Chapter 417: France-Russia conflict worsens

"Dear Your Majesty! Although there are certain differences between the French Empire and the Russian Empire on certain issues, I believe that as long as both sides adhere to the concept of peace, the misunderstanding will be resolved!"

The Russian ambassador who smelled the war hurriedly persuaded Jerome Bonaparte to give up the unspoken idea.

Jerome Bonaparte just glanced at the Russian ambassador and responded calmly: "The actions of the Russian Empire in the Principality of the Danube have seriously threatened the peace and stability of the Near East, so the Russian Empire must withdraw from Moldova and the Principality of Wallachia !!"

"Evacuate?" The Russian ambassador raised his voice and responded to Jerome Bonaparte in a resentful tone: "Your Majesty, no one or any country has the right to order the Russian Imperial Army to evacuate from that land!"

For a pure Slavic nationalist, the liberation of the Slavic peoples under the constraints of the Ottoman Empire has become one of the established national policies of the Russian Empire. Even the supreme Tsar of the Russian Empire could not openly deny this sacred and great cause, how could he, a small Russian ambassador, dare to deny it openly.

"Mr. Ambassador, I did not call you here today to discuss with you. The Russian Empire must withdraw from the Danube Principality! If the Russian Empire has been relying on the Danube Principality and is unwilling to leave, then the French Empire will regard the Russian Empire as destroying the Near East. The culprit of peace! The French Empire will use all means at its disposal to maintain peace and stability in the Near East." Jerome Bonaparte sent an ultimatum to the Russian Empire with a tough attitude to the Russian ambassador.

Since Jerome Bonaparte threatened a blatant war, it meant that there was basically no room for turning between the French Empire and the Russian Empire. Naturally, the Russian ambassador did not have to say something just to please the French Empire. Disobedient words.

"Humph!" The Russian ambassador snorted coldly and replied to Jerome Bonaparte in a sarcastic tone: "France seized Algiers from Turkey, and Britain annexed one state after another in India almost every year. It will not affect the balance of power. Why did our Russian Empire interfere with the balance of power when we temporarily occupied the principalities of Moldova and Wallachia.

The French Empire has been stationed in Rome for several years, but Europe has turned a blind eye to you. When the Russian Empire is only thinking about liberating Constantinople, you arrogantly say that we are destroying the peace of Europe.

... Britain declared war on the Qingguo people just because the Qingguo people offended them, but you didn't say anything! The Russian Empire, on the other hand, only had friction with its neighbors, but it was subject to the permission of the whole of Europe. In support of a sad lie, Britain threatens Greece to burn down their fleet, which you still turn a blind eye to, claiming that it was a legitimate move. But the Russian Empire's request to sign a treaty to protect the legitimate rights of Christians is seen by you as an expansion of Near Eastern powers, sacrificing the balance of power.

I don't see any civilization and virtue in you. We get nothing but blind hatred and malice.

Even so, you are still not satisfied, and you are still deliberately trying to limit us, as if we were born with sin. "

The Russian ambassador described the various double-standard cases between the British Kingdom and the French Empire in the past two decades.

"Mr. Ambassador, which war of the Russian Empire is not a war for the purpose of expanding the land. In terms of the land that the Russian Empire has annexed in recent years in a single round, the amount of land you have annexed far exceeds that of France! You are still not satisfied. , or want to continue to annex the land deliberately!" Jerome Bonaparte also counterattacked the Russian ambassador with sharp words: "Yes! We did annex Algeria, but France also suffered the fate of the fall of the Bourbon dynasty, And your oppression and blockade of France. We helped Pope Pius IX return to Rome, but we did not go to great lengths to create a unified Italian state.

And what about you? You asked the Ottoman Empire to sign an agreement to protect Christians, so as to completely control the Ottoman Empire under the applause! You occupied Constantinople to turn it into the territory of the Russian Empire!

The French Empire had no intention of turning Rome into a city under its own control. Your expansion is limited, so I want to ask you, how did a Muscovite principality become the now huge Russian Empire? Where are the Poly Federation, the Crimean Khanate, and the Caucasus Khanate now, they can't always give up their land voluntarily. When you use rough means to carry out unbridled expansion, you should think that one day you will become the culprit of destroying peace in Europe. "

Jerome Bonaparte ruthlessly pointed out the greedy nature of the Russian Empire. From the establishment of the Principality of Moscow to the present, successive tsars have tried their best to squeeze their Slavic livestock to complete their desire for external expansion.

The Russian Empire has also changed from a remote place to a lame giant that straddles the Eurasian continent.

If the advanced productivity brought about by the industrial revolution did not temporarily offset the population advantage of the Russian Empire, with the Russian Empire's ability to give birth like an old sow, it won't be long before they can completely overwhelm Europe with its huge population advantage.

The Napoleonic Wars can be said to be the last glory of Tsarist Russia. At that time, the muskets still achieved decisive factors in terms of range, accuracy and loading. The tactics of bayonet charge and soldiers' fanaticism were in a sense the same. the victory of the war.

Assuming that the Russian Imperial Army at that time is again equipped with a commander similar to Suslov, the entire army will be invincible.

It is a pity that the time of the Napoleonic Wars has passed, and powerful and convenient artillery and rifles with high range and accuracy have changed the original rules of war.

The war has begun to move to another stage - the stage of total war. For a Tsarist Russia whose industrial base is basically 0, this is undoubtedly a dimensionality reduction blow.

However, all but Jerome Bonaparte did not fully realize that the war pattern was moving in a bloodier direction, and the gap between the French imperial army and the Russian imperial army was far greater than they themselves thought.

Therefore, Jerome Bonaparte was not afraid of war with the Russian Empire from the very beginning. What he was afraid of was that the French Empire would once again fall into diplomatic isolation.

Now that the diplomatic isolation that plagued the French Empire is no more, it is time for the French Empire to take Cyprus and Syria from the Ottoman Empire in return for a showdown with the Russian Empire.

"Your Majesty, everything you said is nothing but sophistry based on French principles!" After a long silence, the Russian ambassador once again responded to Jerome Bonaparte: "The Russian Empire will never give up our presence on the Danube. Christian brothers of the Principality and the Balkans, they are still waiting for our liberation! If you are serious about dragging France into war with the Russian Empire, then we have to choose to fight. The Russian Empire has never been afraid of war, we I just don't want to see two civilized countries, the French Empire and the Russian Empire, fighting each other for a barbaric country!"

"It's not up to you and me to judge whether civilization and barbarism are not! I only see that the Russian Empire is invading a country under absurd excuses!" Jerome Bonaparte righteously denounced the Russian Empire's aggression against the Ottoman Empire, while The clumsy and shameless performance that took place in the Chateauly area a month ago has long been forgotten.

"Your Majesty! Since you insist on asking for war then I have nothing to say!" The Russian ambassador bowed slightly to Jerome Bonaparte to express his respect for France: "Then allow me to get out of here!"

Jerome Bonaparte smiled and stretched out his hand. The ambassador of the Russian Empire once again bowed to Jerome Bonaparte and left the Tuileries Palace.

After the Russian ambassador left, Jérôme Bonaparte spoke again to De Ruiz, who was beside him: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately conveyed to St. Petersburg exactly the conditions proposed by France. After sending the message, get out of Russia as soon as possible! The war is about to start!"

De Ruiz took action immediately after receiving Jerome Bonaparte's order.

On the other hand, the Russian ambassador who left the Tuileries Palace returned to the Russian embassy like a walking corpse.

After seeing the Russian ambassador's expression, the military attache and secretary in charge of the embassy immediately felt that something major was about to happen. They hurriedly came to the Russian ambassador and asked him what happened!

"Let's go!" The Russian ambassador weakly said something that sounded inexplicable to the military attache and secretary.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?" the secretary carefully asked the envoy in front of him.

"I said go! Didn't you hear clearly?" the distraught Russian ambassador couldn't help raising his voice.

"Your Excellency, where are we going? Are we going back to the Russian Empire or?" the secretary asked again.

"The French Empire has warned the Russian Empire that the war is about to begin!"