Chapter 338: Escaping Prison

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 338: Escaping Prison

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


Chapter 337: Escaping Prison

16th May 2013, Klyn Maximum Security Prison, Nova Empire

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

Hela looked at me disbelievingly, "They're just leaving an infinity stone unattended in a place like this? And the idiots want to sell it? A fucking infinity stone, of all things?"

"They have no idea what it is. As far as they're concerned it's just an orb that's worth a lot of money. They don't know that this thing can blow up an entire planet by accident." I drawled back.

"So, they're idiots?"

"They're ignorant, there's a difference. Although this trip does bode well for us. We could get an infinity stone out of it, which would make us have the same number as Entropy."

I looked around and saw Gamora give Rocket a control band. The raccoon smiled and yelled out, "Move to the watchtower."

Well, they seem to have finished their mission, "Let's follow them, shall we?" I told my student.

Hela grumbled as we walked towards the top of the watchtower. Yes, this was far better than staying on Earth. I have to say that space is more exciting than I thought it would be.

We silently followed the gang to the watchtower and watched as Quill knocked out the guard with the prosthetic leg Rocket asked him to get.

Hela and I sat down in the watchtower and kept sipping our tea, while Gamora just noticed Drax's presence, having followed Quill.

She looked towards the human hybrid and asked, "Why is this one here?"

"We promised him that he could stay by your side until he kills your boss. I always keep my promises, when they're to muscle-bound whack-jobs who will kill me if I don't." he answered.

He presented the leg to Rocket, who burst into laughter, "You actually got the leg? I was just kidding about the leg."

"You're joking right, I had to pay the guy 30,000 units for it!!" Quill responded, outraged.

This seemed to make Rocket laugh even more, "That's even better. Tell me, was he just hopping around without his leg? I wish I could have seen it."

Quill grumbled, "Fine, just start that mad plan of yours."

The still chuckling raccoon answered, "Fine!!"

And so, Rocket kept messing with some wiring and Quill started to bicker with Drax, who didn't understand the concept of metaphors. Hela gave me a look, "My lady, why are we entertaining these imbeciles?"

I snorted, "That's an apt description. I suppose I could call it a test. The coming fight will not be an easy one. I need to see if the boy will be able to handle it, before even entertaining the idea of unlocking his heritage."

"And the others?" she questioned.

"They're amusing," I responded. And I almost burst into laughter at the flabbergasted expression on my student's face.

I continued, "There's something wonderful about these people, Hela. There's the monster that wished to atone for her sins, the man that has lost everything and wishes for nothing more than vengeance, two unique partners each lost in the universe, choosing to look around it for a sign of purpose. And finally, the boy that's anchored to the past, that dreams of his home, but is too afraid to face his demons there."

"He's an idiot though?" Hela protested.

I shook my head, "No, Celestials don't have organic matter. They're beings of energy, which is why they're so hard to kill. Plus, this stuff would have rotted millions of years ago, if that was the case. No, it's most likely the mechanical resources that they use as avatars. They have a tendency of mimicking life to an extent, but they create the optimum materials to make their bodies. Organic matter tends to be very inefficient, and Celestials very much hate inefficiency. They're pretty much mining a giant robot head, nothing more."

Gamora looked at me, surprised, "How do you know so much about them? The details of the Celestials have been lost to history"

I shrugged, "It's just something I picked up on the long road that is life."

Gamora was annoyed by her response, "Still, this is a dangerous place where every resident in an outlaw."

Quill responded, "Well, I come from a planet of outlaws. Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos."

He was probably trying to impress the woman or something. Unfortunately for him, I raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "Dude, those are imaginary characters. Did you forget that I'm from Terra too?"

Peter looked down and grumbled. I almost burst into laughter; he was pouting like a child that didn't get what he wanted.

Rocket sighed, "Let's just sell the damn thing and go our different ways. I'm getting sick of you people."

And so, after docking, Gamora went to arrange a meeting with the buyer, while we waited in a pub. Hela was grinning while watching a battle royale of lizards that the others were betting on, "You know, this is a lot more fun that I thought it would be."

I smirked, "I told you that this would be a nice trip to relax. There isn't really any danger to any of us, and all we have to do is watch Quill's personality. As missions go, this is a rather interesting and fun one."

She was right, of course. I needed a place to destress after what happened in the last few months. For all I had the cold logic of a Celestial, I still had some humanity left too. I still wanted to scream and burn the world for the injustice that befell on me. I wanted to break down and destroy things until I'm too exhausted to do so. And for someone of my power that was a dangerous thing.

This trip was a good way of living without expectations, of forgetting about the looming battle and just have fun for a bit. I felt better, but the urge to give in and start destroying things was still there, in the back of my mind. Damn, I didn't know Selene's betrayal had messed me up that much. I was restraining myself as much as possible at all times.

Rocket slowly walked towards me, "I have to ask, lady, why are you still with us?"

I shrugged, "I still haven't found what I'm looking for."

"Please, we both know that your adventure story was crap. Are you after the orb?"

I snorted, "Not especially. While I do know what it is and the damage it could bring, I am after something far more valuable."

"And what is that?"

"Why, Peter Quill, of course!!"

Rocket gave me an incredulous look, "Seriously? That guy is worth more than four billion units?"

I shrugged, "Value is in the eyes of the beholder. But even then, Quill is his father's heir, and I am here to decide if he is worthy enough to inherit his position."

"Wait a minute, is Quill's father a king, or something?"

"It doesn't matter really, he's dead, after all."

The raccoon's eyes widened, "I'm sorry for your loss..."

I snorted, "Don't be. He was a monster, and I was the one who killed him."

Before he could comment on my statement, Gamora entered the room, "The meeting is arranged. The buyer is waiting for us"


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.