Chapter 248: Eternal Rival

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 248: Eternal Rival

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


4th October 2012, Potter Manor

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

"Rule the pitiable empire you have made up in your mind. Play with the media, drag my name through the mud, and I won't give a shit about any of it. I won't even notice it, probably. But don't think for one second that I'm not watching you. All it would take for everything to come crumbling down is a single mistake. Pray that we do not meet again, Hermione Granger."

I took one last look at the trembling girl and left alongside my sister. She gave me a warm smile; she must have wanted to do this to her for years, but couldn't because her brother would take his friend's side. I turned towards Nathan and looked him in the eyes, "You're a disappointment, Potter."

I then grab my sister's hand and teleport away. I relished the look of shock on Granger's face when we ignored the anti-apparition wards on the property.

In the blink of an eye, the two of us arrived in New York, specifically in a dark alley right next to my second favorite caf, Central Perk, since the first one was still under repair after SHIELD tried to blow it up. They actually opened a donation website to get things going, and with the anti-SHIELD sentiment going around, they earned quite a bit more than the shop was supposed to be worth. I may have given them a pretty generous donation to get things rolling.

This caf, on the other hand, was more casual than the previous one. It didn't cater to the rich, but to the working class. There were no paintings, or expensive ornaments, it was just a cozy place.

I sat down on the couch and ordered a cup of tea for Rose and me, and we started talking. Rose was the first to speak up, "Did you have to be that harsh with her?"

I gave her an incredulous look, "You know, Rose, you're pretty smart when it comes to magic, but when people are involved, you're pretty nave." This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

She didn't seem happy with my answer, "That's really uncalled for, Jasmine. And you know as much as I do that you could have been a little less aggressive when dealing with Hermione."

Ikaris just nodded. He has never liked me, since I stopped them from achieving their purpose. Rose, on the other hand, gasped in shock, "These are two of the Eternals that you told me about."

I nodded, "Yes, they are. They look remarkably human, don't they?"

Before she could answer, Ikaris interjected, "This is not the time for this nonsense. You have been summoned, Morrigan. You need to come with us."

I shrugged and raised him an eyebrow, "I still haven't finished my tea yet."

Ajak snorted, "Ah, nothing beats a good cup of tea," she then gave me a curious look, "you seem different."

Oh, so, she must have noticed the cosmic energy that was flowing through me. I nodded, "I feel different. In a way, I am closer to your kind, and to that of your patron's, than I am to humanity."

Ikaris visibly gritted his teeth and I continued, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not close to being as powerful as he is, nor as experienced, but I might be closer than any being born mortal has ever been to joining his race."

The two Eternals stiffened at my declaration, Ajak broke the silence, "How is that possible?"

"I did something very risky and nearly lost myself in the process. I was desperate, you see. But this is not the time for tales of the past. I have been meaning to speak with your patron for a while. I was just too busy to do it."

"Does this have anything to do with your fight earlier today?" Ajak asked, "I felt a huge amount of cosmic energy being released. We almost intervened in your fight."

I shook my head, "No, this is an unrelated subject, one that Arishem will want to speak of as well. Grave danger is coming, and it will not be merciful to any of us. I understand that there are complications between your race and myself, certain tensions were never resolved, but in the coming crisis, I will need your help."

Ikaris shook his head, "We do not intervene with humanity's development. That is one of our biggest orders."

I shook my head, "To live is to interfere with the others around, or you'll have achieved nothing but waste your years in solitude. But I am not talking about an event that threatens this planet. I know that you are quite willing to let it be destroyed without issues, but what I'm talking about is destruction on a scale never seen before. I cannot foresee Arishem disagreeing with my idea, because if he did, he'll be a hypocrite to his own purpose of creating life."

Ajak shook her head, "You do not need to convince us, you'll need to convince Arishem, and we will follow. We need to go, you're expected."

I nodded and prepared to meet Arishem the Judge, the leader of the celestials. I truly hoped that things would work out.