Chapter 259: Worthy

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 259: Worthy

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


17th October 2012, Scotland, Earth

(Thor Odinson POV)

A lone tear came down from the Morrigan's eyes, and she continued, "He was my friend, the first one I made after I lost everything, and it broke my heart to know that he was going to kill himself soon, and that there was nothing I could do about it. In many ways, he inspired me. We had both lost our homes, but even after all the agony and betrayal he had suffered, he didn't give up. He walked into his enemy's home, tried to take every single one of them with him, and greeted death as an old friend. His dedication to his race, to his people was moving, and I vowed to do the same for Midgard. And now, here I am, Odinson, fulfilling my friend's last request, bringing you to his hammer, to his ultimate weapon for the fight ahead. Now, let us see, successor of my friend, if you are worthy."

Thor nodded, excited and terrified. He slowly walked up the hill and grabbed the hammer by its stone handle, feeling it thrum with a power that far surpassed his own. And yet, he knew that it belonged to him, for Mjolnir and he had a deep bond that resonated with his soul, and for a moment Mjolnir and Thor were one.

The young Prince had a smile on his face, feeling Mjolnir's presence, which took the form of blue lightning, start traveling the length of his arm and towards his heart. He was already deemed worthy by Uru Mjolnir, why would this be any different? For a fraction of a second Thor felt like he could pick up the stone hammer, the first step in surpassing all of his predecessors.

And yet, it wasn't to be. Suddenly, Mjolnir's presence faded, and the hammer fell into the ground, ignoring Thor's attempts at lifting it.

Thor didn't believe what had just happened. This reminded him of a hauntingly familiar scene, two years ago, when his father had banished him to Asgard, and Mjolnir deemed him unworthy of its power. The God of Thunder moved his hand, and the metal Mjolnir flew into his palm, reassuring him of its presence and allegiance.

It didn't make sense. The Morrigan claimed that his Mjolnir was a shard of the stone hammer in front of him, so, how can one of them accept him, and the other one reject him. He had no doubt that the woman next to him was telling the truth. There was a sense of familiarity, of companionship between himself and the stone hammer on the ground in front of him. He knew deep down in his soul that this was Mjolnir. Then why did it reject him?

He gave the Morrigan a pleading look, "Why?"

The green eyed beauty shrugged, "I cannot give you an answer I'm certain of, but I assume that Mjolnir found you unworthy."

"How is that possible? My Mjolnir seems to disagree."

The Prince of Asgard did so and found that all the grass around him for a good two dozen yards was completely blackened, destroyed by the thunderbolt. Funnily enough, the Morrigan didn't even look bothered in the slightest, her outfit still as pristine as ever.

Was all this damage done by his hand? Thor had a sheepish look and he looked at the Morrigan, who took pity on him and answered his unspoken question, "You have power, Odinson, but no control. Your weapon controlled your magic for you, directing it in your stead. Without it, you are only capable of slightly directing it. You will need to work on your control to properly master your powers. Truthfully, even with Mjolnir you have never learnt to control your power, merely direct it."

"I don't understand. What's the difference between them?"

The woman gave him a cheeky grin and opened her palm. Lightning surged in her hand, but it was odd; it wasn't in a straight line. It took the shape of a raven made out of lightning flying in her palm. In truth, Thor was flabbergasted by her control over lightning. And yet he was slightly peeved, "I don't see how this is useful in battle."

The Morrigan raised an eyebrow once more, "Not everything is about battle, Odinson. Sometimes we do things simply because we find beauty in them. But if you wish to see something fitting for battle, I'm more than happy to oblige."

The woman raised her hand, and the raven turned into a bolt of lightning that she sent into the clouds above. Thor almost commented that he had done the same, until he heard a roar appear from the clouds above. Slowly, the lightning materialized into the mythical figure of a dragon, that flew down from the sky into the hill next to them. The Morrigan smirked and intoned, "Begone with the Thunderclap"

With that signal, the lightning seemed to converge into a giant beam and fell towards the hill. When it was done, all that was left of it was a gigantic crater. The Morrigan simply gave Thor a smug smile and waited for him to stop gaping, something that wasn't happening any time soon.

How in the name of the gods did the Morrigan do this. Could he do this? Even with his largest lightning bolt, he couldn't even imagine casting something of this magnitude. He simply looked at the woman who didn't even seem winded in the slightest, something that deeply bothered the God of Thunder, and asked, "How?"

The woman was still smiling, "With proper control, power is not wasted, and the attacks are more concentrated and direct. I could send a bolt of lightning to vaporize an insect and nothing more. You should as well, that's not even mentioning you being more of a natural at controlling lightning since it is your main element. This is what you can achieve without Mjolnir if you learn how to control lightning properly. With your hammer, you would be able to do this tenfold, with the original Mjolnir, you could wipe out continents with barely a thought. Control is a strength on its own, one that the original Mjolnir recognizes. If you perfect your powers, I assure you that you will be able to pick up Mjolnir as your predecessor did."

"Will I ever surpass him?"

The witch gave him a disappointed look, "You should not want to. Power comes at a price, and even should you sacrifice your sight as he did, he was forged in the flames of betrayal and death. He was broken, alone, just as I was. It was why we got along so well, in the first place. His power was impressive, and it far surpassed mine at the time, but he wasn't happy, not really. While he was fundamentally more powerful than you in raw power, due to some special conditions regarding his birth that I won't go into details about, in the end, he lived a miserable life, and died alone. He was a hero, he was brave, and he was mighty, but he never understood the price his power came from until it was too late, and I hope that you will not suffer the same fate."

Thor didn't really understand what the witch was getting at, instead he said the words that he was yearning to ask, "Teach me."


If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them so you can read up to 15 chapters ahead as a bonus.

Thank you guys for your support in these hard times.