Chapter 363: The Last Stand

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 363: The Last Stand

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


Chapter 363: The Last Stand

25th April 2015, New York City

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

She was tearing up now, "I know that what I did was wrong, and that I lost your trust. But is it horrible that I don't like seeing the woman I love turn into this broken thing?"

"You're the one who turned me into this, remember?"

She didn't have anything to say to that and just looked down. After ten minutes of silence, she asked, "Would you have ever let me out, if you didn't need me to fight?"

I looked at her. I saw the woman that had been my trusted companion for thousands of years, that I shared my joys and sorrows with, and all I could feel was disappointment at her betrayal. I let my face stay as impassive as possible when I uttered the word, "No."

I could tell that it hurt her deeply, but she had asked for the truth, and I delivered it. She buried her obvious distress in her mind and stood up, "Alright, we've wasted enough time. Tell me about that plan of yours and how we're going to kill a Cosmic Entity."


(Wanda Maximoff POV)

The last couple of years in Wanda Maximoff's life weren't the best. While her relationship with Jean was going well, she couldn't say the same about the one with her mother. It wasn't Jasmine's fault, she knew that, but it was hard not to be resentful at the creature wearing her mother's face, and yet didn't have an ounce of her compassion and humanity.

Tony Stark spoke up for the first time, "What bigger fish?"

"Not that he would admit it, Thanos is a pawn to someone a lot stronger than him, and stronger than me. I designed a team, tailored to fight this being. This is a fight your entire forces wouldn't survive past a minute, and that's me being generous about it. I was able to turn it into a duel of sorts, the team I chose will not interfere with the fight against Thanos, nor will he, thus giving you an actual chance at succeeding. The team will be composed of myself, Jean Grey, Selene Gallio, Peter Quill, and Loki of Asgard. On your side of the battle, you will be led by my daughter, Wanda Maximoff, and you will follow her words as if it was me being there. In the event I do not survive my battle, I ask of you to consider her my heir, and she will take my place protecting humanity from its countless dangers."

Wanda froze at this, and so did the rest of the faction leaders. Jasmine was giving her command. Why would she do that? For some reason, everyone in the room ended up cowed in some way. They all nodded, and Jasmine clapped her hands, "Alright, now, prepare yourselves. We have less than a day to do anything. Say your goodbyes to your families in case we lose, and they end up being wiped out. I wish I could be reassuring at this time, but things are looking grim. However, I have faith that humanity will survive this crucible. Fight with everything you have and even more so, because it's not just some random lives on the line, it's the ones belonging to your families, your friends, your colleagues. Everyone is at risk. The question is whether or not you wish to cower in fear and hope that chance saves you, or if are you willing to fight against the coming storm."

With that said, Jasmine gave them all an imperious nod, and they all disappeared to their homes to prepare, leaving only Selene, Jasmine, Wanda and Jean.

The reality manipulator wanted to throttle her mother's ex-wife the moment she saw her, but she contained herself, "You're making me lead?"

Jasmine nodded, "You are my daughter. I have taught you everything I could, it's time for you to grow into your role as my heir."

"And now is the time to do it? With the entire multiverse as risk? You decide to give me even more responsibility now? I'm supposed to be in the fight with you and you know it. I'm strong enough to do it."

The woman gave her a sad smile and shook her head, "You're the person I trust the most in the world, Wanda. You're literally the last anchor of whatever remains of the person I used to be. Is it wrong that I want you to remain slightly safer? It's why I'm even doing this in the first place."

"Doing what?" Wanda questioned.

She didn't have the time to react when Jasmine palmed her chest with a glowing purple gem. The reality manipulator started feeling hotter and hotter, like a fire starting from her chest burning herself out. She could barely even think of anything but the pain that surrounded her. But there was something else, something more, outside of the pain.

Pure Power, that's what Wanda realized it was just before the world turned black.


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.