Chapter 290: These Violent Delights

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 290: These Violent Delights

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


3rd March 2013, New York City

(Tony Stark POV)

"If we don't all end up dead, I'm retiring after the crisis is over. I've had enough of this ungrateful little planet. I swear, if I wasn't bound for thousands of years, I would have left this cursed place a long time ago. And the moment I'm freed, I have this multiversal crisis to deal with because I can't even leave the damn universe to retire. So, yeah, you'll have exactly what you wish for, mortal. You'll be free of me the moment the crisis is over, and we'll see how long you'll survive on your own." nove(l)bi(n.)com

Before he could retort, the woman stood up, "I'm leaving now. I've finished what I've set up to do. Take care of the kid for me and stay out of my way. I'm serious Stark; I don't want anyone involving themselves in the mess with Asgard. You're responsible for doing this. If I find out that anyone is meddling, then it's on your head."

The woman teleported away, ignoring the anti-teleportation shield he acquired from Reed Richards as if it was nothing. The billionaire groaned and palmed his head. This hadn't ended well.


3rd March 2013, Sayre Manor

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

After my little conversation with Stark, I teleported home, poured myself a cup of tea, and sat on the balcony. I sighed at the previous meeting with Stark. I went to Stark Industries on a whim, really, the moment I saw Peter Parker fighting in an alley.

Arranging a meeting between the billionaire and Parker was my good deed for the day. Before the future became clouded, I had seen many of their possible relationships, which were almost always amicable, apart from a few unlikely outliers, that is.

Most of the time, they were as close to a family as one could get. There was always that father-son bond that they develop over time, and that helps the both of them deal with their insecurities. In a way, this was both a gift for Stark, to help him move on from his parents' murder, and a gift for the kid to have someone actively supporting him in his hero life.

This was my final gift for the kid, and me returning the favor to Stark by asking him to stop any mortal involvement in the conflict with 'Those who sit above in Shadow'. Odin would never allow any mortal's involvement in Asgard's affair. As far as I know, he's only accepting Selene, Wanda, and Rose's involvement because they're my family, and Jean because she's the avatar of the Phoenix Force. The king of Asgard did fall in love with a past avatar in one of his previous lives, but this was millions of years ago, before the war against heaven. He must still remember her power, and thus the potential that Jean embodies.

However, despite their childish behavior, the two godlings were very serious in their education, trying to surpass the other as much as possible. As a result, Thor had grown impressively strong after relearning to control his abilities after the powerup from Odin. Even if Thor's growth was impressive, Loki's was on another level. It was like he was barely thinking about using his magic in anything other than illusions before, and the moment I started to teach him his potential, things just clicked.

I kept focusing on his abilities in transfiguration. The Jotun had impressive skills in self transfiguration, and a bit of conjuration, but he never explored the idea of transfiguring something else. As expected, he was a natural at it, but he needed to touch an item to change anything about it. His illusion magic was as strong as it needed to be, and we didn't have the time to cover enchantments properly, choosing to focus on ice elemental magics.

Truthfully, my tutelage of Loki was very different from Thor's. An elemental power is simple in theory but needed a lot of practice. Teaching Loki a magic system that was not my own was very tricky, and it was an adventure for the both of us, even if his magic reminded me of Rose's.

My mood dropped at the reminder of my sister's last words. She was cutting me from her life, and it broke my heart. I knew that her words were made in grief and pain. I believe that a small part of her always hoped that I would come back to the Potters and be a family again. I understand that she had a difficult childhood, being locked up in a house with two grieving parents and that she latched into this ideal version of me in her mind. But she should have grown out of it. Perhaps my lack of reaction to Nathan's death shook her. I did not know for sure.

Sensing my mood, Selene responded, "What are you thinking about?"


Selene just answered with a grunt, and I raised an eyebrow at her response, "Is there something you want to tell me?"

My wife sighed and spoke up, "My love, I have always thought that you were too attached to these mortals. It's your way of dealing with your immortality and that's understandable. I will not fight you on this anymore. But you gave the Potter girl everything. You acted like her sister, something that you really aren't. You taught her magics far above that mortal even dreams of. You have made her your heir, access to Avalon and the treasures within. Yet, she still undermines your authority and challenges you on the basis of morality that you are simply beyond. She blames you for the death of her brother, which you are completely blameless about. Granger was the one that killed him, and even then, he had betrayed her and captured her for the Court. You have given her time to grieve, but she still hasn't come back. I know that you were excited about the idea of a successor, but Rose has been nothing other than ungrateful to your gifts."

"I suppose you're right. I'm just scared that she might end up doing something reckless"

Before I could even complete my question, I heard a loud explosion in the courtyard. Hoping that Thor and Loki haven't blown up half my mansion in a little feud of theirs, I run towards the noise. I was surprised to be met with the unconscious forms of Loki and Thor in the courtyard.

Facing them was a familiar figure of Rose that was glaring at them. That glare turned towards me when she noticed my arrival. I spoke up, "Rose?"

The witch pointed her wand at me and yelled out, "You MONSTER!"


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.