Chapter 311: Remnants of a Past

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 311: Remnants of a Past

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


13th May 2013, Svartalfheim

(Thor Odinson POV)

Thor needed to protect his father, so he sent a bolt of lightning towards his sister, who easily blocked it with a projected black shield.

She gave him a cocky smirk, "Is he supposed to be my replacement? What a disappointment."

Odin replied back, "The only disappointment here, Hela, is you."

"Then watch him die for your sake, Odin."

The woman snarled and sent dozens of black blades at him which he destroyed with his lightning. He summoned Mjolnir and sent it at her. The woman, Hela, actually grabbed the hammer and froze it in place.

Gaping at the scene, he uttered, "That is impossible."

The woman smirked at him, "Oh honey, you have no idea what's possible."

With a squeeze of her hands, cracks started appearing on the hammer, until it was destroyed, releasing an explosion of lightning. Whatever was left of the hammer was a few pieces of Uru metal. Thor tried to deny it by trying to find his bond to his hammer, but he found nothing. Mjolnir was dead.

For Thor, everything fell to silence, as he stared in disbelief at the sight before him. Mjolnir was dead. The hammer had been a constant companion of his ever since he was a child and it had chosen him as its wielder. It was not the most powerful weapon in the nine realms; it didn't hold a candle to his father's Gungnir before he had melted it down, and it definitely didn't compare to the King's new Odinsword, but it was the closest thing to a true partner Thor ever had in his life.

There was always this underlying intelligence that the hammer had, which he now understood to be a remnant of the true Mjolnir's intelligence. Even then, when provided the chance to wield the more powerful hammer, Thor was hesitant to let go of his companion for a more powerful weapon. It felt dishonorable, an unworthy act that felt more like a betrayal than an improvement.

In his youth, Thor would have grasped the more powerful hammer with a wild gusto, accepting any gift that would make him even more mighty, an even greater warrior. But the Prince's experiences in Midgard had taught him that there was more to life than battle and fighting prowess, and there was more to being a king than being a warrior.

Loyalty, courage, and sacrifice, these were the true qualities of a good king. Everything else can be learnt, but these values, these characteristics, had to be fundamental. Thor loved his hammer, and Hela, his supposed sister, had destroyed it.

Very few things could quench the fiery anger that coursed through his veins. That monster of a woman who had killed his friends, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, had massacred thousands of loyal Asgardian soldiers in seconds without a second's thought. She was a monster and a threat to Asgard, no matter what her father had done to her. Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

He then palmed a piece of lightning, he ran at his enemy with blinding speed with his hand towards his opponent, which was letting out a high-pitched chirping sound, similar to that of a flock of birds. His attack went through her chest and shattered her heart. The woman stared at him, eyes wide in disbelief, as she was impaled.

Thor gave her a sad look, "I am sorry, Hela. But I cannot let you jeopardize Asgard's freedom. It's too important. You probably don't understand, but at any other time, I would have listened to you. Time is pressing and this is our only shot."

With that, Thor retracted his hand and ran back to his father who was still limping, "My son, did you succeed?"

"Yes, Hela is dead."

Odin shook his head, his face slowly paling, "You fool! No, she is not. She cannot die. Her connection to Asgard is too strong. The realm itself will heal her. You need to restrain her or banish her somehow until we're done dealing with the Shadows."

Before Thor could register his words, he felt something impaling him in his gut, "He's right, you know. You really should have sent me away."

Thor turned towards her, almost blinded by the pain. This was not a normal wound, these swords let out some sort of curse or poison into his body. The God of Thunder groaned as he turned towards his supposed sister and muttered "Coward."

The woman gave him a smirk and shook her head, "There are no rules on the battlefield, brother. Your father should have taught you that. Although, I am impressed by your control over your power. But alas, I am Odin's first born. I am the true heiress of Asgard. You were always going to lose, brother. But perhaps after Odin is dead, we could come to an understanding."

Hela prepared another sword ready to attack Odin once more, but Thor ran towards her and took it in his place, impaling him in the chest.

Thor relished seeing her surprised look but mourned his father's horrified expression. He glared at the woman trying his best to disguise his pain, "Asgard is not a place, it's the people, and you are betraying them with your actions. You're no Crown Princess of Asgard, and I will not let our people suffer under your rule."

He let out another burst of lightning and sent her away from him and his father. He ran towards her, with blades of lightning in his hand, and prepared to fight to his last breath. He could not defeat her, he knew that deep down, but he didn't need to. He only needed to delay her until the plan is over. He was only supposed to act as a deterrent should anything come their way.

Hela summoned swords of her own and they started to fight a contest of physical prowess. They were evenly matched at first, but Thor's injuries started to slow him down. It didn't take long for Hela to land a hit, slashing him in the chest. Distracted by his pain, he was not able to see Hela's punch, which disoriented him further, until she impaled him for the third time.

The curse was starting to spread, and Thor felt his natural healing try to stop it, to no avail. He fell down to his knees and stared at his attacker.

Hela though did not have a smile on his face like he expected. She looked oddly sad for some reason, "I don't know if this means anything, but I am sorry that things ended this way. You were a formidable opponent, Odinson, and for that, I acknowledge you as my brother."

These were the last words the God of Thunder heard before his world turned to black.


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.