Chapter 295: Broken Trust

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 295: Broken Trust

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


3rd March 2013, Hogwarts

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

I turned and teleported away to the department, ignoring the transfiguration mistress's questions. She must be scared out of her wits to see someone teleporting away from Hogwarts.

I walk past the magical maze that made up the department. It was night and there wasn't anyone left. I walked towards the room that was usually used to maintain bodies under statis and looked for the newest one. It was a gentleman by the name of 'Jean Delacour'. He was probably related to the young woman I competed against in the tournament, but that didn't matter.

A single glance at the body told me that my fears were true. This man, probably a former member of the Court of Shadows, was drained entirely. He was barely more than skin and bones, but there was more to it. His entire life force was drained in seconds. And there is only one person I know who is capable of this, one person who has the knowledge to apply it to such a scale. Selene, my wife, had massacred the Court of Shadows. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

I didn't how long I just stood there, staring at the wizard's body, hoping that I was wrong, that there was another explanation as to who killed the Court of Shadows in such a manner.

I stood frozen, my mind racing. This couldn't be real. This couldn't be my wife. Selene couldn't have done this. No, she definitely had the capability and the mentality to do it, but she wouldn't destroy my relationship with Rose like this. I have loved this woman for countless years, and she knew very well how much this meant to me.

Truthfully, I have never seen anything like Selene's curse. According to her, she was born during a ritual that ended up killing all the participants and allowed her to literally suck the life out of people. She was the reason vampires even existed in the first place. An old wizard in Ancient Rome found out about her immortality and tried to replicate it using alchemy. He succeeded, in a way. He ended up becoming an ageless creature, but one that became mindless over time and hungered for blood instead of life force.

What I have discovered over the years was that Selene's soul was odd. My wife had always thought that her soul had burst lightly because of the power of the ritual and the inherited flexibility of souls during birth. She liked to call herself the first mutant, but given the fact that she can use magic, she cannot be considered a mutant. After all, they are technically mages that can cast only one spell, while Selene can cast many.

No, that was very unlikely. Selene knew that even if the entire Court had banded together to go against me, I could've killed them with a snap of my finger. Sure, I was still experimenting with my cosmic core, but I have committed genocides with a wave of my hand in my service to Death. It's not the deaths that bother me, really. I don't care about some pompous rich fools with heads filled with delusions of power, kicking the bucket. But it was the fact she did it behind my back and was done to hurt me deeply.

This was a breach of trust that she has never done to me. Sure, we clashed a few times, and we competed against each other, but this was different. She used information that I told her in confidence. She used my plans and hopes, for some obscure goal that ended up destroying my relationship with my sister.

I didn't even know how to feel about it. I loved Selene with all my heart, but what she's done is too much, even for me. I still love her, but I don't know if I can trust her anymore and, in a way, that was worse. She was always my confidante, as I was hers. She often offered me her suggestions and insights, and now I couldn't trust any of them, in fear of her using that information to her advantage again.

I needed to talk to her, to confront her. I needed to know the truth. This wasn't even about Rose anymore. Her loss from my life, while regrettable, can be dealt with. But Selene betraying me is simply unacceptable.

My thoughts were interrupted by noise from outside the door, and I realized that I had stayed staring at this husk of a body for hours without moving. Immediately, I wave my hand, and everything returned to the way it was, and I teleport home.

My mind was reeling with possibilities and justifications, but there was nothing concrete. I knew that there was something. That I was close. It was on the tip of my tongue, but I'm just blanking.

I made my way to our bedroom. Selene was sitting on our balcony, sipping her tea. I steeled myself and entered the balcony for our inevitable confrontation. I just hope that I wouldn't lose her by the end of it as well. The moment I entered; Selene looked at me.

She must have seen that something was wrong because she looked worried suddenly, "my love, what's wrong?"

I gave her a serious look, "We need to talk."


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.