The city gate is not opened before dawn.

At the South Gate of the capital city, a basket is put down on the wall.

Liu Zhao suspected that the basket would damage his dignity, so he simply grabbed the rope with one hand and asked people to pull him up.

On the city wall, he rode directly to the early Dynasty.

This is how Liu Zhao lived outside the city, but still could go to the early Dynasty on time.

But the city gate guard general, every day must punctually on time the wall head, pulls up the big prince's highness.

At the same time, Liu Zhao's bodyguards suffered.

They have to get up early.

Run to the gate to meet Liu Zhao.

In the middle of the night, I dare not gallop on the streets of Beijing.

Kim is not a vegetarian.

Running forward, the right to exercise.

The only bad thing is that it's very cold in winter.

Relying on a rope, Liu Zhao tried to be a good minister, a good son, a good husband and a good father.

He didn't care at all about how others talked and guessed.

There were two successive snows in the capital, and in a twinkling it was the Spring Festival.

When the Yamen was on holiday, Liu Zhao ended the hard days of going to the early Dynasty every day.

Before the holiday, the Ministry of household sent food for half a year.

This made Guozijian very unhappy.

Guozijian, an academy run by the imperial court, has always been superior to others.

Shanhe academy, privately founded, is still inferior to the Imperial College in the minds of the Imperial College.

Today, the Ministry of housing provides food for the teachers and students of Shanhe Academy.

Is it not to say that Shanhe academy will become an official academy similar to the Imperial College one day?

The Guozijian people were angry and flustered.

Chinese New Year's Eve, not at home, a good rest, all day around the wandering, asking for information.

What is the meaning of Hubu's sending grain to Shanhe academy?

Just food delivery?

Or did the court intend to support Shanhe academy? This is

there are also people who ask for information and find out in front of Gu Jiu.

Huang Qubing has nothing to do. He goes to the mountain to chat with Liu Zhao. In fact, he looks for Gu Jiu to make up his mind.

Liu Zhao hated Huang Qubing very much.

So many cousins, Huang Qubing is the least progressive one. But he is the most natural and unrestrained one.

We all know that he was not in good health since he was young, so he was particularly spoiled.

As a mother does not love her father does not love, Liu Zhao grew up like a wild grass, set off by Huang Qubing, more and more bitter.

It's a ghost that he can see yellow and get sick.

He reminded Huang Qubing, "Madame is weak. You should say less. Don't disturb him if you have nothing to do with it Or you'll look good.

Huang Qubing winter also took a folding fan to play handsome, he laughed ha ha, "cousin, don't worry, I also look forward to the wife's health as soon as possible."

Liu Zhao is reluctant to go out with his subordinates.

Huang Qubing teases Gu Jiu, "Your Highness is well trained by his wife. What's the secret?"

Gu Jiubai glanced at him, "on such a cold day, why don't you stay in the room and run out to do something?"

"It's the end of the year. I have to visit you. Secondly, because of the fact that the Ministry of housing delivered grain to Shanhe academy, there was a lot of trouble on the part of the Imperial College. Many people came to me to inquire about the inside information. I can't get rid of it. I can only ask my wife. "

Gu Jiu laughed, "there is no inside information. The food provided by the Ministry of housing is the reward of your majesty to me for many years. "

"So simple?"

Gu Jiu nodded, "yes, it's so simple. How complicated do you think it can be. You don't know your Majesty's temperament. Is it possible for the household department to pay for supporting so many teachers and students? "

Huang Qubing shakes his head. Of course, it's impossible.

It costs a lot of money to raise a scholar.

A scholar's expenses can support ten or twenty people.

Raising thousands of teachers and students is equivalent to raising tens of thousands of people with money.

Wende, who is so mean, would not be so generous.

And the Hubu doesn't have so much money.

Huang Qubing asked, "so it is impossible for Shanhe academy to become an official one?"

Gu Jiu bowed his head and laughed, "which official academy can have the scale of Shanhe academy?"

The Imperial College was run by the imperial court, and the teachers and students in the peak period were only a thousand. When they were young, there were only a few hundred.

As for such people, the imperial court keeps the Imperial College, and they all feel that they have to spend money and food.

One Shanhe academy is worth five or six Imperial College.

When Shanhe Academy was changed into an official one, the court would only say, "no money!

Those who ask for money will go as far as they can.

The Ministry of housing would like to have nothing but to go in and out.

It's hard for anyone to ask for money.

Huang Qubing hears the speech and laughs, "I said those people think too much. One or two listen to the wind is the rain. They jump up and down all day, and make things happen when nothing happens. "Gu Jiu said: "don't pay attention to the Imperial College. Shanhe academy robbed the Imperial College of students, and they fought back several times, all failed. Now a little bit of wind and grass, like a frightened bird, it is normal.

Next year, your main task is to launch Mr. Yang's talk about Jiangling and become a real hit. Strive to make Wenqing Bookstore bigger and stronger, and make it the only book company worth owning in the eyes of scholars. In addition, I will separate Wenqing publishing house from Sihai commercial banks. From then on, Wenqing publishing house will be completely independent. "

"Do you really want Wenqing publishing house to be completely independent?"

Gu Jiu asked with a smile: "I'll let you be the chief manager of Wenqing publishing house. You can make your own decisions as soon as possible. Are you confident? "


Huang Qubing shakes a folding fan, "let me be a big manager, not afraid of my ink addiction?"

"There will be financial accounting on a regular basis. And I believe you, you don't need money, you don't need to ruin your reputation and money for a small profit. "

Huang Qubing laughed, "thank you for your trust! I will manage Wenqing publishing house. This is a hen laying golden eggs. It's much more profitable than your cement road. I have to watch him. We can't let those who have a bad heart touch the pure bookstore. "

Gu nine pursed a smile, "cement road is infrastructure, no infrastructure, everything is on paper."

"Yes, yes. I have all your infrastructure theories in mind. I think that when the time is right in the future, I will publish your theory in a volume, so that everyone in the world knows that if you want to be rich, you should build roads first. "

Ha ha ha

Gu Jiu is very happy.

She has finally influenced some people who are following her step by step.

The faint light of the thought widened again.


Liu Zhao went out hunting with his elder brother, Heng, and exchanged ideas.

Brother Heng is playing crazy in the snow.

The guards were busy guarding his safety.

Liu Zhao took Yu Ge'er to the top of the mountain.

"How is the view here?"

Yu elder brother son nods, "excellent!"

He looked curiously at the tall father, "does the father have anything to say to his son?"

"When my father came back to Beijing, I didn't ask you. How did you persuade your grandfather to accept your apprenticeship? Can you talk to your father? "

Yuge's mouth is closed.

Liu Zhao laughed, "I'm sorry to say it?"

"Did the mother ask the father?"

"Would your mother be so circuitous if she wanted to ask you?"

Yu elder brother son embarrassed ground smile, "mother has not asked son, son is very curious."

"That's because your mother trusted you."

"Didn't my father trust me?"

"It's not the same." Liu Zhao patted Yu Ge'er on the shoulder, "we are all royal children, which means we should be careful every step. Your mother doesn't ask you. First, she trusts you. Second, she doesn't want to put pressure on you. Third, she doesn't want to slander the Liu family in front of you, let alone your grandfather. "

Yu Ge'er seems to understand.

You can tell your grandfather how to persuade him. I'll tell you everything else when you're older. "

Yu Ge'er nodded, "the son said to his grandfather that his son was the emperor's grandson, so he did not need to take the imperial examination and study the four books and five classics. Mr. Ren has a lot of knowledge. Except for the astronomical phenomena, other miscellaneous studies are involved. If our grandchildren can learn from Mr. Ren, they will certainly broaden their horizons and broaden their minds. "

"That's it?"

Liu Zhao obviously didn't believe it.

Yu Ge'er thought about it for a while, and then said, "the son also told his grandfather that his father was ignorant and could not calculate the accounts. He was always in short of money and food, and his mother had to support all expenses. If a son wants to learn a lesson, he can't say how well he has learned. At least he can't be a black sheep like his father. "

Liu Zhao looked at Yu Ge'er, the son of the pit father.

Did anyone say that?

"How can a father be ignorant? You son of a bitch

The Royal elder brother son one face is aggrieved, "in front of the emperor grandfather, only slander father, can please emperor grandfather. It is possible to persuade the emperor's grandfather to agree to his son's apprenticeship to Mr. Ren. My son can't help it either. It can only be so. "

With that, he secretly murmured in his heart, "my father is really ignorant."

Liu zhaoqu pointed out that, knocking on Yu Ge'er's head, "in order to worship Renqiu, you slander Laozi like this? Do you have a bad conscience? "

Kengda's son, who did he learn?

Yu elder brother son pitifully said: "because the son said bad things about his father, my son had nightmares for several days and couldn't sleep all night."

Ha ha!

"I didn't see that you had nightmares. Is it a dummy sleeping every night? "

Yu Ge'er is wronged, "when my son has a nightmare, my father hasn't come back."

"Even if the father doesn't come back, he knows you're lying. You must have said a lot of bad things about Laozi in front of your grandfather, didn't you? ""Nothing! The father misunderstood his son. If the son blindly slanders his father, the emperor's grandfather will not agree to his son's apprenticeship to Mr. Ren. "

So it is.

Liu Zhao nodded.

He touched his brother's head, "go and play."

Yu Ge'er secretly breathed a sigh of relief and ran down the mountain.

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