Chapter 66: oriole behind

On July 3, 1848, the vigorous June Revolution ended with Cavaignac's ruthless repression. The workers had no chance to wait for the social reform of their dreams, and fell on the Paris barricades ahead of schedule, with rifles and bayonets. . The barbaric French army drove them out of Paris mercilessly, leaving them to fend for themselves.

General Cavaignac, the blood-stained worker with both hands, also got his wish, and his temporary ruling position was successfully turned into the real first French government.

It's just that the first ruling's right period is less than 5 months, and the election results will be finalized in December.

At that time, Cavaignac will step down on his own. Of course, Cavaignac has another way, and that is to take advantage of his current right not to be constrained by any forces to lead troops to dissolve the National Assembly, and he will become the first ruling in the true sense.

This is also what Thiers and others in the Party of Order fear.

However, Cavaignac, who had solved the domestic riot, obviously did not learn from Napoleon's ideas. He is smug, he believes that his decisiveness has saved France, and the whole of France should vote for him honorably in the December general election.

But Cavaignac didn't know that from the time he took the first ruling position, all his rights would automatically expire in December.

The Party of Order could not have another Bonaparte in power, and they were even willing to unite with the Bonapartists in order to stop him.

On July 8, the reports about the massacre of Paris reached Belgium, Prussia, and Rome through newspapers in Paris.

On this day, the weather in Rome with a Mediterranean climate was exceptionally hot.

Even the people who gathered to parade in the past did not want to enjoy the feeling of taking a sauna under the scorching sun. Every household opened the windows for ventilation. Even so, the whole room was like a sauna.

Many people choose to swim in the Tiber River to eliminate the impact of the sweltering heat.

Jerome Bonaparte is also one of them.

However, instead of going for a swim in the Tiber, he chose a shady spot on the upper Tiber to fish.

Literally fishing.

Also accompanied by Charles Bonaparte and his nephew Lucien Louis.

Captain Letty brought a group of temporarily hired helpers with large bags and small bags and placed the items and rocking chairs needed for fishing near the shade of the tree.

Jerome Bonaparte and Charles Bonaparte were fishing with a fishing rod each.

Crumbled bread crumbs are sprinkled into the water to attract fish foraging.

The struggling and twisted earthworm was "mercilessly" put on the hook by Jerome Bonaparte, threw it into the crumbs, and then sat on the rocking chair with peace of mind, yawning and waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Charles Bonaparte put a ball of bait on the hook, glanced at the lazy Jerome Bonaparte and said angrily: "Paris is in such a mess, you are quite Leisurely!"

"Huh?" Jerome Bonaparte squinted his eyes lazily and let the rocking chair sway back and forth, and the fishhook also went up and down with the rocking chair's back and forth: "Isn't that guy Cavaignac who made a massacre in Paris? , as for all the fuss!"


Jérôme Bonaparte's indifferent appearance made Charles Bonaparte extremely angry, and he even doubted whether it was the right choice to hand the ruby ​​to the Pope.

In order to appease his cousin, Jerome Bonaparte slowly opened his eyes and said unhurriedly, "Everything is under my control! Without Cavaignac, how could I have come to power!"

"How can I come to power without Cavaignac?" Charles Bonaparte repeated Jerome Bonaparte's words again, he looked at Jerome Bonaparte suspiciously.

Jerome Bonaparte had to explain to his cousin: "Before Cavaignac's horrific massacre in Paris, the republicans enjoyed great prestige in Paris. Today, the prestige of the republicans accompanies Cavaignac's dictatorship. As the **** fell, the selfless General Cavaignac helped the Party of Order, as well as us to clear the most stubborn obstacles.

I am afraid that the Montagnards in the parliament have long regarded General Cavaignac as a thorn in their eyes. Do the citizens who have experienced the turmoil in Paris and those moderate republicans like to bomb Paris with cannons? Cavaignac, who had lost the support of the Montagnards and the citizens of Paris, was doomed to not have the majority of support even in Paris, not to mention the whole of France. "

Jerome Bonaparte paused, pointed to himself and said confidently: "However, I, Jerome Bonaparte did not suppress the workers, nor bombard Paris with cannons. On the contrary, I will call on all classes to unite and get through together. In this difficult time, I will use a lot of infrastructure to stop the French workers from falling into unemployment! I also let the Catholic Church monopolize the right to education in France! I also have no experience in commanding the army like my uncle did... In short, I can satisfy the needs of the entire French people. Demand What reason do I have to fail like this!"

Jerome Bonaparte's confident answer made Charles Bonaparte seem to have traveled through time and space to the era of the emperor. The emperor was so confident back then.

"However, I have a doubt!" Charles Bonaparte shook his fishing rod, and the simple float that was floating on the water plunged into the water. Quickly retracting the line, he also asked: "You have satisfied the interests of everyone in France, so whose interests have been damaged?"

"No one was hurt!" Jerome Bonaparte glanced at the fishing rod, he shook his head and said, "In other words, those who are hurt will not realize that their interests are damaged at all."

The community of interests woven by Jerome Bonaparte with lies, only the proletariat has suffered losses, but the proletariat has been deprived of rights by Cavaignac.

After experiencing the **** repression, they only had hatred for Cavaignac in a short period of time. They had been deprived of political rights and could only use their votes to retaliate against Cavaignac.

A sardine is taken off the hook by Charles Bonaparte and placed in a bucket.

"Damn, do you really want the Air Force today?"

Jerome Bonaparte whispered something in Chinese.

Although he is not a fisherman, the Air Force is the greatest insult to a fishing enthusiast.

Just when Jerome Bonaparte was at a loss, Captain Letty walked up to him and handed Jerome Bonaparte an undivided letter. There is Mathilde's residence.

"I'm sorry!"

Jerome Bonaparte said apologetically to his cousin, who nodded and continued fishing.