing us?"

"You don't have time. The health and safety instructions are publicized every day outside, and doctors are also sent to tell you the living regulations. Have you not heard one or two of them? Do you think the court is making a fuss? You fools, do you understand, or do the officials and the doctors understand? Officials and doctors don't listen to what they say. What are you looking for? Is it possible that the government has contributed money to dig a pit for you in order to harm you? "

Wang Xiaowu was so angry that he was directly hostile to the refugees.Seeing that the refugees were in a state of agitation, Hu San made a decision and took Wang Xiaowu to leave.

Wang Xiaowu was still very angry and complained after a long distance, "what are you pulling me to do. That group of idiots is not worth the lesson. "

Hu San solemnly said, "we have only two people. There are dozens and hundreds of them."

Wang Xiaowu snorted coldly, "I don't believe they dare to start."

Hu San frowned, "be careful. After the shift, report the situation here to see if it can be dealt with

"Fart big thing, what do you do in the newspaper, let people see our jokes? Let's go. Keep patrolling. "

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