Chapter 244: Self Reflection

Name:Magical Marvel (HP X MCU) Author:
Chapter 244: Self Reflection

If you want to support me check out my patron at /athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


4th October 2012, Middle of the Pacific Ocean

(Jasmine Sayre POV)

I raised the stone in the air, and it floated near my temple and glowed. I gave Ego a sad look, "If only I could believe you, Ego. You were such a disappointment. I hope that you will find peace in Death."

Before he could protest, I put both of my hands on the head of the celestial and channeled the Mind Stone's power. I shredded the entirety of whatever made Ego, Ego. In the end, there was nothing left but a corpse, a planet that was dead in spirit and yet still alive.

I watched as the energy projection started to fade away. It might have been a trick of the light, but I could feel him smile at the end of the torment that was his life. And thus spelled the end of Ego, the living planet, a broken celestial who was more human than myself.

With my fight done, I reflected on my actions. It was a shame, really, that I had to shred his mind like I did. Perhaps I could have fixed him, somehow, using the Mind Stone. It was an unlikely possibility, even with an infinity stone in my possession; the mind of a celestial who was probably billions of years old was different, alien, and just something that I couldn't grasp, as I haven't ascended myself. And even if I did, even if I could brainwash him somehow, I had no guarantee that he would never be able to reverse the process. Ego was older than even my planet, he had to have a few backups in case something happened. The only reason that I'm not panicking and making sure that I'm ready for whatever revenge Ego would have should he return, was the fact that I felt his soul pass on after I destroyed his mind.

Because there are many types of dying, and in this case, the death of a living being occurs when its soul stops being anchored to this realm and moves on to the afterlife. As I stated before, a soul is anchored to the mind and the body of an individual. Destroying the mind destabilizes the trinity and the soul is released, and yet the body remains. The celestial is now technically in a vegetative state and will slowly start to fade away over time. The planet, his corpse, will keep absorbing cosmic energy at a slower pace as the body dies. The process should take thousands if not millions of years, meaning that the planet is now technically a battery of cosmic energy that no one can use, save for one person, Peter Quill.

I have no idea how the hell Ego managed to tie his son's celestial heritage to his own life force, but if I had a guess, it would be that when he impregnated women all over the galaxy, he designed his sperm to act that way. Even if he was a crappy father, no one could deny that Ego's expertise in biological manipulation was unparalleled. I could see him doing this to make sure that whatever offspring he has would be loyal to him. Because who would betray someone if doing so meant that they would lose access to godly power and immortality?

I didn't know how much time passed since I started manipulating the mist, but it took a lot of effort and I was barely standing from my exhaustion afterwards, but it was done. As far as the non-magical world was concerned, a relatively large meteorite fell into the pacific which caused all these disturbances that their sensors got.

With that done, I only needed to deal with the mutant higher ups who knew about my encounter with Ego, and the magical world. I needed to call Rose to clear things up, not to mention, tell Selene that I'm alright. She probably sensed the energy that we used in our fight and was worried sick.

I steeled my mind and teleported home where I was immediately hugged by Selene, "I was so worried, what happened?"

"Well, I went to clear my head for a bit, and I got into a fight."

She let go and glared at me, "What the fuck, Morrigan? I felt how much energy you were sending out; this wasn't your usual fight."

I nodded, "well, remember Ego, the celestial that I used to make a cosmic core for myself?" she nodded and I continued, "well, apparently he felt his seedling die, and didn't like it. He had a mad goal that he wanted me to join him in, that would have resulted in the Death of pretty much every civilization in the galaxy. I refused, and well, things escalated from there."

She gave me an incredulous look, "Things escalated? Are you mad? The news have noticed your little solar flare all the way from space. Have you lost all sense of subtlety?"

"Look, he was very strong, alright."

She sighed in exasperation, "At least tell me that he's not coming back."

I nodded, "I killed him, don't worry."

I could feel the impressed gaze she had when I told her. Celestials were the stuff of legends, far more powerful than most elder gods, and the fact that I defeated one, even if Ego was half mad and had crippled himself, was very impressive.

Before I could say anything, I felt Rose slamming the door open and exclaiming, "What the hell did you do?"

Well, shit. This isn't going to be a good day, is it?