Chapter 347: Hardball

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 347: Hardball

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


Chapter 347: Hardball

20th May 2013, Avengers Tower, New York City

(Tony Stark POV)

"You wait for a bit until you see how the Accords will be enforced and implemented. Leak any misuse of power, any unjustified arrest while showing them that they could be next. If that doesn't work, we bring the big guns and we execute the last resort plan. We fake an invasion and have you say that you wouldn't want to risk being arrested for saving people. You blame it on the Accords, and the rest of the world will take you seriously. Although, by that time Jasmine would probably have already returned, and she would probably have better plans."

"I still don't like this" Tony complained.

"Do you have any other plan that might work?" Wanda glared at him.

The billionaire gulped and thankfully Jean chose to change the subject, "Speaking of implementation of the accords. How is it going to be enforced?"

Tony shrugged, "I don't know for sure. But the UN committee in charge of the Accords have been communicating a lot with a certain company. Trask Industries, I believe it was called."

It was five days later that Tony, and his companions took a portal to Vienna, where the Accords were being signed. The billionaire had never experienced teleportation in his life and was surprised by how smooth it was.

The portal was more like a doorway, which didn't make sense, since it should have been spherical to account for the fact that the universe existed in at least three dimensions of space. Physics breaking aside, the three of them walked towards one of the hotels. Maximoff simply walked towards a bald woman with tattoos on her head and said, "We are here to speak with King T'Chaka. It is an urgent matter."

"My King has no appointment to see you today." The woman answered with a heavy accent. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"Tell him that it's about Ulysses Klaue."

Tony had no idea who that Klaue person was, but from the widening of the woman's eyes, she didn't share his ignorance. It was a rare thing for Tony to be the only ignorant one in a conversation. He decided that he definitely didn't like it, not one bit.

The bald bodyguard nodded and silently walked towards one of the elevators. Ten minutes later, a small delegation of bald women came to speak with them, "We will escort you to our King."

They all walked in silence to one of the elevators, until they arrived in front of a room, where another two guards were stationed. Honestly, Tony knew that they were visiting the King of Wakanda, unannounced, no less, but he didn't expect that kind of manpower for a UN meeting of all things.

Still, the guards opened the doors to show an old man with greying hair and a goatee, "Hello, Mr. Stark, Miss Grey, and Miss Maximoff, how may I be of assistance?"

Grey nodded, "We needed to talk, and this was our ticket to have our conversation."

She moved her arm in a circle and a portal appeared in the roof of the building, another weird man with spikey hair and grey eyes, fell from the portal to the ground, where he was immediately apprehended by the Wakandan guards.

"We are giving you Ulysses Klaue as a token of goodwill, the buy in, if you would, to start the conversation. We will also give you the entirety of the stolen Vibranium after our discussion is over, even if the meeting goes poorly." Wanda Maximoff explained.

"You think we haven't been observing Wakanda for decades? Because we have, and for a very long time, we haven't even tried to interfere in your ruling. We even witnessed what happened in Oakland, and we weren't the only ones to do so."

"EVERYONE OUT!" the King bellowed out.

"But, my King," one of the bald women protested.


Everyone, save for Tony, his companions, and the King, left the room. The man walked and looked at Maximoff straight in the eye, "Be very careful with your next words."

Tony would admit that he was terrified. Somehow, he knew that there was more to the old King than he first thought. But Maximoff didn't seem even slightly intimidated and continued smiling, "After uncovering your brother's betrayal, you went to his safehouse. I will not say what happened, because you perfectly know. You acted as the protector of Wakanda, as the Black Panther, there is no shame in that, and we will not judge you for what you have done. But your nephew witnessed what occurred, and he is out there, plotting to destroy everything that you have built, to have his revenge on you. So, that's our deal, you remove yourself from the Accords and build a headquarters for the Avengers, and we will tell you everything you need to know about your nephew and what he's been doing all these years. What do you think?"

"You will not tell anyone about it, or I will simply sign the Accords, Avengers be damned." T'Chaka responded.

"We will not. You will be our ally. Genosha will help you, if you need it. You will have done us a great service, and we always pay our debts." The telepath answered.

"And you, Stark?" the old King questioned.

Tony seriously had no idea what the hell these people were even talking about. He was just there, not understanding one bit of what happened. From what he could infer, Wakanda was some secret powerhouse that had something to do with Vibranium. Genosha was responsible for the mutants disappearing into thin air, and somehow the King of Wakanda did something that his secret nephew saw, and was now planning revenge for. Tony missed the days where all he had to do was fight aliens and deal with Hydra, not this mess.

"I won't repeat a word of what has been said in this room," Tony simply answered.

The billionaire didn't even know enough to blab to people about it. But the man seemed to relax at his words, so he took that as a win.

The image of the stern King deflated, and he just looked saddened, "Then we have an agreement. I will retract our signature from the Accords, stating that the ethical concerns troubled me, and I will arrange for a headquarters to be made for the Avengers."

Jean Grey nodded, "And as promised," she waved her hand and a small portal opened, with a file falling into her hand, "here is the file about N'Jadaka, your nephew, who is also known as Erik Stevens. He's currently working for the CIA, but trust me, he hates your family with a passion. Do with it as you see fit."

The King nodded, still looking solemn, "An agreement has been reached. He should have been raised in Wakanda."

"Maybe, but my mother has always told me that it is unwise to think on what should have been and forget to live. Keep that in mind." Maximoff responded.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention," The King replied.

"Oh, and the Vibranium that Klaue stole has been teleported to Wakanda, into the vault to be precise. You can check with them later. Thank you for your cooperation, King T'Chaka." Wanda spoke up before turning and leaving the room.

As soon as they left, Tony voiced his thoughts about the meeting, "What the fuck just happened?"


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.