Chapter 376: Infinite

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 376: Infinite

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


Chapter 376: Infinite

Unknown Time, Unknown Space

I am looking at the immense kaleidoscope of realities in front of me while fully understanding what I am seeing for the first time. My mind comprehends what happened. The past, present, and future, are all coalescing into a single moment, like a video tape that I can rewind and see.

My perception expanded, embracing the boundless tapestry of existence that stretched infinitely in all directions. It's a unique sensation, the touch of every thread, every story, every life dancing upon my consciousness.

With a mere thought, I traverse the realms beyond time's grasp. My powers are not confined by the limitations of past, present, or future. Time is a tapestry I weave and unweave with the mere flutter of an eyelash, a dance I choreograph with the flick of a finger. The boundaries that mortals perceiveyesterday, today, and tomorroware but illusions to me. I navigate the currents of existence with ease, for I am the fulcrum upon which the pendulum swings.

And so, I found myself suspended in the interstitial spaces, a silent observer of the cosmic ballet. Stars ignited in the velvet expanse, galaxies spun like celestial pinwheels, and planets danced in the rhythm of their own gravitational waltzes. My senses drank in the symphony of creation, each note resonating through the infinite cosmos.

I don't know why I chose to look at this specific universe. Maybe it was just out of nostalgia. It doesn't matter; I don't have to be logical anymore. I don't need to prove anything. I just am.

As I enter the universe at the centre of the multiverse, I create a body construct in the void of space and choose to admire the miracle of creation. My form is arbitrary, a reflection of the perceptions of those who encounter me. Yet, I've always chosen to retain my distinctively vivid green eyes. This time, I chose to wear my cloak around my shoulders, with my hood up, hiding my somewhat human appearance. I think I like this form. It's intimidating enough that no one would dismiss me, but not too monstrous and mind-provoking which would often drive three-dimensional beings into madness.

I look at the stars. They're so far away, yet to me it seems like they're right next to me. When I see them, I do not see the small blips of gas, heat, and light, but them being the source of all life, of all creation. I couldn't help but marvel at the fragile intricacies that made it possiblethe delicate interplay of forces, the intricate choreography of particles, the cosmic ballet of cause and effect. It was a testament to the exquisite artistry of creation, a canvas painted with the hues of the infinite.

Just like me. Just like my very nature.

It's the last day of July in 1980, and Jasmine Potter was born. She was a cheerful baby, who was attached to her brother. I see Tom Riddle, the boy who tried to flee me in pieces, walk up the stairs. He's so angry, so hateful, unaware of just how useless all that fear, all that anger, and all that hate, truly are. Nothing would ever stop me from collecting him at the end. After all, I am not bound by time, nor am I bound by space.

You would think that he should disgust me, but all I feel is pity, for the man has doomed his soul to limbo until it is recycled once more. Normally, I would have just killed him out of irritation for messing up my system, but he is necessary. He is needed, and I let him come up the stairs.

I see him hitting the girl with a killing curse, which will rebound on him. I decide to let it hit her because it is necessary. The curse should have killed the girl; its energy had to go somewhere. I used it to split her soul into two, one that remained in her body, and another which had most of the trauma from the spell, that I stuck in a simulated life, enjoying watching other universes as movies or reading about them as books. I made it just for her, to live, to grow, and to learn. She needs the information if she is to fulfil her destiny. I wait for it while it recovers from the trauma.

It is the twentieth of March 1987. The small soul fragment in the simulation has recovered. She thinks she lived an entirely different life. In a way, she did. The soul inside Jasmine Potter's body knows nothing but pain and suffering. It is intelligent for a mortal child, but not really anything to write about. Such a small thing, for such an immense destiny.

When the girl is unconscious from an accident, I put the second piece of her soul back into her body, knowing that they would merge eventually.

I call it inevitable.

It is the twenty-sixth of April 2015. On the remnants of a world that prospered once, Entropy and the Morrigan battle. Soon after the battle starts, the Celestial Hybrid is dead, but the Avatar of Dream survives with an illusion and a dream. I did help slightly, after all, Dream wouldn't like his only champion perishing so quickly.

As the Morrigan's wife sacrifices herself for her sake, the final anchor is finished. She is ready.

I watch as she tricks Entropy into transporting them into the Quantum Realm. Most Cosmic entities are aware of this realm but aren't interested in it. It is a realm of Chaos, and most concepts like Entropy don't exist there.

I watch as the Morrigan slowly stores her opponent's power in her soul, unaware of the consequences of her decision. Her heart was shattered, her soul broken enough that she would absorb anything to mend it, the nature of her soul allowed her to absorb far more than any other soul could manage. The restrictions on all souls do not exist in hers, allowing her to take more than she probably should.

But she didn't care. Her only purpose was to kill her opponent, to make him hurt.

I am not surprised. After all, I made her that way.

When Entropy finally fades into nothing. She finally understands that something is wrong for a fraction of a second and feels fear for the last time.

A token funeral is held days later. There is nothing to bury. No one even knows what happened, only that the multiverse hasn't ended.

Slowly people forget and the world moves on. The Morrigan's cursed existence fades from everyone's mind.

No one knows what happened to her.

No one understands what she became. They couldn't even if I had told them.

No one but me. After all, I used to be her once.

Her soul was shredded, something that never happened before. Something that will not happen again, and from the ashes, I was born.

For I am the personification of the End.

For I am Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.