Chapter 279: Glorious Purpose

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 279: Glorious Purpose

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


11th February 2013, Sayre Manor

(Loki Odinson POV)

That didn't make any sense, "I have no divinity. Only Thor was granted a domain in the last thousand years."

The woman smirked, "Is that so? I can feel your connection to the Odinforce, so you do have a domain, whatever that may be. Your father called you a God of Mischief. You should explore this further."

Still confused Loki asked, "How do I do that, exactly?"

Before she could respond, the God of Mischief heard a thunderous boom, and watched as a gigantic beam of lightning gathered in the cloudy sky and fell into the forest far away. The Asgardian was blinded by the attack. He turned to the Morrigan for an explanation and found her looking at the forest with a slight smile, "He's getting better."

Wait what? That was a bolt of lightning, one of Thor's main attacks. Was Thor the one who cast that? His brother had never showed this level of power before. It can't be him, it just can't.

He turned to his companion, hoping for her to deny his suspicions. She just shrugged, "What can I say? Your brother flourished under my tutelage."

Before he could even formulate a reply in his mind, the Morrigan burst into laughter, "You should see your face"

"Is this some sort of trick?"

It had to be. Thor had never even come close to having that much control over his abilities. Theoretically, he could have the raw power to do it, Thor was never the most precise man. Loki would admit that his brother surpassed him in raw power, without question, but the God of Mischief was almost unparalleled in his control. While Loki couldn't cast illusions on a large scale, he could use his illusions for hours and maintain his enchantments for months. His illusions and invisibility spells were indistinguishable from reality.

Thor's beam was almost entirely cylindrical, which was abnormal. Lightning was uncontrolled, wild, chaotic. To be able to shape it in such a way would require immense control over the element, something that definitely wasn't Thor's strong suit. He always preferred to cause as much collateral damage as possible, something that Loki tended to avoid, mostly because large scale damage was beyond him.

The Morrigan gave him a pitying look, "No, this isn't a trick. Your brother is the one who used that attack. He's trying to recreate one of my personal spells. He is getting closer to completing it. He only needs a little more control to complete it."

More control, how much more control could this spell need? It's not like the spell doesn't already cause too much damage. Grumbling, the God of Mischief muttered, "Lucky bastard"

The woman gave him a reproaching look, "You are severely overestimating your difference in powers. Thor outclasses you in raw power, but there is a price to this kind of power. Outside of the fact that he will always need to work on his control to efficiently use his power, Thor's affinity overwhelms practically all kind of other magics he could learn. If it's anything more than the basics, his inner storm will destabilize the spells. Thor beats you in power, but you do the same to him in versatility."

Loki answered in a mocking tone, "Yes, my versatile illusions. What purpose would they serve against someone who can beat me to a pulp in less than a second."

She waved her hand and a green portal appeared, swallowing them. The portal reminded Loki of his illusions for some reason, "Did you make that portal using my power."

The woman snorted, "Does it matter if I did? It's your power, after all. Just try to see if you can do it."

Before Loki could reply, he heard a familiar male voice, "Lady Morrigan. Did you see it? Am I close yet?"

Loki hadn't heard Thor's voice ever since the invasion. His brother hadn't once tried to visit his cell, and even if he denied it, Loki was hurt by his brother ignoring him. Thor sounded oddly excited, not that he wasn't excited by weird shit before. No, Thor sounded so childish when spoke to the Morrigan, something that he hadn't heard ever since Thor killed his first opponent.

Loki didn't know if he was excited or afraid at the coming meeting. Perhaps it was both. He didn't know what to do, what to say. Luckily, the dust from Thor's attack hadn't settled yet, and Thor didn't know that Loki was there.

The Morrigan seemed used to Thor's excited tone, "You're doing very well, Thor. I have to say that I'm surprised that you came that far in such a short time."

With a flick of her fingers, the witch cleared the dust in the air, and the crater repaired itself. The added visibility let Thor see his brother for the first time in a while, "Brother? What are you doing here?"

"It seems that our father has given me a mission."

Thor looked angry for a moment, and he summoned Mjolnir from far away. Did he not use it to power the attack? "I have had enough of your lies brother. I will return you to your cell in Asgard."

Thor threw Mjolnir at his brother, and Loki flinched, expecting the painful impact, which for some reason, didn't come. Instead, the Morrigan had raised her arms and stopped the hammer in the air. That is supposed to be impossible. Nothing is supposed to stop Mjolnir from obeying Thor's commands. Loki had tried in his youth, and the only time he had seen someone else control Mjolnir was his father, when he banished Thor to Midgard all those years ago. Well, it's not like the Morrigan hadn't surprised him before.

Thor was gaping at his teacher's actions, "Why are you protecting him, Lady Morrigan?"

"Because he did not lie. Odin sent him to us, on a mission."

"And what mission could that be?"

Loki, irritated, dryly responded, "He wished for me to give you this."

The God of Mischief took out the Uru box which was filled with runes and held it in the palm of his hand. Suddenly the runes started glowing and the box started to float. It started to fold away like a complex puzzle until it opened up, revealing a white glowing light. It looked oddly like a star, but it didn't burn. It didn't even hurt his eyes. It was oddly comforting. The light just stayed there for a few seconds before suddenly flying towards Thor's chest.

The moment the light touched Thor's skin, the world turned white.


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.