Chapter 285: Big Ben

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 285: Big Ben

For those who missed yesterday's announcement (which I am planning on deleting later because I don't like having announcements like that in the middle of a story), I am planning on doing daily chapters for the month of January. I might miss a day or two, but it's sort of me being sorry for the decline in quality in the last couple of months. I was very busy and had a lot of personal issues, mostly financial because my country's currency dropped to less than half, meaning that everything just became twice as expensive suddenly and I needed to get an extra part-time job for things to stay afloat. That on top of me already having a part-time job and being a university student, pretty much destroyed my schedule.

Anyway, I barely had any time to think of arcs properly, and I wrote during my lunch breaks or very late at night, refusing to let the story die. But with the Winter holidays being here, I decided to make it up to you and start writing more. I hope you will like it and onto the story.

As usual, If you wish to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 20 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


3rd March 2013, New York City

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

"I'm not an idiot, Ms. Sayre, nor am I suicidal. I know my limits, and I know that I can't just stop crime altogether. But I can do my best to inspire people, to help make this city even a little bit safer."

I shrugged, "It's your life, Parker. You can do whatever you want with it, but just don't forget your life as Peter Parker in your crusade as Spider-Man. I did my best to protect you with the suit, the rest is on you."

The kid's eyes widened at my statement, well the eyes on his mask did. He probably expected me to scold him or something, "Thank you. I don't know how you made it; it has stood up against some crazy stuff. What's it made of, by the way. The way it absorbs impacts isn't normal."

I just shrugged, "It's made of an alloy made up of Vibranium and Adamantium. It was the only way I could make sure that you wouldn't get injured on your little crusade."

Parker's shocked yell at my response amused me greatly.


I pretended not to hear him and raised an eyebrow, "I'm not following"

The kid was shaking. I'm pretty sure that if I could see his face, I would be met with wide eyes and a gaping jaw. With a tone of both incredulity and outrage, the spider themed hero exclaimed, "What do you mean you're not following? This suit is worth millions of dollars, why would you give it to me?"

I shrugged, "Actually it's worth billions, but that's beside the point. You helped me and I had it lying around so I thought I'd reward you. No one would want Spider-Man to be hurt after all."

"How could you have this lying around? I thought that the last Vibranium left was used while forging Captain America's shield."

I shrugged, "Vibranium is rare, but there are deposits. And Captain America's shield was not made out of pure Vibranium, it was an alloy that combined both Adamantium and Vibranium which somehow changed the entire properties of the material. What I gave you was my attempt at replicating it. It was a failed attempt, yes, but it is still stronger than a suit of pure vibranium and lighter than one made of pure adamantium."

It grated me how I could never replicate the phenomenon. The material was completely energy resistant, which means that any scanning spells I used to analyze it just bounced off. It was also completely indestructible. I am not exaggerating; I couldn't even shave a small bit of it to experiment on it on my own.

The only silver lining was the fact that the alloy was naturally grown. It was probably due to a Vibranium deposit sitting on some Adamantium and after a few million years they merged somehow. T'Chaka, the King of Wakanda, probably found it, discovered that he couldn't do anything with it and sold it to Howard Stark claiming for it to be Vibranium. It was a spit in the face of the American people. It was a masterful solution in the face of it. It's not like T'Chaka knew exactly what he was giving up and, in the end, all he did was rid the only possible reason any outsider might want to look into Wakanda. He tricked the world into thinking that Vibranium was a dead end, just a mysterious material with no practical uses.

I was there when Howard tried to experiment on it. Nothing worked, it was an impossible material. The only thing Stark discovered was that it was indestructible, bounced weirdly, and can be molded with intense heat. It wouldn't even separate when it was malleable. In the end, Howard Stark chose to make it into a shield because it was probably the only use he found for it.

I raised an eyebrow, "I'm impressed. You are correct. I am the Morrigan, but right now, I go by Jasmine Sayre."

For some reason, the kid started to breathe heavily, "Oh my God, I know the Morrigan. I saved the Morrigan. The Morrigan is not dead. Wait a minute, how are you still alive? You were hit by a nuke."

Smirking, I answer, "I just moved the bomb to another dimension and faked my death. I do tend to do it a lot. Perhaps, I'm getting predicable."

"I have so many questions. What are your powers? How long have you been alive? Are you really a Goddess? Have you even met Albert Einstein?"

I smiled at the kid's babbling, "My powers are too complicated to explain in one sitting and I've been alive for around five thousand years. I'm not exactly sure, as it was hard to keep track of it back then, since there wasn't a standardized measure of time in the ancient times. It depends on how you define a god. If we're talking about beings of pure energy born to characterize an aspect of existence, then no, but if we're talking about very old and powerful beings, then technically yes. It's hard to put into words. I did, in fact, meet Albert Einstein. Lively fellow, quite intelligent as well, but he was a bit of a pervert as well."

The kid responded in awe, "I can't believe it. You must have seen so much, experienced so much."

Smiling at the kid's enthusiasm, I answer his unspoken query, "Yes, I've seen some very important things in my long life, but everything comes with a balance. Joy is balanced by sadness and grief. Love is balanced by heartbreak. Wonder is balanced by boredom. Everything has a price kiddo, and you better remember that."

The teenager stayed silent, probably understanding the implications of my long life in a mortal world. He then whispered, "I'm sorry."

I shrugged, "It's the hand that I have been dealt with."

Choosing to change the subject, he spoke up, "So, what are you doing in Queens?"

I shrugged, "Just walking around. I've been dealing with a few things in the last few months, and I wanted to clear my head."

An idea popped in my head. There's something I've been wanting to do for a few weeks. I was going to do it in a few days, but with the kid there, there's no reason not to do it now.

I decide to speak up, "You know what, Peter, why don't we do something fun?"

The spider themed hero sounded confused, "Like what?"

"Well, I was planning on speaking with Tony Stark about something. I was going to do it in a few days, but since you're here I might as well ask you to come with me."

The kid was jumping up and down, "Are you asking what I think you're asking?"

"Yeah, kid. Do you want to come with me and see Tony Stark right now?"

The kid actually ran towards me and hugged me in gratitude.


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.