Chapter 263: Courtly Visitations

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 263: Courtly Visitations

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


9th February 2013, Diagon Alley

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

The man didn't know much, but he had followed Doge out of curiosity, or perhaps hoping for some blackmail. It turns out that every month, Doge goes to Malfoy Manor for a meeting. He had tried to confront the man, in a greedy attempt at getting more money, but he was obliviated immediately. It was a rush job; probably because Doge had panicked since revealing the Court's existence is an easy way to die, but since Fletcher had no clue what the mind arts even were, it didn't matter much.

But now, it does, since it seems like I know where the meetings take place, lucky me. If they continue with their schedule, there was a meeting scheduled tonight. How fortunate.

I get out of the thief's mind and let his drooling body fall down. Sending a stunning spell at him to stop his muttering, due to a severe telepathic probe. Wait a minute, did I use a stunning spell? Have I been using magic this whole time?

It was very weird, that shouldn't have been possible. I had changed my magic core into a cosmic one. I shouldn't be able to cast spells. I shouldn't have even been able to use a wand, not that I needed it. Magic and cosmic energy were just different. My new energy was far denser and more primal than magic ever was, which means that what just happened should have been impossible.

I look at the wand in my hand, Mahogany with a core of a Unicorn hair, wasted on a petty thief and mercenary like that Fletcher guy. The wand had submitted itself completely to my control, which meant that I should be able to use it, if I was a witch that is.

Confused beyond measure, I flicked the wand, and a stunning spell flew out of it, hitting one of the groaning men that I was fighting. It looked exactly like a stunning charm cast by any mage on the planet.

Curious, very curious. I decide to take a closer look at the energy output to find out what was happening. I release another stunning spell, making sure that the energy conversion is small. A wand would crack if it was used to channel cosmic energy, the magic would just be overwhelmed. It was why I still haven't rebuilt a proper focus yet. I had ideas, but it will take a lot of experimentation to figure it out for sure. One thing is for certain; I am planning on having one made before the Ragnark mess happens. I have a feeling that I'll need one to deal with 'Those who Sit Above in Shadow'.

I could feel the cosmic energy flowing towards my hand and slowly as it moves towards the wand, it's transforming itself into magical energy. No, transforming isn't really what's happening, I think mimicking is more appropriate. Cosmic energy was always flexible, and reflexively, I used it to mimic my magic, since I am still used to fighting using magic after thousands of years using it.

Malfoy sneered, "Our first meeting now failed. Nott's summoning gambit didn't work. We couldn't find anything that has her magical signature to get it to work, and when we tried to use her name to do it, it just didn't work. What we're doing now is beyond dangerous, we're playing with fire here."

The Greengrass woman snorted, "We are mages; we play with things far more dangerous than magic."

I inwardly snorted. These idiots tried summoning me, someone of my power, without an anchor. After the Goblet of Fire mess, I made sure to track down and destroy any blood samples taken during my childhood, before my travel to the past.

Summoning was a very delicate art that could be used in many different ways. You could summon ethereal beasts and have them fight for your sake, you could summon demons or even gods, and you could summon someone who is still alive, which is probably what they tried. In every case, you need an anchor to the thing you're trying to summon, like blood, magic, even a name might suffice if the entity you're trying to summon is powerful enough.

They seemed to have attempted to summon me with a fake name, something that I would have resisted easily if it had worked. I am the Morrigan, that's who I am. Sure, I tend to have identities during each lifetime, but in my core, I am the Morrigan, the last Daughter of Atlantis.

Damn, if these were the people that Selene was worried about, then this was going to be a piece of cake. Although Zachariah Smith interjected, "I hate to say this, but Malfoy has a point. Doing this is just asking for trouble."

Elphias Doge interjected, "You youngsters don't understand, not really. There's a reason that we are being so heavy handed with the Potter situation. You never saw Lord Voldemort massacre hundreds of magical lines just because they opposed him. You didn't see Grindelwald slaughter entire battalions of Aurors and Hit Wizards as if they were nothing more than insects before him. You didn't even see Dumbledore dismissing his own allies during his legendary Duel with Grindelwald, killing friend and foe. They don't consider us, mere mortals, to be their equals. The fact that Rose Potter had slipped through the cracks was worrying enough, Jasmine Potter still being alive will cause nothing more than strife and destruction for all. It might look desperate, because we are desperate. We need to protect our world, and with the Massacre of the Tri Wizard tournament ending so many family lines, and endangering even more, we need to secure the future of magical Britain. The Court of Shadows has existed for a reason, and that noble purpose has yet to be fulfilled."

Malfoy nodded, "I can understand our purpose perfectly. But we're still dealing with an unknown, and one who doesn't want anything to do with us. Unnecessarily antagonizing her will bring destruction upon us. We have no mage that can stand up to her. You saw what happened in Hogsmeade, do you want to be on the receiving end of that? I was onboard with the previous plan because it was viable. We could have summoned her and trapped her, or even bound her, but this is madness. We are antagonizing her without any assurance that she won't attack us. We are not her equals, magically speaking."

Greengrass sighed in resignation, "She will turn her eye to Britain, they always do. It's better to encounter her on our terms than on hers. Besides, the Court has access to ancient tomes with far more powerful traps for us to use. Jasmine Potter will not know what hit her."

I let out a terrifying grin and reveal myself, "Won't I, now? I heard that you wanted my attention, well you have it now. Tell me, members of the Court of Shadows, do you fear Death?"


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.