Chapter 277: Prince

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 277: Prince

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


11th February 2013, Royal Palace in Asgard

(Loki Odinson POV)

Alas, Loki had been given a chance at redemption, not that he understood why Odin had given him one, in the first place. He was supposed to find Thor, and a teacher of his. When did Thor get a teacher, and who could possibly be adequate enough for Odin himself to think that they're suitable enough to train his heir? And what training did Thor even need? Perhaps it was in politics? He hadn't even known that Thor was outside of Asgard.

Loki started to sense the energies around him and concluded that he was in Midgard. Yeah, he could feel the foreign ambient magics everywhere around him, not unlike Asgard that was surrounded by the All-Father's Odinforce.

But what was he doing here? He kept walking until he bounced off an invisible shield, sending him flying back. What in the nine hells was that?

Before he could get up, he heard an amused female voice speak up around him, "Well, if it isn't Loki Odinson. What a delightful surprise."

The God of Mischief could do nothing but shudder from the voice of the woman who haunted his nightmares. Why did it have to be her? Why did it have to be the Morrigan?

Loki straightened himself and put a fake smile on his face, "I aim to please my lady"

The woman's smirk grew, "That you do, Odinson, that you do."

The God of Mischief gritted his teeth at the woman's mocking tone. He really disliked people pointing out his relationship with Odin. In truth, Loki didn't even know what he was to the King of Asgard. Was he a trophy, a prisoner, an amusing pet Odin liked to watch beg for his favor? Being called Odinson was a reminder of his doubts and the God of Mischief wanted to forget it as much as possible.

Still gritting his teeth, Loki responded, "I have to ask you not to call me Odinson. Our relationship is strained you see. Something to do with usurping the throne and almost killing his son, I believe."

The Morrigan snorted, "And your little invasion on Midgard had nothing to do with it, of course."

He let out the Uru box which was filled with Odin's runes. The Morrigan took the box from his hands and looked at it curiously. At first, he wanted to protest her taking something that was meant for Thor, but he really didn't want to risk angering the woman in front of him. In the end, he chose to do nothing. It's not like he could actually stop her if she really wanted to take it.

Whatever reservations Loki had vanished the moment the woman started speaking while casting some magics unknown to the God of Mischief, "Well, I didn't think that Odin would just misplace something like this, especially when he's the one who made it. I would recognize his runes anywhere, and he is using them as a security measure, and it's a very severe one as well. You wouldn't have it, if it wasn't willingly given to you, and if you are planning on stealing it, then the box will disappear and return to its source, probably Asgard. And not to mention the fact that you arrived in a smooth Bifrost travel, one that wasn't stabilized by the mechanical bridge built with the space stone, I can tell from the lack of runes on the ground that the damn thing always causes. As far as I know, only Odin and Heimdall could channel the Bifrost like this and the All-Seer wouldn't do anything without Odin's permission."

Loki gaped at her. Sure, her reasoning was sound, but what was more surprising was the fact that she understood Odin's runes, "You understand the All-Father's runes?"

The woman had a smug expression on her face and nodded, "Yeah. I can't use them though, they're unique to the Odinforce and unless Odin allows me access to them, they would be nothing more than pretty drawings when I do. I can mess with them, but I can't power them."

Hearing her answer, Loki was very surprised and fascinated by a new approach to magical theory. The Morrigan, terrifying as she might be, was undoubtedly an expert in magical matters. It reminded him slightly of his lessons with his mother, who had far more experience in the magical arts than him, even if he had more raw power than her.

His hostility set aside, he asked her, "I don't understand, Runes are symbols that can be powered by magic."

The woman shook her head, "No, they are much more than that. Runes are woven on the fabric of the magics that they use. While Midgard mages use the mana provided by the Earth itself, you do not. Their runes can only work for them, and not you. Asgardians, any living member in the Nine Realms, use the magic tied to the world tree, Yggdrasil, which is also tied to the Odinforce. Your father's runes are tied to this specific energy, which is why they can only be used by someone with compatible magics. It's a completely different system from Midgardian mages."

Loki was flabbergasted. No one was supposed to know anything regarding the Odinforce. It was Odin's and his alone. Any attempt at deciphering its secrets was met with an immediate and often fatal retaliation from the All-Father. How did the Morrigan know as much as she did? No matter how powerful she was, she can't have discovered all of this without the King of Asgard knowing about it.

Seeing him think so hard that steam was nearly coming out of his head, the Morrigan chuckled, "Don't worry you pretty little head about it. One day you'll get to sit on the adult table. Unfortunately for you, you've still got a long way to go."

Loki glowered at her. How dare she look down at him. In response to his probably frightening glare at least to Loki the woman burst into laughter, "Oh, that's so cute. Now, come along, let's go see your brother."

"Wait, what?"

The Morrigan turned around, her eyes practically twinkling in amusement, "Didn't you know? I'm Thor's new teacher now."


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.