Gu Yu said in a whisper: "a few days ago, general Dou, who was guarding the northern Xiaguan pass, died in battle. The news reached the capital, causing an uproar among the military generals.

It is said that the cattle and horses in Beirong are seriously injured due to the drought in the north this year. They couldn't make it, so they wanted to go through the customs and rob them.

General Dou stayed in Xiaguan for three months. The death of general Dou is not a crime of war. It's because the food supply is not in time.

The documents for the allocation of grain and grass have been under pressure in the political affairs hall. Several adults in the political affairs hall deliberately delayed the supply of Xiaguang's grain and grass, which led to the death of general Dou.

The incident was exposed. In front of his majesty, the military general and the civil servants quarreled directly in the court, and later they started to fight.

Under the door Province Li Shizhong was under the black hand, broken the bridge of the nose bone. My second sister, who is this Li Shi Zhong

Gu Jiu frowned and his heart moved, "is it the prince's man?"

"No. Strictly speaking, Li Shizhong is the Queen's wife. Recently, the Master heard a news that the master was promoted to be the governor of the capital city. It was also this Li Shizhong who gave advice to his majesty that contributed to this. Li Shizhong works in the political affairs hall on weekdays. "

Gu Jiu suddenly realized.

"The grand generals all hate the prince."

"Yes. As far as I know, general Dou was promoted by Lu Hou, and his military achievements have been promoted to the second grade general. But I didn't expect to die in my own hands. Rumor has it that Marquis Lu lost his temper in the military camp and threatened to let the political affairs hall have a good look. "

Gu Jiu said: "is Li Shizhong the first to bear the brunt?"

Gu Yu nodded, "almost. The water is too deep. It's not only the prince's faction who is acting, but other people are fishing in troubled waters.

Although the master has become a civil servant, he is different from those who rely on the imperial examination.

The master's root is still on the side of the grand general. "

Thanks for telling me

Gu Yu said with a smile, "the second sister knows it in her heart. Don't say it. The younger sister's marriage is likely to be married into the noble family. The second sister must perform well tomorrow and strive for a good future. "

"Thank you for your advice."

Gu Jiu returns to Zhilan hospital with a lot of worries.

"Is the girl worried about the master?" she asked quietly

Gu Jiu shakes his head slightly.

She was worried that the people would live and die.

The Queen's mother was still lying, so she jumped out of her bed in a hurry. Is this going to be cannon fodder or cannon fodder?

Gu Jiu bows his head and smiles.

When the Queen's mother dies, the prince is in danger.

The crown prince will either turn over all the military generals, and no one will fight in the future, but he will be able to ascend the throne smoothly.

Or is the anti crown prince faction dry turn, the body dead road disappear, all dust return to dust, soil return to soil. There are only a few words left in the history books about his life.

Gu Jiu shakes his head.

She doesn't affect Mr. Gu at all, let alone the Marquis next door.

Gu Jiu said that the Houfu's position in the past was very good. Who is the emperor supports whom.

If the son of heaven is still in his position, he should obey his orders and be loyal to him.

It's probably not a good end to engage in the struggle for the legitimate. Even if we win, we can't see how many people come to a good end in the end.

After all, good kings are rare animals.

For most of them, they should either serve as prisoners or defend the monarch. One or two is the life of cannon fodder.

Gu Jiu rubs his eyebrows.

Well, she can't influence the decision of Mr. Gu and Hou's house now. She can only follow the general trend one step at a time.

You don't have to scare yourself before the danger comes.

And the danger doesn't have to come.

Gu Jiu said to green plum: "don't worry about me. Wake me up early tomorrow morning

"Yes, my servant."

The next day, early in the morning, Gu Jiu wakes up from his sleep.

After shaking my head, I remembered today's banquet in the mansion. It's also the first time that their family returned to Beijing.

I quickly washed, changed my clothes, ate something to fill my stomach, and rushed to the flower hall.

The eldest wife, Zhang and Xie, are busy with their wives and servants.

There were twenty tables for the banquet.

There are about twelve tables for men and eight for women.

Inside and outside, from the menu, to the dishes, to the tea, to the seat arrangement, to the guests, all have to be checked one by one, for fear of making a little mistake and being gossiped.

Zhang, the eldest wife, took the list and frowned.

"Sister in law, your mother's family can't sit at the same table with the ladies of Xun GUI's family. You should know why. "

Xie's stupefied for a moment, "my mother's family should have sat with me at a table. But I have to serve the guests. This seat is not easy to arrange. "

Zhang's wife was very straightforward, "anyway, your mother's family can't have a table with Mrs. Xun GUI. Why don't you just let your mother's family sit with the girlsXie frowned. It's too light for her mother's family to sit with the girls.

"All the children should follow the guests. To accompany the girls from other families. It's not suitable for my mother's family and girls to sit at the same table. "

Zhang, the eldest wife, stares at Xie's family. "What do you say? You can't offend all these ladies. "

Xie's frown, "let my mother's family and Hou's sister-in-law sit at a table."

Mrs. Zhang snorted coldly, "sister-in-law, what are you thinking. The sisters in law of the Hou's house should help to greet the guests. They can't accompany your mother's family. "

Xie's dissatisfaction, "according to the elder sister-in-law's meaning, must let my mother's family and the girls sit at a table?"

You should have forgotten the purpose of the banquet. It's for your master's official career, and to help him open up his contacts in Beijing.

Your elder brother is an official of the east palace. Nature and Xun GUI don't deal with it.

You've offended people by putting your wife's wife and your wife at the same table. I'd like to know how to manage the relationship for your master.

Pillow wind is not a joke. Because of the position of your mother's family, it is not easy for you to be an official.

Now, instead of sharing his worries, you are making trouble. I want to ask my sister-in-law, are you going to your mother's family or your husband's family? "

Xie's face suddenly collapsed, "sister-in-law, don't be so aggressive."

Mrs. Zhang snorted coldly, "this is your second room treat, not ours. Originally, I could be a shopkeeper, regardless of anything.

But my sister-in-law is really worrying me. According to your arrangement, you must offend people.

At that time, the relationship did not operate, but also attracted other people's resentment.

I don't care if it's just your second room. However, our two families have not yet separated. It is just the so-called prosperity and loss.

If you two rooms offend people, our big room will have bad luck. In this way, how can I sit back and ignore it?

Sister in law, I advise you to focus on the overall situation. Don't destroy the good situation for a little face. "

Xie's teeth, very angry, "then let my mother's family, and sister-in-law's mother's family sit at a table, so the head of the bar."

Mrs. Zhang shook her head, "sister-in-law, this arrangement is really a bad idea. Did you forget that my mother's family is also a military general?

My wife's sister-in-law and second sister-in-law have a good relationship with the women's family members of the daihou family. Besides, my elder brother and second brother were promoted by the Duke of Zhu.

At this banquet today, my wife's sister-in-law and my second sister-in-law will definitely walk with these two women's wives and have no time to greet your mother's family. "

Xie was angry and wanted to refute, but could not find the reason to refute.

The eldest wife, Zhang, is ugly, but she is telling the truth.

Just in this way, Xie is too embarrassed.

Gu Jiu saw that the two wives had been quarrelling for a long time, but they had not come up with a result.

So he reminded, "then open a single seat for Xie's wife, and no one will offend."

The two wives are stunned, Qi Qi looks at Gu Jiu.

Gu Jiu said with a smile: "the Xie family is a civil servant. It's really not the same as the ladies of Xun GUI. Sitting together, everyone is embarrassed. It's better to have a single table, so that no one will have a problem. "

Zhang's wife laughed, "or two girls are smart, I didn't think of it. What do you think, sister-in-law? "

Xie narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu Jiu.

Gu Jiu is natural and generous, allowing Xie's inspection.

Xie said with a straight face, "let's have a single table."

Mrs. Zhang repeatedly nodded, "the female guest is going to prepare nine tables, peony, order to go down, let the kitchen prepare two more tables of banquet."

Xie looked back at his wife, Zhang, "why prepare two more tables?"

No money for the banquet?

With Zhang's stingy temper, he prepared more than two tables of banquet, at least one or twenty Liang silver.

The eldest wife, Zhang, said, "the male guests will also have a table for singles. In addition to your mother's brother, there are also officials in the mansion of Yin. "

"Do you want my elder brother to sit at a table with the officials of the mansion?"

"Otherwise?" The eldest wife, Zhang, asked, "are you going to arrange for your elder brother and Duke Zhu to sit at a table for them?

Younger brother and sister, although your elder brother is an official of the East Palace, he is only four grades.

Duke of the state of Zhu, they are super grade. It is also a product of hexiber.

Do you know who is qualified to sit next to them? Only the old Marquis next door, and the Lord of the marquis.

My Lord, your master, can only stand aside. Only by the introduction of the old Marquis can we have two drinks with them.

Sister in law, I said so much, do you understand? Again, this is the capital, not the northwest. Don't compare the rules of the northwest to the capital.

In particular, there should be no mistakes in the arrangement of seats for such banquets. Otherwise, it's not friendship, but feud.In addition, there is a private conflict between Mrs. Lu Hou and Mrs. Zhu Guogong. It is better not to arrange these two people to sit at the same table. "

Xie's chest was surging up and down, obviously angry. However, he was unable to refute it.

All that she had been proud of in the past became vulnerable and even superfluous under the fierce words of her eldest wife, Zhang.

Back in the capital, I made so many mistakes when I first held a banquet. Moreover, in front of all the women in charge, Xie couldn't hold his face.

Today, I lost my face.

Gu Yue, Gu Shan, they all feel shame.

In the past, I felt that my mother was very capable, especially this kind of greeting and seeing off, which was the mother's best.

But I didn't expect that when I returned to the capital, I was beaten back to its original form for the first banquet.

Gu Yue and Gu Shan both lowered their heads, and even Gu Zhen and Gu Lin felt embarrassed and embarrassed. Xie's disgrace, they also have no face.

The housewives make mistakes in the basic social sophistication. As children, they are naturally worse off than the housewives. As a result, all four of them felt shameless.

Zhang's words, like slaps one by one, slapped them in the face and felt painful.

At the moment, the country's self-knowledge is a matter of no concern.

I can only see the wealth of the capital, but I can't see how deep the water is.

Do you really think that the capital city is the same as the northwest? Can we just deal with it casually?

It's naive.

Among all the people in the second room, Gu Jiu is not embarrassed at all.

Gu Jiu stood on one side, looking at his wife, Zhang said those words, all firmly remember.

These are all knowledge! And it's knowledge that you can't buy.

What the eldest wife Zhang said benefited Gu Jiu a lot.

In his last life, Gu Jiu didn't have a chance to hold a banquet in person. The family loved her and refused to let her tired.

All she had to do was dress up and be on time.

I don't know the preparation work behind the banquet.

In this life, Gu Jiu had no chance to learn from the housekeeper, let alone to host a banquet for hundreds of people.

We can only seize the opportunity to learn a little, a little.

Mrs. Zhang looked at Xie's family and snorted coldly. She could not expect too much from Xie.

Zhang, the eldest wife, wrote a new list of seats and gave it to the steward, "arrange the banquet according to this list. Drink to be prepared enough, so that the warehouse to prepare a few more, do not be stingy money

The woman in charge takes orders.

If there is one, there will be two.

Zhang, the eldest wife, continued to write and revise Xie's preparations.

Xie's Qi was bitter, but he could not stop it.

She couldn't afford the risk of the failure of the banquet, so she had to sit aside and watch the eldest wife, Zhang, busy.

Gu Jiu thought for a moment and took the initiative to step forward, "Auntie, I write very fast and neatly. I don't know if I can help my eldest aunt share one or two. "


Mrs. Zhang looks at Gu Jiu.

Then Zhang's smile, but also a smart girl, better than the other girls.

Mrs. Zhang gave the brush to Gu Jiu, "you can write it."

Gu Jiu picks up the brush with a smile. He doesn't need to sit up and write.

Zhang sat and said, and Gu Jiu stood writing.

Zhang looked at the handwriting, and as expected, as Gu Jiu said, it was fast and good.

Zhang's smile, "two girl's word is really good."

Gu Jiu laughs and says, "my great aunt praises me wrongly. My words are not good enough. It's just that my words are neat."

"It's already very good. You are a girl's family. You don't have to take the exam and write so well. "

Gu Jiu smiles and says nothing.

Zhang continued to talk, Gu Jiu continued to record.

This scene, let Gu Yue and their several very surprised.

How can Gu Jiu be so brave? Why do you want to help record?

When can I have time to write? How come they don't know.

Gu Yue stretched his neck and looked up.

When she wants to come, Gu Jiu writes in the air, which is certainly not good.

As a result, she saw a hand of beautiful flower hairpin.

Gu Shan also saw it and sighed in a low voice: "I didn't expect that in a short period of half a year, the two sisters' characters have improved so much."

Gu Shan remembers that Gu Jiu's handwriting was not as good as it is now.

Gu Zhen also saw it and nodded secretly. It was really good.

Gu Lin thought of her vow to work hard, and felt ashamed when she thought of her fishing for three days and drying her net for two days. Once again, give yourself cheers, to work hard, must work hard.

Xie's staring at Gu Jiu, this dead girl is really able to show.

This scene, unexpectedly also let Gu Jiu find a performance opportunity.Zhang not only changed the seats, but also the menu and even the dishes.

Xie originally prepared a set of white porcelain.

Zhang said, "white porcelain is not good, or use that set of porcelain which has more than one year, looking at the festive, can also ask for a lottery."

Xie opened his mouth and did not refute.

Gu Jiu saw that Xie had no objection, so he wrote down.

Zhang criticized Xie's arrangement everywhere.

Even the chair cushion, she also gave No.

"The cushion arranged by my younger brother and sister is too old-fashioned in color and looks stale. Or with the new set of cushions purchased in the warehouse this summer. The design is fashionable and the color is good. Sister in law, you don't mind

Xie's nostril breathes out, "what can I do for you? My sister-in-law is responsible for all the ideas, and I'm going to school at the same time. "

Mrs. Zhang picked up her eyebrows and grinned, and her eyebrows and eyes were upturned. The whole person was shrewd, fierce and crisp.

She said to Xie, "don't be unconvinced. The capital is a rare place of wealth in the world. There are people who hold high and trample on low.

We, as masters, do not ask for more satisfaction from our guests. We just want to do things with a clear conscience, arrange everything properly and do our best.

Younger brother and sister, follow me to learn more. You will understand that the banquet in the capital city is a question of University.

If you meet someone who is unlucky, even a random dish can become a reason for the other party to find fault, thinking that it is ridiculing her, so as to hate the Lord's family. "

"Today I have to thank my sister-in-law for worrying so much for me."

Mrs. Zhang said with a smile: "we are a family, this is all I should do."

Xie bit his teeth and scolded Zhang again and again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!