Chapter 371: Emerging Queen

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 371: Emerging Queen

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I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience


Chapter 371: Emerging Queen

26th April 2015, Remnant

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

The cosmic entity nodded, "You still think you can win. It's understandable. But you cannot stop Entropy. You can dread it, run from it. But it comes all the same. I come all the same. And now, here we are. For our duel commences now."

I nodded, "And may only the victor return alive."

With the proclamation, the dimensional doors surrounding Remnant closed permanently. This was a divine pact of sorts. Our battlefield was chosen, and none would leave it but the victor. We couldn't leave Remnant if Entropy was still alive, just as Entropy could not do the same without killing us first.

The fight for the fate of the multiverse had officially begun and there was no way to take that back. My future, my past, my very existence was dedicated to this exact moment, to this exact battle. I could say that I was excited, that I was afraid. But I wasn't. I was just tired.


(Selene Gallio POV)

If she was completely honest, Selene didn't really know what to expect in this fight. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't fought besides her beloved for centuries. It wasn't out of cowardliness or anything, it was just that she thought that it was inefficient; in the time it took Morrigan to defeat her opponents in a straight fight, Selene would take the subtle route and take away their resources for herself, without lifting a finger. It was just how she liked to fight.

But nothing prepared her for this. This time, Selene's opponent wasn't anything she could trick, or bargain with. It was a force of nature personified that seemed hell bent on destroying the multiverse.

Immediately after the duel was officially proclaimed, Entropy sent a giant wave of darkness at them. It was different than Morrigan's similar attacks, as it didn't destroy, more like force Entropy into whatever it touched. The atoms inside molecules would scatter, the bonds between them dissolving.

The attack was halted with a wall of flames of pure creation from Jean Grey, which Morrigan forced into a ball and turned into a beam of flames towards the former cosmic entity.

Entropy casually cut the entire attack with the Necrosword. That weapon was a direct danger to everyone near it, capable of literally destroying anything, and killing anyone. It was very difficult to counter.

The Morrigan still remained impassive, and it was Peter Quill of all people that answered back, "Yeah asshole. Survive this."

Suddenly, a giant burning comet appeared a few hundred feet above Entropy, the giant illusion being removed by Loki, who was gasping in exertion. Similarly, Star-Lord himself was glowing with white energy, pulling what looked like a section of the broken moon towards them.

As the cosmic entity started to escape, he found that the crater he was in was a space rune that the Morrigan had secretly carved into the ground as they were fighting in the air. He kept punching it again and again, with fists filled with his destructive energy, alas, it was too late.

The defenders of humanity teleported away as what looked like the surface of the planet was cracked by the impact. The crater turned into a giant volcano, causing Lava to flow everywhere. Jean was the only thing keeping this planet together with her frankly immense telekinetic ability.

This was the mother of all attacks, a destructive ending to the fight. Quill whooped and jumped in joy, "Oh, yeah!"

Loki had a small smile on his face, "Did we win?"

They had to, right? Nothing could survive this.

Alas, they all jumped when they heard a sinister voice behind them, "No, you didn't."

Before they could react, Loki was stabbed in the back with the familiar Necrosword, followed immediately by Star-Lord. They were dead before they reached the ground. When they turned to attack back, they froze at the sight of their enemy.

While she had known that he wasn't mortal, he looked now like some sort of demonic shadow, that was taking the shape of a body. For some reason, it looked more, unending, infinity, "These two were irritating, especially the avatar of Dream, and his clones. I was hoping to see something interesting in this fight, and I did. At least, die with the knowledge that you at least entertained me. But it's amusing that you deluded yourselves that you stood a chance in the slightest."

The Morrigan moved the attack him, only to find herself frozen. Similarly, both Jean and Selene were the same. With a wave of his hand, Morrigan's staff turned into dust. He slowly grabbed her by the neck, "It takes a very special someone to stand up to a being like me and make me go all out enough to use my cosmic form. But we had a good run, it's time for me to enact my plan and get my rightful place. After I kill you and leave this dead realm, I will go to Earth and massacre your precious defenders of humanity and my plan will proceed. Goodbye Morrigan, it's been fun if anything."

He readied his sword to stab at her and Selene just couldn't take it. She could teleport her away, but she needed someone to replace her. She didn't have any clones since they all dissipated when Loki died. Fuck, Loki was so useful. Why did he have to get overconfident?

She could use Jean Grey but something in her hesitated slightly. The girl had so much ahead of her. It wasn't fair to do it. The decision didn't take long. After all, she deserved it, didn't she?

As the man started to stab her beloved, Selene did the only thing she could and replaced herself with her wife. She felt the blinding pain where her attack happened and felt the destructive energy spread throughout her body. But she wasn't afraid. For the first time, she wasn't afraid of Death. Instead, she looked at the love of her life, the woman she caused more pain than any enemy of hers and she remembered the beautiful moments they shared, the love they experienced, and she realized that her sacrifice was worth it.

The last thing she ever saw before she turned into dust was the anguished look her wife gave her, and all she could offer in return was a soft smile.


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.